Status: finished.

Horseshoes and Handgrenades

FIVE: Emilie

Oh my God. Tre Cool really lives up to his name. He told me that he got his nickname from his neighbor when he recruited Tre to his band when he was twelve, but he had always been called Tre. Twelve!

I loved hanging out with Tre, he was so much fun. He did the weirdest stuff, but he always found some way to keep a smile plastered on his face, therefore putting a smile on mine.

If someone asked me what my favorite thing about Tre was, I couldn't tell them for a couple of reasons.

1) I had only known him for a week. Sure, I had learned plenty of things about him, but none of those things were big enough to be my favorite thing about him.

2) It's not like we're dating or anything, so it's not like I really need an answer, anyway.

and 3) I certainly wasn't, like, in love with him or anything. But now that I think about, I wasn't really sure how I felt about Tre.

I mean, that kiss he gave me at their band practice yesterday was amazing. When he first kissed me, I had no idea what I was doing. But then, something just kind to kiss him back. Not that I knew what I was doing still, but it just happened.

Then I realized what I was doing, freaked out, and toppled over, taking Tre and his drum set with me.

"Emilie?" Tre called from the foyer. I was about to call back when his head poked around the corner. "Hi."

I smiled at him. "Hi."

He pointed to the couch. "May I sit down?"

I nodded. "Of course."

Tre walked over and sat down next to me, relatively close. If I turned my head to look at him, I could smell the cologne he wears. I loved that smell; it was intoxicating. Tre wrapped an arm across my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. I giggled, snuggling in closer to him. Nope, still not sure.

Okay, Emilie, we're going to think through this logically, you thought: You really can't stop thinking about Tre, and the rare moments that you do stop thinking about him, your thoughts immediately return back to him or something related to him. Both Sara and Christy know that you can't shut up about Tre, and both Billie Joe and Mike just sigh and tell you to "shut up and fuck him already." (Which makes you blush insanely, which is almost a fucking cue for Tre to walk in and make you blush even more.)

So I think you can come to the logical conclusion that you want to be more than friends with Tre. And it's obvious to everyone that he feels the same way, if not stronger.

"Emilie?" Tre whispered, his mouth right by my ear. I twisted my head to look up at him, a questioning look on my face. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

I blushed, turning my head down. Tre chuckled. "You," I muttered.

"What about me?"

My eyes roamed about the room, looking for something to focus on and try and gain my composure. They landed on my hand, and I saw Tre's hand on my shoulder in my peripherals. Slowly, tentatively, I raised my right hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. He squeezed my hand, making me smile and squeeze his hand back.

His fingers were so big compared to mine, but I liked the way our hands fit together. "The way I feel about you," I answered, a little bit more confidently.

"And have you come to a conclusion?" Tre asked, smiling.

I smiled, looking back up at him. "I think so."

Tre smiled, lightly kissing me on the lips. "And what is that conclusion?"

I brought my legs up to my chest, keeping my fingers interlocked with Tre's. I looked him straight in his bright blue eyes. "You'd consider us friends, right?"

Tre both shook his head and nodded, in one motion, confusing me. "Yes, I would consider us friends, but I also think that we're a little something more than that," he said.

"Is that because of what you think or because of what everyone else thinks?" I asked. "And by everyone, I mean Billie Joe, Mike, Christy, and Sara," I added.

Tre smiled at my clarification. "I think that they think we're kind of already a couple."

I sighed, chuckling slightly. "Well, they shouldn't assume," I said, leaning my head up to kiss Tre lightly as he had done.

But this time we didn't break away as quickly. Our lips separated for a brief second before something in the back of my mind, the crazy, reckless part that no one ever sees, made me kiss him again. And what made it even crazier was that Tre was kissing me back.

My shyness in my words and actions is also detectable in the way I kiss. I just know it. And that would probably explain why it took half an hour for Tre and I to really go anywhere with our kissing.

Moving out of our sitting positions, we slowly shifted into lying down positions, our kissing escalating only slightly in intensity. I knew I was being very shy right now, but Tre was gentle. And that's one of my favorite things about him.

Tre nipped at my bottom lip just enough for me to notice. I didn't know what that meant, but I just kissed him in what I thought he would interpret as a 'yes'.

He did interpret it as a 'yes', and our mouths opened, tongues exploring the corners of each other's mouths. I'll have to admit, Tre certainly knew what he was doing.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING??" someone yelled, startling us apart.

Tre looked up at the person disturbing us. "Billie!" he yelled. "What the fuck?"

Billie laughed, Sara appearing behind him and kissing him on the cheek before wrapping her arms around his waist and gawking down at Tre and I. "Emilie?"

"Hi," I said, blushing.

Tre looked down at me, smiling, then looked back up at Billie and Sara. "Way to ruin the moment, Billie," he said, pulling me up into a sitting position onto his lap.

Billie laughed, walking with Sara still attached to him over to the couch. He brought her around, sitting her on his lap. Billie turned to Tre, his hand held up in what looked to be a high-five. Tre obliged, a loud slap sounding when their hands collided. "Nice job, dude!"

"Thanks, man," Tre said, chuckling slightly.

I just rolled my eyes, Tre kissing my cheek as Sara turned the TV on and Mike and Christy walked in, sitting down next to us.

"So I take it this is kind of sealing us together?" I whispered to Tre.

Tre smiled, kissing me. "If you want."

"I don't see why not," I reasoned, smiling.

Tre laughed, kissing me again. "Together it is, then."

I smiled and kissed him back, snuggling into him as his arms wrapped around my waist.
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