Status: This volume will be more about Misfits than Supernatural.

Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

The American Bomber.

Ev studied her reflection in the two-way mirror. Her face was clearly annoyed but she recognized a glint of confusion in her eyes.. Her fingers were tapping impatiently on the metallic table she was seated at. Ev had been sitting there for 14 minutes by her count and even though she hadn’t been visited by any policemen, she suspected they were watching her through the mirror. Ev remained silent for another two minutes before she burst. “Do you put all drunks in interrogation rooms or just Americans?”
As if on cue a man with silver hair and his tubby associate entered. “So you admit to being drunk?” the tubby one greeted with an Scottish drawl. He was dressed in pale brown, the same color of his balding hair.
“No, you made me take a breathilizer the second I walked in the station. I saw the looks on your faces – it was 0.0 wasn’t it?” Ev responded crossing her arms as the man with the silver hair sat across from her.
“Yes. So tell us, what were you doing in that showcar?” asked the silver-haired Brit.
“I don’t…remember.” Ev answered hesitantly.
“That true?” Tubby asked. “Because according to your record,” he opened a file in his thick hands. “You enjoy a little public mayhem.”
Ev’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t have a record.” She said.
“Uh no?” Tubby challenged. “Cause I’m looking at it right now.” He turned the file so she could see a picture of herself. There was a screen with ‘New York – Delayed’ written in bright green electronic letters. “Evangeline Winchester. Caught rough-horsing while on an airborne plane” he shut the file and tossed it onto the table so that it slid in front of Ev.
“I was not ‘rough-horsing’ I was taking down a phantom traveler!” Ev replied.
“A what?” Silver asked.
Ev’s eyes darted from him to Tubby. “…Nothing. Nevermind.” She muttered breaking eye contact.
“So you remember your record now?” Tubby asked.
Ev rolled her eyes. “It’s hardly a record but yes.” She agreed.
“Your name’s Evangeline Winchester?”
“Funny,” Silver spoke up, getting something out of his jacket. “Your passport says Rebecca Harlynn.” The familiar blue leather pressed between his fingers.
Ev stared at it. She had been frisked when she first entered the station but hadn’t been aware of the female cop palming the passport. Ev’s eyes flicked to Silver’s and she smiled. “Rebecca Harlynn was my old name. I had it legally changed to Evangeline Winchester.” She lied. Actually it was the other way around. Her original passport had been yanked due to the incident on the plane.
“Why such butch names?” asked Tubby. “You a lezzie or somethin’?”
Ev glared before she could control herself. “No. I’m not.” She replied.
Silver sat forward. “What were you doing in that showcar?” he repeated.
“I told you I don’t remember.” Ev said.
“Oh you don’t remember planting the bomb beneath the passenger’s seat?” Tubby asked mockingly.
Ev’s head retracted in surprise. “..Did you say a bomb?” she replied.
“You playing the stupid card again?” Tubby responded. “Didn’t work on the mallcop, you honestly think it’ll work on two federal agents?”
Ev stared. “….You’re FBI?” she squeaked.
Silver nodded. “I’m Special Agent Robert Johnson. This is my partner Henry Newton.” He introduced.
A large lump formed in Ev’s throat “…I want a lawyer.” She murmured.

