Status: Active

The Whole Sky Fell

Changes and Threats

Abigail stood in the bathroom mirror in her bra and underwear, pulling her hair back into the required ponytail for work, smoothing the sides and combing through her bangs. She stared at the way her ribs protruded from her body as she breathed. She'd always kept an athletic, thin physique, but her hip bones had never stuck out like this and her ribs had never seemed so evident.

Abby knew her eating habits had changed, but after a month and a half the lack of calories and sleepless nights had truly begun to take a toll. She had dark bags under her eyes, and her complexion was dull and lifeless. Her misogynistic boss, Hank, had made a few negative comments about her appearance, which she'd usually let roll away, but she was beginning to realize how different she looked.

Her phone beeped and she found herself smiling to see Kennedy had sent her a text message: We're about 5 hours away. Just thought I'd let you know.[/]

She liked that he was succinct and to the point with his messages. Abby didn't want to be coddled or treated like a porcelain version of herself. God knew she was already breakable enough.

"Gross," Abby sighed as she poked at her skinny thighs and pointy elbows.

Surely no one would want her now that she was so bony. But maybe that was a good thing... She walked into Kenny's room and to his bed where she'd laid out her work uniform. Black slacks and a white v-neck. The restaurant she worked at wasn't the trashiest establishment, but her boner of a boss still valued cleavage on the waitresses who worked there, claiming it made customers spend more.

Maybe he was right. When Abby had first started there her tips had been amazing. Now that she'd gone down a cup size and her medium shirt was loose, it seemed male customers were more interested in the football games playing on the TVs than on her. This made her more comfortable, though.

Abby pulled on the shirt, being careful not to make her freshly-done hair frizzy, then put on her pants. They had to be worn with a belt now, otherwise they'd fall down before she was out of the apartment. She found herself washed over with a sense of shame when the usual belt hole she used proved to be too loose. Abby cinched the belt a little tighter and grabbed her purse before she walked out the door. She'd buy new pants tomorrow.


"Hey, Abby," The restaurant's hostess, Katie, greeted her on the way into work.

Abby forced a smile and tried not to feel jealous that Katie actually filled out her white v-neck.

Katie followed behind her, toward the employees only section of the restaurant, "It's been super slow in here tonight, so I wouldn't count on making much in tips. Hank's already talking about sending people home early."

"That sucks," Abby sighed, tossing her purse into the locker she'd been assigned two years ago, "Maybe it'll pick up because the game's on tonight."

"There aren't any games on tonight," Katie rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Oh, I thought there was something..." Abby trailed off, pinning on her nametag as she pretended to know anything about current events.

"Nope, all that basketball stuff ended last week and no teams around here have a game tonight," Katie rambled on, "Hank's pretty pissed about it, I think. Keeps mumbling something about the damn owners of major league teams."

Abby forced a small laugh, tightening her ponytail and smoothing down her shirt. Katie was blonde with doe-like blue eyes. There was a time when the two of them had hung out, but that was months ago, before everything had gone down at the party. She knew Katie didn't know Hayley or any of her friends, but Abby had retreated from nearly everyone in the past month.

"We should get out on the floor before Hank starts mumbling stuff about us," Katie laughed, heading out of the employee room.

Abby sighed and followed her out, watching Katie's high ponytail swing as she walked cheerfully back to her post at the front of the restaurant. Abigail busied herself by picking up the bus boy's duties, since Hank had sent him home. Katie had been right, Hank was in a terrible mood. She could hear doors slamming in the kitchen and his curses at the cooks, as if a slow work night was their fault.

The hours passed slowly and there were only two tables in during the whole shift. After three hours Hank sent Katie home and had Abby as the only person left on the staff. The sun had set outside and she was sure no one else would be in. She could see the road from the hostess stand, and there weren't many cars out.

Abby glanced over as Hank walked up to her, "I'm going to call it a night. No use in paying electricity and water with no one to buy a damn cheeseburger."

"Do you need help closing up?" Abby offered half-heartedly.

"Nope," Hank shook his head, "The cooks already have the kitchen half shut down and I figure I can mop this place up in less than 10 minutes."

"Okay," Abby shrugged, untying her apron and making her way toward the employee room.

"And Abby," Hank called out, "Do something about getting some clothes that actually fit your bony ass."

Abby sighed and finally got to her locker. She pulled out her purse and replaced it with her bundled up apron and tossed her nametag on top. The cooks yelled goodbye as Abby left the restaurant, and she dug through her purse to find her keys as she made her way to her car. She was lost in thought about Kennedy coming home and was jolted by the sound of a door slamming.

Abby's stomach dropped to the floor when she made out who was walking toward her, and she frantically unlocked her car.

"What's the hurry?" He chided, quickening his face toward her.

Abby bit her bottom lip and reached for her car door. Just as she got it open, he reached her and slammed it back shut.

"What do you want, Shane?" Abby asked in the most courageous voice she could muster, but it barely came out above a whisper.

Her palms were cold and sweaty, and her knees were barely holding her upright. Abby just wanted to run back into the safety of the restaurant and its bright lights and even sexist Hank.

He loomed over her, making her feel small and even more nervous.

"Well, ya see, I've got a little problem," Shane clenched his hand into a fist, still keeping it firmly in place on the door, "There's been a lot of talk going around about that party we were both at."

Abby tried to breath, tried to make sure her lungs were getting any oxygen at all, but it felt like a ton of bricks were pressing down on her chest.

"People are saying shit," He continued, his voice rising, "Saying complete bullshit. Now Hayley broke up with me. All because of some absolute bullshit you told people!"

Abby felt bile rising in her throat. No one knew. It had only slipped out that night at Garrett's show, and that was only to Hayley and the boys. She willed her feet to move, but Shane must have sensed she was about to run, because he placed a hand on her chest and pushed her into the car. She felt any bit of air left in her lungs escape her lips.

"You want to know how long I was with her, and that fucking cunt just decided to break up with me?!" He put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing hard.

Abby whimpered as her shoulder seared with pain, "Please stop."

"I'll stop when I feel like it, alright bitch?" He slammed her into the car again before grabbing her face forcefully.

Tears began to fall down Abby's cheeks, but it seemed like this only made Shane's fingers and thumb dig further into her jaw and cheeks.

"You fucked with my life, you stupid bitch," He seethed down at her, "You think you can just get away with that?"

Abby's throat let out an involuntary cry, which only enraged Shane more. He let go of her face, but only pulled his hand away to strike her across the cheek with a hard slap. She grabbed her face in pain, wiping it across her mouth only to see blood.

Shane pushed her into the car again, "If I hear about you saying anything else, I'll hurt you lots worse than a fucking bloody lip. You hear me?"

He stared at her for another minute before turning on his heel and walking back toward his truck. When he was a safe distance away, Abby yanked on her door handle and scrambled into the car, fumbling to lock the doors. Her chest seized up and down, gasping for air as she put the keys into the ignition. Shane's truck squealed out of the parking lot, and Abby watched as he sped onto the road.

She waited until his tail lights weren't visible anymore to start searching through her purse until she found her iPhone. Abby dialed the numbers almost blindly and held the phone to her ear, cursing the person on the other end for taking so long to pick up.

"911, what's your emergency?" A woman's voice asked her.

"I've been assaulted," Abby choked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
A certain someone commented on this story that I've honestly completely forgotten about. But hey, here's an update. Also, I've started working on stuff over at the All Time Low Fanfiction site, so if you want to check out my account over there (with a new story and an update on an old one) go to this link: