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Gerard Way's Birthday Mibba Collaboration 2011

Dear Gerard...

Dear Gerard,

I remember the first time I heard you sing. It was in “Famous Last Words”. From the beginning, I was hooked. Caught in a whirlwind of feelings; love, amazement, awe and, mainly sense of upliftment. From the moment on, I was addicted to the sounds of My Chemical Romance. I started soaking up all I could. I asked for “The Black Parade” and got it. The song that stuck out to me the most was “The Sharpest Lives”. It made me want to dance, sing, yell, scream, laugh and, start a riot. I listened to that CD non-stop.

Back then, I was jaded. Jaded and broken. Whenever I felt total shit, I'd listen to “Famous Last Words” and “I'm Not Okay”. Those songs kept me sane. (Well, as sane as I could be.) Those songs helped me through friends who I trust, lies, rumors and, something I never should've done: cutting.

On Saturday of February 22nd, I almost did something more terrible than words. The day was good, except for my best friend getting mad at me. That day I went to another friend's birthday party. It was fun, and filled with total chaos. I had so much fun and was so very happy. But I got home that night and the worst feeling came over me. That night I almost committed suicide. I was so, so very afraid to be left alone. I stayed in my room all night online talking to someone to help pull me through and listening to music. You helped save me that night. I listened to “I'm Not Okay”, “
The Ghost of Me
” and, “Famous Last Words” over and over again.

So thank you, and Happy Birthday. You've given me so much inspiration in my life. I can only say thank you and I love you so many times. I will always be a killjoy in The Black Parade.

Carry on,
Grace Wilkins