Status: About to give up on this story x(

A little too ironic

Twenty-ninth of April, 2008

Entering the large ballroom I was suddenly overcome by a sense of admiration and respect for the beauty of all that surrounded me. I had always dreamed of coming to one of these but at the same time I knew I would never fit in at one of these nor would I ever attend one of them. But I guess dreams do come true.

I walked around, taking in the atmosphere and environment I had been placed in. I drifted from exhibit to exhibit avoiding interacting with the other people here. I was like a stray comet in space, just drifting in no particular direction but taking in all the beauty and amazement around me while trying to avoid other drifting objects.

I took my seat at the small round table and placed my glass of chardonnay down. Glancing round I tried to find a familiar face but failed. I knew I wouldn’t know anyone here and the more time went on the more out of place I felt. I honestly never expected to be at one of these auctions. But then again, my art work was never meant to be put out on display for anyone to see.

It was an accident that anyone even saw it to start with. I didn’t want anyone to see my art work, it was my escape and I thought it was pretty appalling work but I didn’t care because it was only for my eyes.

And the only reason anyone did see it was because of the move. A week after Grandpa had died Ryan had cheated on me. I didn’t know why or what I had done wrong to deserve that sort of pain when the wound from Grandpa’s death was so fresh. But what I did know is that I would never forgive him for it and that I had to get out of that house and away from him. So that’s what I did. I moved out three days later. And that was when my work had been spotted.

It wasn’t easy for Elizabeth to convince me to allow her to put my artwork on display. But many hours of talking, a few bribes, and two weeks later here I sat. As I took another sip of my chardonnay two women and a man came up to me and started talking to me. After few minutes I excused myself from the conversation. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what they were talking about and my cover of a soft laugh or agreeing nod could only last so long.
A few minutes later and I decided to go to the bathroom. As I walked in I heard the two women I was talking to early talking. I froze when I heard them say something about me.

“That new girl? Oh yeah she knows nothing about this! She doesn’t belong here. And have you seen her artwork? My god it’s more like a train wreck then art work!”

“Oh yeah I totally agree with you! I don’t know what Elizabeth saw in it. It’s a disaster. Even a two year old can do better!”

I decided I didn’t want to go to the bathroom anymore and returned to my seat.

I glanced back down at my chardonnay and was about to take another sip when I notice an object floating in it. A black fly to be more precise. That was the last straw. I didn’t belong here. I didn’t want to be here. And I took that as a sign that I should leave. They could call me if my artwork sold. Which I doubted very much especially after what I had overheard in the bathroom.

As I walked out to my car I couldn’t get over how ironic it was to have a black fly in your chardonnay. A little too ironic.

Turns out the next morning I got a phone call from Elizabeth. My artwork had sold and the buyer wanted me to do more for him. So I guess I do have some good luck on my side...
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