Status: About to give up on this story x(

A little too ironic

Thirteenth of September, 2008

I glanced out the window at the black clouds rolling over head. They promised rain but they hadn’t delivered in what felt like eternity. As I slipped on my black dress I contemplated whether I would need my small black cardigan or not. I decided to grab it just in case.

I also pondered whether I should wear makeup or not. I usually would but there is nothing worse than having your non-waterproof makeup leave black streaks down your cheeks and you eyes looking like they have been introduced to a fist. But then again, I couldn’t see any reason why I would be crying this time around. Although, I was one of those people that cry because everyone around them is. What can I say, I don’t deal with strong emotions well.

I chewed my bottom lip rolling the plump flesh between my pearly whites, deep in thought over my small dilemma when once again the horn sounded. I decided against the makeup, knowing if I took any longer I was in for a lecture, and fastened my pace out to the car.

I reached the front door but unlike the previous time I had left the house wearing this outfit, Ryan was standing there waiting for me. A pang of pain shot through my broken heart but I ignored it. I had become good at ignoring the heartbreak. It was easier then dealing with it.

This time I was saying goodbye to an Uncle although I didn’t feel the same pain or sadness I had with Grandpa. I had reason for not feeling many emotions towards this rather depressing situation though. I barely knew this Uncle. He had been on Death row for the past twelve years of my life but I didn’t even know what he had done to land himself in this situation. And today was the end of it. Today he was to receive his punishment.

Granted, I did feel sadness but it was for the ones of my family that did have a chance to know him and love him.

It wasn’t too long before we arrived at the prison. We were guided to the area by a prison guard and I proceeded to hug my loved ones and try and comfort them. Not many were here, not many were allowed to come. The only reason I had come was because he was my mum’s brother.

Ten minutes later and it was all over. I felt disturbed that it could be over so quick. Just as we were about to be lead out the loud speaker squealed and protested but came to life.

“A death row pardon for Mr Frankie Wuetson. I repeat a death row pardon for Mr Frankie Wuetson.”

The loud speaker crackled and then went silent again. A small knot formed in my stomach. I felt sick and dizzy. A death row pardon two minutes too late. Glancing over at my mum I saw her collapse on the ground as her body was over taken by loud sobs. I knelt down beside her and hugged her tightly trying to take the pain away from her.

Once again that familiar thought flashed through my mind. It was beginning to scare me.

Now isn’t that ironic, don’t ya think? A little too ironic.
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Keep or kill?

This chapter actually to be completely honest sucks hairy old man balls! x(

But give it a go yeah? Please?