Status: Active. Mostly often yet irregular updates.

And the world stopped spinning

Chapter Eleven -Fang

I sat in the waiting room, doing just that -waiting. I was leaning forward, my elbows on my knees, my hands interlocked and against my mouth. I was agitated, and highly on edge. The only thing running through my mind, over and over again, was Is Max okay? That was my one concern at the moment.
When Max collapsed, I carried her back to my car and drove her here, not caring that she'd hate my guts for it. I told the doctors what I knew, then they took her away, telling me to wait here. And I couldn't get her out of my head, the moment she collapsed, her yelling at me, her pale unresponding face as they wheeled her into the emergency room.
I sighed, glad there was nobody else here. This was a small hospital, and not many people lived in the town, so they rarely had clients. The waiting room had twenty chairs at most, cheap plastic things like they get in schools.
A nurse came out and spotted me. She walked over, and I stood up, expecting anything.
"She's fine. We just stitched her up, and we gave her a bit of morphine, so she wont wake up for another hour or so. You allowed to see her." She smiled at me and led me down the corridor, all the bright white hurting my eyes. I hated hospitals. She led me to a plain green-blue door wih a rectangular window in the top. She opened it, gesturing for me to go in. I did, then turned to look at her.
"Oh, right. I'll leave you kids alone." She flashed her white teeth again, then walked out, closing the door behind her. I walked over to the bed to the right, the curtain pulled to seperate her from the other ones, even though they were empty. I guessed it was just common practice. I walked around it, and stopped when I saw her.
She was a little less pale now, but still moreso than usual. She had one of those tubes up her nose (Who knows why...) and an IV in her arm, a pint of blood hanging on the stand next to her. The gash in her arm now had stitches in it, making it look slightly worse. There was also the annoying beeping of the heart-rate thing that she was hooked up to.
I sat down in the chair that was against the wall, about a metre from her bed. About an hour, the nurse had said. I'd wait that long. I'd wait years for her if that was what it took.

"Fang." I woke when I heard my voice being called, realizing I'd fallen asleep. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with one of my hands, remembering where I was and why I was here. I looked over at the bed, where Max was sitting up and looking at me.
"Oh. So you're okay, then..." I mumbled, shifting in the chair. She cocked her head, watching me, frowning slightly.
"Why'd you do it?" She said, sounding kind of angry.
"A simple thank you would suffice," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Thank you. Now why'd you do it?" Man, was she stubborn or what?
"I couldn't just leave you there, Max. You'd have died."
"So what? 'Max died, OMG that's terrible!'" She imitated the voice of somebody sarcastically. And her words hurt, like a stab in the chest. She wouldn't care if she died?
"Max, people will be upset if you died."
"Oh yeah? Like who?"
I took a deep breath, then began listing. "Valencia -your mum, Ella, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, me, Ben, Angela -but only really because she's over emotional, the rest of your family, like Ari and maybe Jeb-"
"Okay okay! Fine." She sighed, looking disdainfully at the IV in her arm. Then her expression changed to shocked. "Wait, what?! Did you say that you would miss me?"
"Uhm, yeah." She burst out laughing, then calmed down quickly.
"Okay, whoa. What did they give me? 'Cause I think I'm hearing things." She said, an angry kind of laugh entering her speech. I frowned.
"I'm not kidding, Max." I said, my voice steely.
"Oh, I know. The last thing you would do is kid." She made her voice match my tone, which pissed me right off.
"I just saved your life! The least you could do is be grateful for it!"
"I didn't ask to be saved, Fang!"
"Because you're a stuck-up bitch! You might as well be killing yourself on purpose!"
"I might just do that!"
I gasped a little, stung by her words. Her facade didn't waver, looking just as pissed. I clenched my fists, pissed at myself for even giving her the idea. I punched the wall next to me, cussing fiercely under my breath when I found out it was solid cement. Now I was pissed and my knuckles were bleeding. Great.
"Get out," She said icily, and I looked at her, my eyes narrowing.
"Gladly," I said, making my voice even colder. I turned and walked out, flipping my black hair out of my eyes. I slammed the door shut behind me, shocking a passing nurse, and stormed out of the hospital to my car. I got in, shoving my keys in the ignition.
I sighed, leaning my back, my head against the back of the chair. Why? Why did I have to be such an idiot?
I slammed my fist against the wheel, cussing loudly. I started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated for a while! I've been busy getting organized for school and such, and staying up late reading webcomics... But anyway, here's the next bit. I'm kind of running low on ideas about where this should go (I know how it's going to end, just don't know how to get there) so if you have any please comment! It will be very greatly appreciated!