Never Shall We Die

New Captain

They slammed the door shut and walked off laughing at the one whose head I had kicked off. Out of the numerous times that I’ve been on this boat the small part of the crew that hasn’t lost their heads to me absolutely adore me. The other portion has tried to kill me numerous times.

“Oh gods, here we go again.” Rose said as Jack began to talk to himself.

Jack’s P.O.V

“Bravo!” I heard from behind me, and saw another one of me sitting on the barnacle encrusted seat. “You successfully arrived aboard the Flying Dutchman. As per the overall scheme.”

“Look-“ I began to say, but was cut off by another one.

“Oh yes,” I turned to look at the other, who was standing next to a pole closer than the first. “Shapo mate. Except for this little situation in the brink. It’s run like clock work.”

I looked at both of them in confusion.

“Go away.” I said in exasperation.

“What? Back to the locker?” Number 1 asked.

“Not without you Jackie.” Number 2 said.

“Stab the heart.” I heard from the wall and looked to see another me encrusted with barnacles.

“Oh what is that?” I heard Raven ask, well at least she saw this one.

“Live forever.” It said and pushed itself forward away from the wall, and to where we could see it’s exposed brain and it began to itch it. “As captain of the Dutchman.” Then it pulled its brain out of the skull. “Then again if your in the brink,” It said examining the brain, “Who’s to stab the heart?” It asked and licked the brain.

“That can’t be sanitary.” I heard Raven say behind me again disgusted.

“Does seem to put immortality a bit out of reach.” Number 1 said to my left as I heard number 2 sniff the air to my right and go digging in my dreds.

“Oh peanut.” I heard 2 say and a crunch.

“I wouldn’t even touch his hair, let alone eat something that was in it.” I heard Rose say, so they could see these guys.

Raven’s P.O.V.

I was looking out the port hole when I saw Tia Delma rise and quivere into a god.

“Oh shit! Tia Delma is Calypso?” I asked Jack who was behind me looking at Calypso.

“Yes she is, and she looks pissed.” Jack said his face scrunched up. “Do you still have to compass on you?” He asked.

“Yeah of course I do, here.” I said and handed him the compass, then watched as Tia Delma fell into a wave of crabs.

The wind picked up and the sea became rough, the sun disappeared and rain began to fall.
“Prepare the arms! We give no quarters!” I heard a man yell and the rest of the crew cheer.

“Fantastic.” I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, I threw a coin at Jack who caught it and played with it in his fingers. “That should keep your ass safe.” I said and winked at him. He smiled back and sat down thinking, I looked out the port hole and gasped.

“There driving into the middle of a whirl pool!” I said and watched as lighting struck the middle of it. “Tia Delma, I love you! Don’t kill me!”

Jack then got up and started pacing and muttering, “Think like Will.”

“Unbarring hinges.” He suddenly exclaimed, or one of them did.

“Leverage.” They all said at that same time. Jack grabbed a loose hunk of wood and put it though one of the hole and lifted up. The door unhinged and Jack kicked it down, Rose and I starred in amazement as we crawled over the door following Jack.

“Wish us luck boys, we’ll need it.”

“ I miss him already.” I heard 1 say.

“He is quiet charming isn’t he?” Number 2 said.

“Nobody move!” We heard the 3rd one exclaim, “I dropped me brain.”

“Get me out of here!” I said and followed Jack on board and a cannon ball whizzed past my face and into the wood next me.

“Let the games begin.” Jack said and ran up the steps 2 at a time.


“FIRE!” and cannon blasts were heard from all around. As cannon balls hit the ship Jack, Rose and I looked like we were dancing trying to avoid the cannon balls and the wreckage that was blowing up.

“Not cool!” I yelled and tried to pull out a piece of wood that had Rose and I through the stomach. “JACK!” I yelled. He turned and laughed, then finally pulled the wood out of us. We followed Jack into the room were Jones’ heart was and two of the guards turned to us with miniature cannons and said, “Halt there or we’ll shoot!”

“Good one.” Jack said as a cannon ball blasted through the wood behind them, “We just came to get our affects. Admirable though it may be, why are you here while you could be else were?” Jack asked putting on his hat.

“Some one has to stay and guard the chest.” The skinnier one said.

