Status: About to give up on this story x(

A little too ironic

Twenty-seventh of October, 2008

As I sat at the third red light in a row I felt my patience wear even thinner. Today just wasn’t my day. My alarm hadn’t gone off; even though I know for certain I had set it to 7 am last night. My new puppy, Lilly, had managed to chew her way through my new pillows and pee all over the floor. My car had a flat tyre and now I seemed to be getting every single red light on my way to work.

I sighed, frustration showing clearly on my face. I glanced at the small screen displaying the time on my dashboard.9.12am.

“Shit” I breathed to myself

Third day at my new job and I was late by 12 minutes with at least another five to go. I tried looking on the bright side; at least it wasn’t my first day. Finally the light turned green and I was able to make some more progress in the direction of my new work.

Exactly five minutes later I arrived at my new work and walked through the doors of the small pet shop. I smiled shyly at the young woman behind the desk and walked out the back to dump my few personal items. I knew her name was Evy but I didn’t know much else other than she was very polite and kind.

I walked back out with my work top on and smiled at her again and greeted her.

“Heya Evy. I’m so sorry I’m late I got caught-”

Before I could finish my sentence she cut me off.

“Oh hello love. Don’t worry about it. We all have our days. I’m gonna take my break now are you okay to look after this place for twenty minutes? It’s been pretty quiet.”

“Uhh yeah I’ll be fine.”

I smiled again and busied myself in finishing cleaning out the bunny cage that Evy had started.


As I collected my personal belongs from out the back I glanced at my phone to check for messages. There was one new message from an unrecognised number. I opened the message and my heart skipped a beat.

It was from Jono. He was a guy I met a few weeks ago and was falling pretty hard and fast for. I replied quickly and raced out to my car.

Hey do you wanna have dinner tonight? – Jono xo

Uhm yeah sure what time? – Dee ox

I pulled out of the parking lot and began the journey home only to hit the first red light again. I groaned, hoping that I wasn’t going to get every red light again like this morning. I heard my phone beep and checked it then replied.

Hmm let’s say six? That gives you an hour to get ready :P – Jono xo

Ha-ha, very funny. Yeah, that sounds good. See ya soon – Dee ox

A small smile crept onto my lips as the light turned green and we were able to move again. It wasn’t long before I was home and getting ready to go out again. It was then I realised I didn’t know where we were meeting. I grabbed my phone and flicked him a text as I picked up Lilly and scratched behind her ears.

Erhmm I forgot to ask where we are meeting. – Dee ox

Ha-ha, let’s say that new restaurant in town. I have a surprise for you ;) – Jono xo

Okay. Argh you know I hate surprises >:( I’ll see ya in about ten I’m leaving now – Dee ox

Okay :) – Jono xo

Ten minutes later and I was stuck in a traffic jam. I wanted to scream to the heavens. I wanted to rip my hair out. I wanted to do anything to vent this angry. Today really wasn’t my day at all. I was already late and now I was stuck in a traffic jam.

Without even realising it, that dreaded thought flashed though my mind.

Now isn’t that ironic, don’t ya think? A little too ironic.
♠ ♠ ♠
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