Her lawyer’s name was Mr. Alastair, he immediately gave her the creeps. He was taller than her father, about 6’2 if she had to guess, lean and had a misshapen head – it rather reminded her of the Green Goblin mask William Dafoe wore in Spider-Man. Mr. Alastair informed Ev that her face was already splashed on international television. That information instantly terrified Ev but to add insult to injury Mr. Alastair had the most peculiar voice. His words were slurred but not due to a lisp yet it was far too smooth to be a Southern accent.
Ev had bigger troubles than her oddball lawyer though. The FBI agents were putting on the heat. They constantly pointed at the airplane incident as if it were proof enough of her guilt. Before things got too messy, a young man stepped forward to take credit for the bomb. Unfortunately Ev wasn’t off the hook that easily– the mall was pressing charges for ‘disturbing the peace’.
“BULLSHIT.” Ev fumed marching out of the policestation with Mr. Alastair in tow. “They should be thanking me!! If I hadn’t taken a nap in that showcar thousands of people would be dead! I should be awarded a medal or something! Instead they’re giving me /community service/?! Fucking DICKS!” Ev stopped short as Crowley walked up to her.
“Suppose this means the bond between the U.S. and the U.K. is currently strained.” Crowley greeted. “Otherwise they would’ve branded you a hero….as you so colorfully pointed out. Damn politicians.” He smiled.
“What happened after we left the airport? I know we were supposed to find the Colt…did we?” Ev asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Crowley replied.
“I took you to one of the Colt’s supposed locations. Next thing I know I’m seeing your pretty face on my tele.”
Ev groaned and started to pace. “Something happened to me, I know it, I just…cant remember.” She stammered. Sighing she stopped pacing and studied Crowely. “Where have you been anyway?” she added.
“Bailing you out of jail.” Crowley replied smoothly.
“…That boy who confessed?”
“Was possessed.”
“Crowley!” Ev complained loudly.
“Mm shoulda had more faith in me.” Mr. Alastair spoke up. Ev looked at him blankly and as he returned the stare, his eyes rolled to the back of his head causing Ev to gasp.
“I do apologize.” Crowley said. “Now. Off with you then.” Despite ‘Mr. Alastair’ disappearing, Ev continued to stare at where he had stood. Crowley touched her arm. “Evangeline?”
“You sent me a demonic lawyer?” Ev asked slowly.
“Please. All demons are lawyers Ev.” Crowley answered.
“I don’t /really/ have to do community service do I?”
“Afraid so.”
“But..the Colt…”
“The Colt will have to wait. First things first.”
“Crowleyyyy…” Ev whined.
Crowley smirked. “You’ll be doing yourself a favor – staying under the radar until the international media forgets about you.”
Ev sighed. “Shit.”
“Precisely.” Crowley said transporting the both of them to his living room made up polished wooden walls, a gorgeous decorative rug and a marble fireplace. Ev was stunned. Crowley retreated to the glass of wine he had abandoned to meet Ev. “Care for some?” he offered pouring more red liquid from the bottle. .
Ev didn’t hear him, she was lost in one of Van Gogh’s most famous pieces hanging near the fireplace. “This place is AMAZING. You live here?” she blurted facing him.
Crowley smirked again. “I’ll try to ignore your blatant surprise.” He replied raising the glass to his lips.
“..Sorry.” Ev said lamely.
“I imagine it’s been a long day for you.” Crowley began. Ev made a noise of agreement studying the painting again. “Why don’t you go and wash up?” he suggested. Ev glanced at him sharply. “The bathroom’s upstairs to the left.”
“Are you saying I smell?” Ev asked.
“Course not. Just thought you might want a change of clothes after all that’s happened.”
“And what clothes am I supposed to change into?”
“Let me worry about that.”

The bathroom had streaked marble walls of green and black and a white tiled floor. The bathtub was made of ivory. Ev sighed dreamily. She had grown up moving from one crappy motel room to the next. Patrick had a nice studio but it paled in comparison with Crowley’s manor. Approaching the bathtub she pushed the plug down and delicately turned the golden faucet. She started to pull down her pants but paused mid-thigh to stare at her skin. Her fingers ran over an unfamiliar thick curved scar trailing beneath her thigh. “…the hell?” she muttered. As she continued to undress she searched for other scars. There was one on her shoulderblade that she had gotten on a hunt with her brother but aside from that, she found nothing. She stared at her scarred thigh as she slowly lowered herself into the bathtub. It looked painful yet she had absolutely no memory of how she had gotten it. Crowley appeared in the room startling Ev out of her thoughts as she hastily covered her lady parts with her arms.
“Got some clothes for you from Meg.” He said.
“Who’s Meg?” Ev replied. Crowley didn’t respond, he just set her clothes on the tolietseat. Ev rolled her eyes guessing the reason for his silence: “Another demon?”
“Her meatsuit’s about the same size as you.”
“See you in a bit.” Crowley said turning to leave.
“Crowley?” Ev blurted. He paused glancing at her though his body was turned. “What day is it?”
“Saturday.” He answered. Ev stared at her scar with a frown. “Why?”
“Saturday what?” she pressed.
“…Saturday the 12th. Is something wrong?” Crowley replied. Ev slowly shook her head. She had thought maybe she had lost a week but it had been Saturday the 12th when she arrived in Britain. How had this unknown wound healed into a scar in the course of 24 hours? It was impossible. What had happened? Why couldn’t she remember?