“There is no question that there has been a break down of military disciple aboard this vessel.” The larger one said turning to talk to the other one. Jack stood in front of the chest, figuring out away to get it.

“I blame the fish people.” The skinnier one said, Jack went to say something, but was cut off by the bigger man. I looked at Jack who looked at me and we both sneakily grabbed the chest and walked out of the room were the two guards were still arguing.

“Well that was easy.” I said as we walked through the dingy hallways.

“Those two are always the easiest to distract. It almost takes the fun out of it.” Jack said and looked out the door making sure the coast was clear. We took a few steps and saw Davy Jones walking towards the door we had just come out of.

“Shit.” I whispered when he saw us and began laughing, the crew surrounding us.

“Looky here boys, a lost bird that never learned to fly.” Davy Jones said and ripped his sword out of its sheath.

“One of my greatest regrets.” Jack said as we backed up towards a rope, Rose inched away from us knowing that if something went down Davy Jones would let her live.

“But it’s never too late to learn.” I said as we ran up onto the side of the ship and Jack used the chest to smack the wood holding the rope. The wood snapped and we were flung up in the air and began swinging until we got the one of the beams coming from the mast. I landed perfectly balanced while Jack had a harder time keeping balanced. Jack smiled at me until Davy Jones came out of the mast and drew his sword. I drew mine and prepared to fight him, the chest was securely in my right hand, and I was not about to let go.

“The chest, hand it over.” He commanded and pointed his sword at me, I felt Jack pull me back and grab the chest from my hand. He some how got in front of me and I was pushed back holding onto a line so that I didn’t fall.

“I can free you mate.” Jack said and my head snapped up in surprise, we had never talked about that.

“My freedom was forfeited long ago.” Davy Jones growled and then attacked Jack, the battle had begun.

Davy Jones kicked the chest when Jack wasn’t paying attention and he dropped it, I dropped down upside down and grabbed it, my knees holding me unto the mast. Jack smiled at me and Davy Jones rolled his eyes, “Always had to be the center of attention.”

Over the cannon fire and screams of men I heard Elizabeth yell, “Barbosa, marry us.”
Oh yes now is a wonderful time to get married. I don’t know if you noticed BUT WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR!

“I’m a little busy at the moment!” I heard Barbosa yell back frustrated.

“Barbosa NOW!” I heard Will yell and then the clinking of swords, I was amazed I could hear the conversation all the way over here.

“Fine then!” I heard him yell and then saw him stand up on the wheel, “Dear beloved we be gathered here today, today being” I heard him say then he muttered off the end and I was unable to hear it.

“Raven look out!” I heard Jack yell but unfortunately didn’t see the fish guy that swung by me, throwing me onto the Black Pearl. I screamed and threw up the chest, which thank the gods Jack caught. I landed on my feet next to Will and Elizabeth and began to fight along.

“Elizabeth do you take me to be your husband?” Will asked holding her hands in his.

“I do.” She said excitedly like a 12 year old.

“Great.” Will said and then they went back to fighting with us.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” I yelled and ran under their joined hands, stabbing a solider in the stomach.

“Do you Will Turner take me to be your wife?” She said. She turned while still holding hand with Will and fought a fish guy cutting open his stomach. “In sickness and in health, health being-“ she stabbed another fish guy, “less likely.” I watched as Barbosa stabbed a guy between his legs, I laughed and stabbed a fish guy flinging him over board into the whirl pool which was suddenly getting closer.

“As Captain I now pronounce you-“Barbosa began to say, but began to fight again. “You may kiss-“He said and shot a guy. “You may kiss-“He said again and stabbed another solider. “Just kiss.” He said annoyed and jumped off the wheel haul and stabbed a fish guy.

I smiled as Will and Elizabeth kissed and then frowned as they began to devour each other’s faces. “Hate to break it to you, but there is a fight to be fighting!” I yelled and stabbed a solider. I looked up and saw Jack hanging on to the chest for dear life and Jones hanging onto the other end. I grabbed on to a rope that was occupied by a fish guy and saw he had my pistol in his belt.

“Oi, my pistol.” I said grabbing it and clunking him on the head, he fell and Jack was flung onto the rope in front of me.

