Status: About to give up on this story x(

A little too ironic

Twenty-eighth of October, 2008

Last night hadn’t gone how I expected. When I was about five minutes away from my final destination I got a text from Jono saying he couldn’t make it because of work. Did I mention he was the drummer of a small band? No? Well I have now. Pretty sexy, huh? But his band was just starting out and was called in for a recording opportunity. I was so positive he was the man of my dreams.

So, tonight we were trying again. My brain and been working overtime at what his surprise for me could be. I was so nervous yet excited at the same time. Butterflies filled my stomach but a crescent smile never left my lips.

Twenty minutes later and I was being lead through the restaurant where we had agreed to meet at. I glanced around and spotted him as he stood up to greet me and smiled brightly. As I got closer he hugged me and sat back down.

It was then I saw another woman sitting beside him. A twinge of jealously spread through my veins as I looked her up and down. She was beautiful. Not a fake beauty though. It was the natural beauty that every girl tries to achieve with the layers of make-up they plaster on their faces every morning. I wondered who she was but soon my mind was set at ease.

“Dee, this is Chelsea. She’s my wife. We have been happily married for two years now.”

A lump formed in my throat and I tried desperately to swallow it.

“Ohh… H-Hi… I’m Dee…”

I smiled shyly and took my seat, my eyes flicking nervously, never staying on the spot long. I didn’t feel like being here anymore. I could feel the weak stitches that were holding my heart together from previous heartbreaks dissolve to the pain.

I prayed for my phone to go off and as if by some small miracle it actually rang. I glanced up at Jono and excused myself to answer my phone.

Two minutes later I returned and delivered the news that I had to go. I apologised and briskly made my way to the door. Once outside I took a deep breath and let the tears fall. I didn’t really have to go. In fact the phone call had just been my mum asking me to get some milk on my way over tomorrow. But I wanted to get out of there and that was my perfect excuse.

I finally meet the man of my dreams and then I have to meet his beautiful wife.

Now isn’t that ironic, don’t ya think? A little too ironic.

That blasted thought came into my mind. But this time I didn’t push it out as quickly as it had appeared. This time I let it linger and pondered on what it meant. I mean, it had been a reoccurring thought in my life over the past months and now I wanted to know what it really meant, if anything.
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