The clothes Meg had provide were skinny jeans and a blue tanktop which Ev didn’t mind but it wouldn’t have been her first choice. She found Crowley in the dinning room sitting opposite Mr. Alastair. Before she could turn around and hide they had seen her. “Evangeline, have a seat.” Crowley encouraged.
Keeping her eyes on Mr. Alastair, Ev sat in the chair beside Crowley’s. “What’s he doing here?” she asked.
Mr. Alastair smiled hollowly and Ev wondered why she hadn’t been able to tell he was a demon right off the bat. “It’s good to see you again, Ev.” He replied. Ev rolled her shoulders trying to cloak a shiver.
“He’s here about your community service.” Crowley answered. “Where it is and the like.”
“How long do I have to do it?” Ev sighed resting her arms on the table.
“2 months.” Crowley replied. Ev groaned loudly and sank her head onto her arms. “Your locker number is 48, the jumpsuit you’ll be required to wear will be inside. And you’re to be in Group E made up of 6 persons, Curtis Donovan among them…he was a famous runner once.”
Ev propped her head up with her hand. “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.
“Thought you’d want to know who you’d be working with…”
“…I’d rather not.”
“If you insist.” Crowley said with indifference.
“Can he leave now?” Ev asked, her green eyes locked on Mr. Alastair’s dull blue ones.
Crowley’s brown eyes flicked from her to him, then he cocked his head and Alastair was gone. “Expected more gratitude from you Ev.” He said drinking his wine.
“He’s a demon.” Ev replied coldly.
“So am I.”
“Right….Do you know what creatures cause memory loss?”
“Only angels far as I know.” Crowley replied.
Ev laughed. “Angels.” She repeated. The look on Crowley’s face cut her giggles short. “….They’re not real are they?” she blurted.
Crowley looked at her a long time then he broke eye contact as the butler arrived with a plate of food. “Course not.” He said lowly. A frown was embedded on Ev’s lips.


The following day Ev was sent to fulfill her community service. Stepping out of Crowley’s limo, she paid no attention to her surroundings – she didn’t notice what the building looked like or care that it was along a body of water. She didn’t take in the bland details of the interior on her way to the locker room. She just wanted to get this shit over with. Twisting in the combo of her locker, she threw it open and was greeted by the sight of an orange jumpsuit. Ev groaned internally, sighed and undressed. She was aware of two females and a guy in a cap joining her amongst the lockers but she didn’t look at them. As she was zipping up the jumpsuit two other guys entered, one had curly hair, the other had black skin. Ev closed her locker door revealing a blue-eyed boy who had just done the same thing. He had dark hair, his short bangs falling in a straight line across his forehead. Ev forced a smile. “..Hi.” she said softly. He smiled meekly and walked away. Ev exhaled, her eyes landing on a large mirror in the corner of the room. Passing the other patrons blindly, Ev went in front of it to study how she looked in the jumpsuit. She grimace - orange looked horrible on her. “Fuck.” She said aloud.
“What’d you say?” asked a male Irish drawl.
Ev could only see the other girls in the mirror’s reflection so she glanced back. The guy with the cap was walking out and the dark-skinned guy had just put on a wifebeater. The boy with the thick curly hair was the only one looking at her. “…Nothing.” She replied, earning the attention of the girls.
The curly haired boy started towards her as if in a trance. “You American?” he asked.
“You’re the American bomber.” The dark-skinned boy noted with a strong English accent.
“I am not!” Ev said.
“Ahhh that makes sense.” The Irish one agreed. He put his hands on his hips. “I thought you looked familiar. Glad you’re that and not a lass I banged.”
Ev scoffed and started for the exit. “I didn’t bomb anything. I didn’t PLACE a bomb anywhere. It wasn’t me.” She announced.
“Right all terrorists say that.”
Ev froze in her tracks and spun around, immediately stepping towards him. “Listen to me Jonas,” One of the girls laughed and his eyes darted to her. “You obviously didn’t see the whole newscast. Someone else claimed responsibility for the bomb. A MALE by the way.” She poked his chest then pointed at herself. “I’m innocent.” She finished.
The English one spoke up: “Then why are you here?”
Ev glanced at him briefly. “For disturbing the peace.” She muttered, leaving.
“That’s one way of putting it!” she heard the Irishmen jeer.
Ev cursed herself for not being prepared for this. Her eyes landed on a buff black man, the probation officer she guessed, who was pointing for her to go outside. She didn’t make eye contact as she passed him. There was no way she was letting him know she was ‘the American bomber’ too. Pushing through one of the glass double doors, she found the boy with the cap and the blue-eyed one she had said hi to. Both were leaning against the railing but were standing miles apart. Ev went between them but looked out across the water. “Hi.” Said a timid voice with the twinge of an unknown accent. Ev glanced at the source and saw it was the blue-eyed one. Her smile came naturally this time but she just nodded slightly. Her smile faltered as the curly-haired one appeared between them.
“She’s the American bomber ya know.” He told blue-eyes as the girls – one white with blonde hair pulled tightly black, the other with curly blondish hair and lightly dark skin fell in line between them..
“Cool.” Said the capped guy and Ev noticed the dark-skinned one was standing on his other side.
Ev smirked weakly. “And guess who I’m going to blow up next.” She mocked crossing her arms as she faced the same direction as the rest of them.
“You flirting with me? This how Americans flirt?” he asked with a smile. Ev glared with her full fury and his smile fell. “Guess not.” He added looking straight ahead.
Ev smirked in content as the probation officer approached. His dark eyes scanned across the line of them. “This is it. This is your chance to do something positive. To give something back. You can help people, you can really make a difference to people’s lives. That’s what community service is all about.” He announced pleasantly. “People out there think you’re scum. You have an opportunity to prove them wrong.”
“Yeah but what if they’re right?” the curly haired troublemaker asked. “Take the American bomber for instance,” he gestured at Ev and her cheeks flared in anger. “I think some people are just born criminals.” His eyes trailed past Ev to the guy with the cap.
“You looking to get stabbed?” he asked.
Ev joined in: “Seriously if you don’t shut up I’m going to drown you.”
“See my point there?” Curly said as the mixed girl’s phone rang.
“Doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past…hey…” the probation officer said trying to get her attention. “Excuse me, I’m still talking here.”
The mixed girl held the phone away. “What I thought you finished?” she replied with a sharp British accent.
“You see my lips still moving that means I’m still talking.” He retorted.
Curly spoke up: “Yeah but you coulda been yawning or..chewing..”
The probation officer ignored him. “End the call.” He said. “Hang up!”
She continued to talk for a minute before saying “I’ll call you later.”
Leaning forward Curly spoke again “You alright there weird kid?” he asked blue-eyes. “I think your bomber girlfriend is more interested in freckles over here.” He walked straight past Ev to the guy with the cap. “Aint that right?” He kissed the air.
“I’ll rip out your throat and shit down your neck.” The capped guy said.
“We need to work as a team here.” The probation officer said as Curly and Capped got in each other’s faces.
“Can I move to a different group? This isn’t going to work for me.” The dark-skinned one said.
“What makes you think you’re better than us?” asked the blonde girl with an accent that immediately drew attention. It was thick and drawn out.
“What kind of accent is that?!” Curly blurted.
“Is that for real?” Dark-skinned agreed.
“What you trying to say something, yeah?” Blondie replied.
Curly grimaced slightly. “That’s just noise. Are we supposed to understand her?”
She flipped him off. “Do you understand that?”
Curly put an arm around Capped. “I think she likes me.” Capped pushed him away which started a pushing fight. The probation officer quickly intervened.
“That’s enough!” he snapped pushing them apart. “See those benches over there?” he pointed. “They need to be painted. Go. NOW!” he instructed.
Ev followed the group slowly. “Maybe you should’ve said that right away instead of doing the lecture.” She suggested.
“Keep your American wit to yourself.” The probation officer told her as he retreated to the building.

