‹ Prequel: Whispers in the Dark
Status: Paused due to certain opinions

Whispered Dark Memories

Happy Birthday Bitch

A bunch of people surrounded Bre, Kat, and I at our table. We stood up, and signed some stuff, posed for pictures, smiled, laughed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl walk up to Bre and asked her to sign a CD. "What the hell is this?" Bre asked. Ok now I'm confused.

"It's your CD," she said. Bre's eyes widened.

"Our what?" She asked slowly. She looked back at Kat and me who had the same expressions on our faces. I took out my cell phone and dialed Dan's number.


"Dan? You got some fucking explaining to do. Why didn't you tell us about the CD?"

“Oh you found out about that? I wanted you guys to be surprised."

“Oh, you wanted us to be surprised? Well, we're fucking surprised!" I argued with Dan for a few minutes until I hung up fuming. "That douche." Bre and Kat laughed.

"Why would you call the man that got us this far a douche?" Bre asked.

"Because I can."

Bella's plane had landed and I was jumping for joy on the inside. Not because she was here, don't get me wrong I was glad she got home safe and everything, but because I could go home and sleep. I was getting really fucking annoyed of feeling Carlisle's eyes on me. Bre, Kat, and I managed to squirm our way out of the crowed of people and Kat walked over to Bella. They talked for a minute and then Kat walked back over to us. "She's tired, and going home," she said. Bre and I tossed angry glances at each other.

"What?" We snapped at the same time. She shrugged. We got up for nothing. "Waking us up at three o'clock in the fucking morning for absolutely nothing. Bull shit, I'm going to La Push. I'm pretty sure the pack is up," She said, and started walking away. I ran to catch up with her and when I did I felt eyes on me, I looked back into Carlisle's golden ones. I gulped and turned away.

About thirty minutes later, the three of us pulled up to Sam and Emily's house at the same time a few wolves were coming out of the forest. Their massive heads snapped in our direction and they went back into the forest. Paul, Sam, Embry, Jake, and Jared walked out. They walked towards us, and then I saw Sam's nose wrinkle.

"Why do you smell like a leech?" He asked.

"Cause, we just happened to run into a few," I said quietly.

"What? Where?" Embry asked. I glanced up at him and couldn't help the blush forming on my cheeks. He was looking at me with the most protective and caring look in his eyes. It was almost as if he cared about me more then a friend.

"We went to the airport to meet Bella since her plane landed this morning, and every one of the Cullens just happened to show up," Kat explained.

"Are you three alright?" Paul asked, his eyes scanning the three of us. We all nodded.

"We're fine." We talked for a couple seconds and then we all went into Sam and Emily's. Since Emily wasn't up yet, Bre, Kat, and I cooked breakfast. I guess the smell of the food woke up Emily and Emerald because we heard them coming down the steps. Everyone sat down and started eating.

"Wow, this is really good," Emily commented. Bre laughed.

"You cook better though," I said. Emily laughed. Paul got up and said something to Bre before they both went outside. All of a sudden Kat let out a quiet squeal and whispered that Paul was kissing Bre in my ear. 

“Aw. My Breezy's growing up," I said in a teasing tone. The guys and Kat snickered. 

“Hey I heard some of your songs on the radio the other day when I was cooking. You girls are amazing," Emily said with a huge smile. I smiled. “Thanks. I was thinking we could play a few on our birthday's if we have a party but I don't know where we would have it."

“You could have it here on the beach. Like a big bonfire or something. We could build a little stage for you guys." Good idea Sammy boy. Kat jumped up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “Oh my gosh yes. I saw it and it's going to be amazing!" 

“Bre get your ass in here and quit smooching Paul. We have a party to plan," I yelled. Since today was Sunday and school starts tomorrow we could have the party on Saturday night. We could invite a bunch of our friends from school and some from La Push.


“Bre come on it's time for school!" I yelled, slipping on my avaitors. 

“I'm coming....Holy shit!" Before I could ask what was wrong she came tumbling down the stairs. I smashed my lips together to keep from laughing and watched her slowly get up. 

“Don't laugh at me," she whined putting her sunglasses on. I took a deep breath and opened the front door. “I wasn't laughing I was trying not to sneeze. Do you have the flyers about the party?"

She nodded and followed me outside locking the door behind her. As I got in my car she rolled down her window and asked if I wanted to race. 

“No cheating. Ok ready, set, go!" I said and we both took off. We pulled into the school parking lot tires squealing catching everyones attention who was outside. The normal fifteen minute ride took ten minutes. I haphazardly parked my car and jumped out. 

