Status: finished.

Horseshoes and Handgrenades


Fast Forward A Week

Emilie is incredible. Just one week with her and she was all I could think about. She had my heart racing and my head spinning.

We were at band practice, being watched and cheering on by Christy, Sara and of course, Emilie.

It was in my blood to show off. When ever there's a girl around, I just get in this mode where I think I'm Mr. Awesome.

"Hey Mike, what song are we playing next?" Billie said, shaking his head in attempt to get some of the sweat off. We had been playing for a few hours now.

"How about we let Tre pick this one?" Mike said, walking over to Christy to kiss her on the cheek.

"Burnout!" I yelled, with a grin on my face. This song had my awesome solo.
Emilie will be so impressed

"Burnout it is." Billie said, striking the first note on his guitar.

When we got to my solo, I pounded the drums as hard as I could. I glanced up and saw Emilie looking directly at me. She looked impressed...until I hit myself in the head with my drumstick and then dropped it on the floor and fucked up the rest of the song....

Dammit Tre! Not cool!

I picked up my drumstick and then slowly looked up at my band mates.

"Tre. Stop trying to show off for Emilie!" Mike rolled his eyes and took his bass off. "I say we take a break."

"Sorry guys." I said softly, looking down at my shoes. I felt my cheeks turn hot. I never EVER got embarrassed!

I started tightening my snare and getting my drums up to shape when I noticed someone standing in front of my kit.

"You're not too bad at the drums. When you're not hitting yourself in the head" Emilie said softly, giggling at the end.

"Hey thanks." I said, laughing with her. "That's what I get for trying to be cool." I shook my head, still looking down at my drums.

"Well for what it's worth, I think you're Tre Cool" I looked up at her, grinning and saw her soft smile
She leaned over my drum kit and put her hands on the snare to support herself. She smelled of strawberries and it made me lose all capability of thinking straight.

I leaned toward her and pressed my lips to hers softly. She gasped softly, but didn't pull away. Her lips were soft and warm and felt perfect against mine. She finally kissed me back. After a few seconds of kissing, she gasped and I pulled away, thinking I didn't something wrong. She lost her balance and toppled backwards, taking me, and my drum kit with her in a loud crash.

We both lay on the ground, in shock when I started laughing. I looked over at Emilie, whose face was bright red, and much to my relief, she laughed too.

"You make life interesting Tre" She said, pushing a drum out of the way to roll towards me.
I laughed and reached over, pushing her hair out of her face.

"You too Emilie." My heart skipped a beat.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, but I felt it needed to be that way! =]] Comments are loved. Thanks dudes.