There were only four benches along with four buckets of white paint. Blondie teamed up with Curly, Dark-Skinned with Mixed, and Ev with Capped. Blue-Eyes painted by himself. Things were dead silent until Capped whipped off his cap. “ARGH I got paint on my cap! This is bullshit!” he cried springing to his feet.
“Calm down.” Ev said. Capped kicked their bucket of paint into the water and stormed off. “Wha-Where are you going?!” she called after him while the others laughed. Capped kept walking. “Shithead.” Ev fumed. She glanced at Blue-Eyes just as he looked away from her. “Want to work together?” she asked, slowly moving towards him. He nodded as he dipped his brush in the paint. “What’s your name anyway?” she asked.
He looked up at her from his hunched position. “Simon.” He answered.
“I’m Evangeline but call me Ev.” She introduced. Simon smiled but only glanced at her for a minute.
“Did you really try to bomb someplace?” He asked sneaking a peek at her when she wasn’t looking.
“No. You missed my outburst in the locker-room. It was someone else, I was just..there.” Ev answered.
“Oh.” Simon said softly.
Ev studied him. “What about you?” she asked.
“Yeah weird kid,” spoke up Curly. “What about you? Don’t take this the wrong way but you look like a pantysniffe.” He demonstrated with his hands.
Simon’s blue eyes flew from him to Ev and back again. “I’m not a pantysniffer.” He said. His eyes met Ev’s. “I’m not a pervert.” He added before focusing on the bench again.
Curly began to make an obnoxious noise. Ev glanced at him and saw much to her disgust that he was pretending to whack off with his paintbrush. “You’re the fucking perv you piece of Jonas.” She sneered.
“What is that word ‘Jonas’? That some kind of American term?” Curly responded.
“Yeah actually,” Ev decided. “For curly haired idiots.”
“Well that’s not very clever.” Curly complained.
”Will you shut up?!” Ev snapped. Curly faked a gasp and Ev exhaled. “What did you really do Simon?” she asked.
Simon glanced at her as she spoke his name. “I tried to burn down someone’s home.”
Ev’s eyebrows perked but she regained composure before he looked at her. “Did they deserve it?” she asked evenly. Simon hesitantly nodded. “Then you did nothing wrong.” She decided. Simon’s smile lead to a grin of her own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wish I could say the chapters are gonna get shorter but. =/ Comment please!!