“Well hello love.” He said smiling at me, I smiled back but frowned when I saw to fish people coming at us on ropes.

“Let go.” Jack said as the both of us dropped a few feet then grabbed the rope again. We looked up and saw the 2 fish things swing around the rope then bump into each other and fall off. I saw that Jones had the chest and aimed my pistol, taking one well aimed shot I hit Jones’ tentacle and he let go of the chest. I dropped to the deck in time to see Bootstrap attack Will who had the chest, I ran over to it as Davy Jones met me there.

“So Raven, do you fear death?” He asked as I unsheathed my sword.

“Not at all.” I said as Jack dropped in front of me and went to pull out his sword which was broken in half. I ran after Jack as Davy Jones chased us to the wheel that used to call the Kracken. After a minute Jones began to walk right through the wheel Jack and I cringed. When he hit the center of the wheel we spun it, unfortunately luck was not on our side and he stopped in front of us. Jones smiled and yelled his tentacles twitched. Jack and I screamed and took off running again, Jack grabbed a large broken piece of wood and began to fight Jones with it, until he hit both of us sending us flying into a wall. I lay sprawled on the deck and opened one eye to see one of Jones’ tentacles crawl by the key in its clutches. I grabbed the tentacle and pulled the key free handing it to Jack who winked at me and ran for the chest. I saw Elizabeth fighting Jones and was smacked and flew into the stairs unconscious.

“ELIZABETH!” Will yelled and pinned his father to the side of the ship and then went to Elizabeth’s rescue. I grabbed my sword and began to fight Jones along with Will, until Jones picked me up with his claw and threw me to the other side of the ship.

“Mister, did you forget?” Jones asked Will who had stuck a sword through his back where his heart should have been, “I’m a heartless wretch.” Jones bent the tip of the sword so that it couldn’t come out. I watched as Jones swung at Will who ducked but was caught off guard and flung into a wall when Jones kicked him. Elizabeth sat up and looked at Will, and Will looked back with love in his eyes, Jones looked between them and began to laugh.

“Ah love, a dreadful bond.” Jones said smiling, “And yet, so easily severed. Tell me William Turner,” Jones said and brought his sword to Will’s throat, “Do you fear death?”

“Do you?” I heard Jack yell. In one of his hands was Jones’ heart and in his other the broken point of his sword hung above the beating organ.

“You’re a cruel man Jack Sparrow.”

“Cruel is a matter of perspective.”

“Is it?” Jones asked and turned to stab Will.

“NO!” I screamed and drove on top of Will. Jones’ sword went through my heart and unfortunately also into Will’s. I gasped for breath and looked down at Will who screamed in agony. Jones’ eyes widened as he saw my body on top of Will’s. He pulled his sword out and rolled me onto the floor, lucky for me I still had the coin, but I still felt pain.

“Raven?” Jones asked looking at me, worry and sadness in his eyes.

“I’m alright dad.” I said gasping for breath as the hole began to close, but the tears kept streaming down my face. Jack’s face was in shock as Elizabeth went running over to Will telling him to stay with her. Jack stared at them and then at the heart, I looked at my dad with disgust.

“You bastard.” I pushed him out of my way and drug myself over to Will and Elizabeth, I saw my dad just staring down at us his face melancholy. I looked up and saw Bootstrap run over and jump on top of Jones and those 2 get in a fight.

Jack ran over and shoved me out of the way I watched as he grabbed Will’s hand and put his broken sword into it, then brought Will’s hand down into Jones’ heart.

I cried and ran to my dad whose tentacles were going haywire, “Raven,” he whispered to me, “I love you.” Then he leaned against the deck and looked up into the sky, “Calypso.” He said and fell into the whirl pool, I was grabbed from behind, Elizabeth and I both sobbing.

“Hold on!” Jack said and cut a rope as I saw the Black Pearl unhitched from the Dutchman’s grasp and pulling away as the Dutchman sunk lower. I held onto Jack as we lifted of the deck and into the sky, I looked down and saw the Flying Dutchman sink into the whirl pool. I hugged Jack closer and buried my face in his chest, weeping for my poor father.
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I don't have any comments on this and I'm a little depressed about that. Any comments? Sorry the chapters are so long I had to condense this story from 7 chapters to 5.