“Oh yeah. I won! I beat you! So fuck on that!" I exclaimed loudly while pointing to Riley. She was standing beside her car, that was beside mine, with a pout on her face. “You cheated. I don't know how but you did." 

“You won fair and square Kota. She's just a sore loser," Avery said stopping beside me. Bre sent her the one finger salute but chuckled when Avery sent her, her signature dimpled smirk that could make anyone smile.

“Bre, Kota, Ave come here!" Kat yelled waving us over. I locked my car while Bre did the same and the three of us walked over to her.

“Let me see some flyers. I'm gonna hang 'em inside the school everywhere," she demanded holding her hands out. Bre got out a handful and gave them to her. “Thanks!" With that she took off for the school doors. 

Avery snatched one from Bre's bag before she shut it, took one look at it and let out a loud, “fuck yeah!" Take it she's excited. It's only Monday but I have a feeling this week will go by fast. 


I finished fixing my hair and slipped on my jacket. I grabbed my black drumsticks that had Miss Monster engraved on them and painted a neon blue, he also got me a mic and stand that were neon blue and had Miss Monster on both of them in black. Dan got them for me as a congrats present when we finished recording. He got Bre a mic and stand that was neon purple with Miss Skittlez on both of them in black. Kat got a mic and stand that was neon green and had Miss Oreo on both of them in black. 

I'd have to say he was like a second dad to me. Reed came in first since he was there for me when my parents died.

Bre ran past my room with two of her guitars in hand. Hope she doesn't fall down the stairs again. I twirled one of my drumsticks in my right hand and walked downstairs to see the front door wide open. Sticking my head out the door I see Bre's top half leaned in the back of my car and her butt sticking up in the air. 

“Nice underwar Bre," I teased with a whistle. She told me to shut up and went back to doing whatever it was she was doing. Ten minutes later we were both in my car and on our way to La Push.


Holy shit! There's a lot of people here. I can't believe this many actually came. Before I could shut my car door I was tackled in a hug by Avery.

“Happy birthday bitch!" She said loudly. I smiled and hugged her back. “Thanks. Now can you get up so I don't ruin my outfit." She got off of me and pulled me up before going to do the same to Bre and Kat who had just got here. 

“Happy birthday Kota," Ash said slinging his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up at him and smirked. “Thanks. Wanna give me a piggy back ride to the stage?" I asked doing puppy dog eyes and a pout. He gave in with a sigh and bent down so I could get on. Before we got to the stage Embry stopped us.

“I need to talk to Kota." Ash let me down and walked over to the drink table. Embry grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the stage that had a huge curtain as a backdrop. A million and one butterflies were dancing around in my stomach.

“Can I try something?" He asked releasing my hand. I nodded. Before I could blink his warm lips landed on mine. Closing my eyes I started kissing back wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled away all to soon and leaned his forehead on mine. “I really like you," he said quietly.

“That's good because I like you too," I replied with a smirk. He pecked my lips before pulling me to the stage. “Good luck." 

I grabbed my drumsticks from the waistband of my skirt and licked my lips before walking onstage. Time to play some music.

“How's everyone doing tonight?" Bre asked, speaking into her mic. Everyone cheered and a few people whistled. “Sounds like a good answer. Who wants to hear some new songs?" The crowd roared again. “Ok. This is Since Your Gone."

Since you hide, since you steal
Since you hate everything I feel
Since you cheat, since you lie
Since you don't wanna try things I wanna try

Since you been gone
My life has moved along quite nicely actually
I've got a lot more friends and I don't have to pretend
Since you're gone, since you're gone

Since you're not what I want
You can take everything I've got
Take the seat, take a drive
If I say I love you, I am a liar

Since you been gone
My life has moved along quite nicely actually
Meet my lover Gin and I don't have to pretend
Since you're gone, since you're gone

I've been looking for a new direction anyway
I've been looking for my own protection instead

Now that you're gone my life has moved along
Now that you're gone my life has moved along
Now that you're gone my life has moved along
Now that you're gone

Since you hide, since you steal
Since you hate everything I feel
Since you cheat, since you lie
Since you don't wanna try things I wanna try

Since you been gone
My life has moved along quite nicely actually
Quite nicely actually, quite nicely actually
Quite nicely actually, quite nicely actually
Thanks for asking, quite nicely
♠ ♠ ♠
The song they sing is Since Your Gone by The Pretty Reckless. Short I know but I was stuck on what else to put. Comment? Subscribe? Peace, Love, Blue Monster!

Song of the day: Of Wolf and Man by Metallica
