Coffee Shop Soundtrack


Alex clears his throat ‘Uh, hi my name is Alex, and I’m gonna sing you some songs that I wrote’ when no one acknowledges him, he sighs and starts to play anyway.
About half way through his second song he hears the bell ring, pulling him from his trance, he looks at the clock and then at the door, he catches his breathe slightly, coughs and abruptly stops playing, the various people look up at him, and quickly go back to what they were doing, Alex blushes and mutters a ‘sorry’ before he starts playing again, eyes intently watching as the dark haired boy buys his coffee and takes his usual seat by the window. He doesn’t even acknowledge that Alex is playing or anyone around him. By the time Alex has finished his usual Friday night set, the coffee shop is almost empty, he walks over to the counter and waits for Zack to come and give him his usual drink.
‘Great set tonight man’ Zack smiles as he passes over Alex’s drink.
‘Yeah so great that no one took any notice yet again’ he sighs.
‘Hey, they just have their heads so far up their own arses that they don’t notice what’s right in front on them, and do you know what that is?’
Alex shakes his head amused at Zack’s sudden outburst
‘Raw fucking talent man, you! Y-O-U’
Alex laughs ‘If I’m so talented then why does no one notice me… especially him’ Alex says lowering his voice towards the end and turning his head slightly to admire the dark haired boy.
Zack sighs ‘you will get discovered soon enough, sing other places, extend yourself and you have to make him notice you Lex, go over and talk to him, you cant expect him to know what you want’
Alex looks back at Zack wide eyed, ‘I can’t just go over there and talk to him, are you kidding me?’
Alex’s expression makes laugh out loud, ‘Lex we’re not in high school anymore, we’re adults, you can do it’
Alex shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink before moving over to his usual table at the back if the room, where he can hide himself and admire the dark haired boy.
It’s been the same routine for the last few months, every Friday night Alex would come down to the coffee shop play a few songs and hope to get noticed by someone, anyone and most importantly him. However he has never so much as looked at Alex, but Alex doesn’t understand what it is about him, whether its his hair, his eyes, the way he dresses, the look on his face as he concentrates or just him. Alex finds him fascinating and wants to know him. He would never just introduce himself though, he’s too shy, when he’s not lost in his music he is quiet and with drawn; only speaking to those who he is closest with, or those who speak to him.
As Alex is waiting for Zack’s shift to end he decides to do something useful with his time and start writing another song, he pulls out his pen and paper and stares at his love interest, waiting for some type of inspiration.
Completely losing himself in the dark haired boy, he doesn’t realise how much of a creep he looks like. Zack walks over to Alex and clears his throat, Alex jumps and let’s out a squeak, causing the dark haired boy to look at him. Alex blushes ‘What did you do that for’ Alex hisses at Zack
‘Lex you were literally drooling over him, not to mention looking like a stalker and a retard, besides I think he noticed you were staring at him, he was getting uncomfortable’
Once Zack had finished speaking Alex looked back over to the spot by the window, and he was gone. Alex looked down guiltily. ‘Come on, I’ll help you clean up’ he muttered to Zack as he walks towards some dirty tables.
They worked silently as they both put rubbish in the bin and wiped the tables down. Once Alex is done wiping down the tables at the front something catches his eye on the floor, he walks over to it and picks it up, it’s a book. It looks like a college book, he opens it up to see if there’s a name inside. It reads ‘Jack Bassam Barakat’ Alex then realises whose book it is, it’s his dark haired mystery boy. His name is Jack, such a simple name Alex thinks, yet it suits him perfectly, Alex smiles as he feels he is at least getting to know something about the boy he is so in love with.
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Hope you like this :) Something i come up with today, going to post the next chapter straight away, its a two shot :)