Status: About to give up on this story x(

A little too ironic

Twenty-first of November, 2008

Today I was going on a “business trip”. I was pretty excited; I had never been on a business trip before. Granted, this wasn’t one of those flash ones where you had to wear those expensive business suits and stuff. But then again, I did only work at a pet shop.

“Heya Evy. How are ya today?”

I greeted Evy with confidence. I was no longer shy around her; we had actually become great friends.

“Oh hi Dee. I’m great. What about you? Excited for the trip?”

She smiled a bright, happy smile and I couldn’t help but return the smile. Our small talk continued as the hustle and bustle around us persisted. Soon we were joined by Riley, the new face at our pet shop. He had only been working there for three weeks now but it felt like he had been a part of our little team since forever.

I smiled brightly at him and my heart fluttered slightly as his famous toothy grin spread across his face. I couldn’t help but fall for this ruggedly handsome man. Everything he did made me smile and act irrationally. For me, that was a small achievement for Riley even though he didn’t realise it. Usually I was a very rational person but to be so irrational around Riley made me wonder if I was about to go on another desperate pursuit of love at my hearts risk.

But something felt different about this one. It was like my heart had completely melted to the ground, like I had found something true.

I shook those thoughts from my head and zoned back into my surroundings. Evy and Riley had already entered into the van and were sitting comfortably in their seat. Riley looked at me, quirked his eyebrow and asked if I was joining them today.

I laughed and scrambled into the van, taking my seat next to him.

“So, what are we doing exactly? I wanna get my money’s worth out of this.” I joked and when I got confused stares in return I could feel a pink tinge spread up my neck and across my cheeks.

“Uhh... What do you mean Dee? You didn’t pay anything for this...”

Now it was my turn to be confused. And after some more confusion and a lot of explaining we sorted the situation. Turns out this was apparently all catered for as a sort of congratulation from the boss of the pet shop for doing so well with the pet shop this year. Only problem, I had paid. It was a mistake on my notice and no one had told me about the muck up. Oh and to add the icing to the cake, I couldn’t get a refund because of some stupid business policy.

It was a free ride when I had already paid. Now isn’t that ironic, don’t ya think? A little too ironic.

That thought had become so familiar to me now that I almost didn’t even realise I had thought it.
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