The Only Thing Different is the Way I Feel About You


You are home studying for finales when there is a knock at the door. You get up and answer the door.

“Hey Lucy,” You said.
“Hey Anna. Ready for the study group?” Lucy said.
“Yeah, is Mike coming?”
“Yeah he be here soon, how is Todd taking it?”
“He went to the compound. He said it better be just be a study group.”
“And it will be right?”

You see Mike pull up. He gets out with a other guy behind him.

“Hey ladies,” Mike said.
“Hi mike, who is this?” Lucy asks.
“This is Luis, my best friend. He is in the 2nd period BC class.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Luis said.
“You too.”

You let them in. Tracy comes in after them.

“You guys want anything to drink?” You ask.
“No we good we brought Rockstars,” Mike said.
“Ok what about you girls?”
“We got water,” Lucy said.
“Ok, I be back a Rockstar dose sound good.”

You go to the garage and get a Rockstar out of the fridge and go and sit down.

“So what should we study first?” Mike ask.
“Your phone,” Tracy said.
“One minute,” You said.

Study Group, Tracy is taking my phone, I text you once I get it back babe-AP
To: Jacko

From: Jacko

Ok. We still on for dinner?

To: Jacko
Yeah she taking it now don’t respond-AP

You give her the phone.

“Thank you,” Tracy said.
“You take her phone,” Luis said.
“She would just be texting Jackson,” Lucy said.
“Who is he?” Mike asks.
“This guy I’m going on dates with. You most likely won’t know him. He didn’t go to school here,” You said.
“Oh he goes to your old school,” Luis said.
“No, I meet him threw my brother,” You said.

“Study time, I need help with Area,” Lucy said.
“Yeah I don’t get it at all,” Tracy said.

You guys study. Tracy, Lucy and Mike left, but Luis stayed so you can explain something to him more. Your phone rings the song you set for Jacko.

“Hey,” You said.
“Hey, ready or still studying?” Jacko ask.
“Still, just come on in, it shouldn’t be to longer.”
“Ok bye.”

You hang up.

“So you want to go grab dinner this should be easier over food,” Luis said.
“I’m good, it’s simple you just typical forget the formula has a square,” You said.
“Yeah I know, you not hungry at all?”
“A bit, but I got a date.”
“Oh really”
“Yep, so you think you got it?”
“Yeah here let’s do this one to check it.”

He did the problem and he did it the right way.

“Good job,” You said.
“Thanks, I better let you go, so you can get ready Bye,” Luis said.

You stood up, and he gets up. You look through the window and see Jacko pulling up. You grab your phone and key form the table and walk him to the door.

“Bye,” Luis said.
“Bye,” You said.
He leaves as you lock up. You get in Jacko’s car and he looks at you.

“Who that?” Jacko ask.
“Luis, he needed more help then Tracy, Lucy and Mike.”
“I haven’t heard Luis.”
“I don’t really know Luis”
“You guys were in there alone?”
“It’s just a Study group that’s all.”
“Your jealousy.”
“No I’m not.”

You laugh and kiss his cheek.

“I’m not really jealousy, but I began to worried,” Jacko said.
“He didn’t try anything.”
“Ok, here we are.”
“Here we are.”

You guys get out and he warps his arm around you. You smile and you guys go in to the restaurant.

“Hello how can I help you?” The worker asks.
“Reservation under Strong,” Jacko said.
“Right this way.”

You guy go over to a table and sit down.

“Good food?” You ask.
“Of course or there be no point in coming here if there wasn’t.”
“Ok that’s good.”

You guys eat and he took you to a park after words. You guys are sitting on the swings talking.

“So I got something to ask you,” Jacko ask.
“Um what is it?” You ask.
“Want to be my girlfriend?”
“For real?”

You look at him.

“Yeah, I understand if you don’t want to and all,” Jacko said.
“No I love too,” You said.
“For Real?

You laugh and kiss his lips. Your phone rings.

“Hello Todd,” You said without looking for it.
“Hey baby girl, where you at?” Todd asks.
“Out with Jacko why?”
“Oh right, sorry. Be home by ten.”
“I know Todd bye.”

You look and see its nine thirty and sigh.

“What is wrong?” Jacko ask.
“It’s nine thirty,” You said.
“Home by ten still?”

You lean your head on his shoulder. He rubs your back.

“We got to get you home,” Jacko said.
“We got thirty minutes,” You said.
“I think it’s better to get you home before, so Todd doesn’t freak out.”
“It’s good for him.”
“While it’ bad for me, which might be bad for us and that’s bad for you.”

You laugh and stand up. He gets off his swing and kisses your forehead.

“Now we got together, we spend more time together, and school is ending right?” Jacko said.
“Right,” You said.

He picks you up.

“Jacko put me down,” You said.
“I’m good,” Jacko said.

You laugh and put your arms around his neck.

“I’m not going to drop you,” Jacko said.
“I know,” You said.

You kiss his neck and he set you in the truck. He drove you home. You both go inside the house.

“Todd?” You said.
“Um?” Todd ask.
“I’m home.”
“Really I didn’t know that.”

You laugh and go in the Living room.

“Hello Jacko,” Todd said.
“Hello Todd,” Jacko said.
“You guys had fun?”
“Yep,” You said.

You smile and look at Jacko. He smiles at you.

“Go to bed you sleepy,” Todd said.
“Night,” you.

You hug Jacko.

“See you later Sheila,” Jacko said.
“Yeah,” You said.

He kisses your forehead.

“Bye Todd,” Jacko said.
“I want to talk to you,” Todd said.
“Sure thing.”

You look at them. Jacko point to the stairs and you go up and change in your PJ’s. You go and lay down when there is a nock. You get it and see Todd looking at you.

“Hi Todd,” You said.
“You guys are official?” Todd asks.
“Are you mad?”
“No, seeing you tonight with that smile you gave him. It hasn’t be there for a while.”
“What is it Todd?”
“Why haven’t you been happy for a while?”
“I haven’t really felt wanted. Mom and Dad didn’t really care, and I understand you are only 26 you don’t really know how to make me feel wanted like a care taker should be. I don’t place the blame on you.”
“I want you here.”
“I know, but sometimes, I guess I just felt a little off to the side, or a pain in the neck.”
“For whatever pain you brought you bring twice the joy.”

You smile and hug him.

“Mom and dad will come around to wanting you. They can’t handle teenagers,” Todd said.

You laugh and he kisses your forehead.

“Night,” You said.
“Night,” Todd said.

You go to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠

Second one for Fan Mail with Jack F#*k!ng Strong.