But Does Anyone Notice?

Chapter 16

Everything was happening, I wasn’t really paying attention. The past couple months had been a blur to me. Yet they had been the most life changing ones, too. We raced down the street, and into a unfamiliar area. It was somehow much poorer than the parts around here that I was used to. The houses began to shrink street by street, and the streets started to fill with more and more litter. Finally, we pulled into a driveway of a small one-floored brick house. I hadn’t realized that no one had said a word the entire time, so it surprised me when Gerard spoke up.

“Were here!” Gerard softly slurred the words out and turned to face me.

I cracked a weak smile to him, and he did the same. We hopped out of the car and grabbed what little stuff we had out of the trunk.

“Here, I’ll get that for you Kate,” Gerard grabbed my stuff out of my hands.

“Thanks,” I smiled.

We walked up the long driveway to a dark, wood front door. Instead of knocking like I’d expected, Mikey just barged right through the door. We entered into a dark living room; the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. I saw a short, white haired woman with a wide grin on her face as we moved further into the house.

“Hey Grandma,” Gerard and Mikey said, almost in unison.

They went up to hug her tiny body, and she took them lovingly in her arms. Elena then made eye contact with me. I instantly wanted to look away, but I didn’t want to be rude, so a cracked a sheepish smile.

“Hello dear,” Elena opened her arms to me.

I smiled and gave her a soft hug.

“Hello,” I said, politely as I could.

Gerard led me to the basement where all of us would be staying. It was obvious that they’d stayed there before. There were posters on the walls, and even a few bags of chips and empty pop cans. The walls were all a dark grey-brown and the carpet seemed to be almost the same color. There was a large king-sized bed that sat in the very back of the room. Gerard led me to a room left of the bed where there was a smaller full-sized bed where he set my things down.

“Well... Your choices are sleep in here with me, or sleep out there with Mikey and Frank,” the corner of Gerard’s lips curled into a smile.

I smiled back at him.

“As much as I love Mikey and Frank, I think I might love you a little bit more,” I gave him a small peck and a big hug.

We backed away from our hug and began to kiss. He held onto me tightly as I pulled my fingers through his hair, tugging slightly at the ends. My heart was jumping out of my chest; I hoped he couldn’t feel it. My tongue glided with his as we slowly moved our way onto the bed. Suddenly we heard the door crack open.

“Hey guys— WOAH! Sorry there,” Frank walked away, laughing hysterically.

Gerard and I sat up from the bed, embarrassed and breathing heavily. We then looked at each other and began laughing in each other’s faces as we lay back down on the bed. We simply turned to each other and smiled. I was so happy at that moment. I suddenly sat up,

“Can we go somewhere tonight?” I asked Gerard, still smiling.

“Anywhere you’d like,”

“I don’t know where I want to go. I just… haven’t been out in a long time,” my eyes wandered into Gerard’s.

Something was different about them. They were much more… clear. I laughed without thinking.

“What are you laughing about?” he laughed.

“Oh, nothing” I said, my laughter continued.

“So where is it that you want to go?” Gerard asked

“I want to go where you want to go,” I laid back down and snuggled close to Gerard.

Excitement filled his eyes

“Wanna see a movie?” he sat up from the bed.

I slowly sat up next to him and replied,

“Of course! What movies are playing?”

He paused for a moment of thought.

“I’m not sure, let’s just go and see when we get there,”

“Alright, let me have a moment to get ready. I’m sure I look like a wreck,”

I got up from the bed hurriedly. I brushed through my hair and washed my face. For some odd reason, Frank had eyeliner, which was good for me. I swiped it across the bottom of my eyes. And then made a thicker line on my top lid that winged out hardly a centimeter from my eye. I was again surprised by how happy Gerard was making me. I went out to Gerard and we walked up the steps together.

“Elena, we’re going to the movies. We’ll be back later, you don’t have to wait up for us,” Gerard said, grabbing the handle on the door.

“Alright. Bye Gee. Bye Kate”

Gerard and I both waved and walked out.

I was excited for Gerard and mine’s “date”; but I had no clue what was in store for that night.
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Sorry it's been so long. And sorry it's not my best.