Storm Before The Calm


“That's an awful question.” Olive moaned, covering her eyes with her scarf. Jeff and Olive were asking each other about their favorite players. They were currently discussing their favorite goalies.

“Actually, it’s not that bad.”

“Oh really? Who's your favorite then?” she asked, throwing my hands in the air.

“Ward.” he replied. She removed her scarf from over her eyes and cocked a brow.

“Are you just saying that because he's on your team, or are you being serious?” Olive asked.

“A little bit of both.”

“Well, I think I have a two-way tie.” she admitted. He scoffed.

“You have to narrow it down.” he argued. She stuck her tongue out at him. “Very mature.” He laughed.

“I can't choose between Marc-Andre and Cam Ward...” she huffed, throwing her head back dramatically. Skinner chuckled at her.

“It’s not like it’s a detrimental question, or anything. I'm just making conversation.” he reminded. “But I want an answer. It can't be a tie.” Olive bit her lip, thinking on it.

“It’s against my better judgment to have to choose, but I'm going to go with Wardo.” she said, nodding. Then she shook her head. “No wait! … Nope, nevermind. I'm sticking with Wardo.” Skinner was suppressing a laugh. She threw her empty chip bag at him. He threw it right back.

“Don't laugh at me, Skinner!” she threatened, pointing at him.

“Or what? What are you gonna do?” he asked, putting his arms out, challenging her. Olive didn’t move, but simply stared at him like he was crazy. “That's what I thought.”

“Just for that, I'm gonna let some crazy fan attack you.” she said, kicking her feet up onto the desk he was sitting behind.

Another group of fans came in and out with ease.
“How much longer do I have to do this?” he questioned, resting his head on his desk. Olive checked her watch, surprised at what it read.

“You only have ten minutes left. Damn! Time flies when you're getting asked ridiculous questions.” She stated, looking to him. He stuck his tongue out at her. “Very mature.” she mocked, attempting to impersonate his voice. She had to admit, she failed horribly, so they both laughed.

“Are you going to the Draft?” he asked me. Olive shook her head, frowning.

“I don't think so. My boss told me that I was just supposed to make sure that you didn't get attacked, which I believe I have successfully achieved.” she said, giving herself a thumbs up. “Not to mention, you had to have tickets to the Fan Fair and you had to be drawn to be selected to be in the crowd for the Draft. Considering I didn't purchase a ticket, I can’t really go.”

“Just use your pass again.” he suggested. The second to last group of people came in, handing him things to sign. He chatted a little with them.

“Isn't that technically lying?” she pointed out, when there was a break in their conversation. He signed their shirts. Olive assumed they were nervous to be in his presence because they hardly said a word. “Its against my better judgment. I'll just watch it on my laptop. I think I'll have to go back to work after this.”

“Thank you.” Skinner thanked the fans and they exited the room. He faced the pretty blonde. “That's stupid. Richard likes me. I'll get you into the Draft.” he decided, smiling. “I guess your boyfriend would want a ticket too, then.” Olive snorted, breaking into a laugh. “Your girlfriend?” This made her laugh even harder. It took her a second, but she caught her breath.

“I like guys. And I don't have a boyfriend.” she promised, pulling her All-Star hoodie over her head. “Jeff, if you get me tickets to the Draft, I'll be severely pissed off and may have to fight you.”

“Fine, fine.” he said as the last group of people came in. She smiled, happy that she finally won an argument. Olive was packing up her things, which apparently was a longer process than she had expected. She had to admit, she was sad to leave the Fan Fair. Skinner was a really great guy and he was fun to talk to. Olive grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder.

“Well, Jeff, it’s been fun.” she said, walking up to him, extending her hand. He took it, shaking it.

“It has been. I guess I'll see you around then?” he asked.

“I guess. Especially if you're in the mood to public skate on Fayetteville St.” she laughed. He did too. “Bye.” She walked away, leaving the room. Olive made it halfway across the floor of the Convention Center when she realized she didn't have my phone. She turned around to go get it, when she saw Skinner jogging towards her with it in his hand. She saw some fans take pictures and prayed they wouldn't show up online somewhere.

“You forgot this.” he said, handing the iPhone to her. “Nice case.” He was referring to the Canes case she had on it.

“Thanks." she laughed. He winked at her.

"See ya." he said, turning on his heel and walking out. Olive turned her back to the Fan Fair and left.

/ / /

“And then you made out with him and told him that you loved him, right?” Allyson asked, after Olive had filled her in on all the “juicy details”. She chuckled.

“No, Ally. I did not.” she promised. Ally frowned, popping her gum. The familiar tune of Jack Johnson's acoustic guitar filled the air and Olive realized that her cell phone was ringing. She picked it up, noticing that it was a phone call from an unknown number. Cautiously, she answered it.


“Thank you!” the voice on the other end said. What the hell? Olive thought.

“Excuse me?” she responded, her eyebrows furrowing. She had no idea what they were talking about. Mike and Allyson sent her confused looks and she shot them one back.

“Your text! Thanks, Olive.” the voice said. She took her phone away from her ear, checking her texts. Her phone had sent a text that read, “You are the hottest, most talented hockey player in the NHL.” to a number that she didn't recognize. She couldn't help but laugh. Jeff must have texted that off of her phone to his phone before he gave it back to her.

“Jeff, you are ridiculous.” she pointed out. She was glad it was dark so Mike wouldn't make fun of the blush that crept on her cheeks. However, Ally and him were flicking her off and whisper-cussing her out, jealous that she was talking to an NHL player, once they figured out who it was.

“Am I? Now I have your number and you have mine. How is that for ridiculous?” he replied.

“Touche, Mr. Skinner, touche.”

“So, guess what.” he prompted. She leaned against the wall of skates, taking in a deep breath.


“I got you and a guest tickets to the Draft.” her heart skipped a beat.

“What?! Skinner, I hate you! I told you not to do that.” She yelled.

“You said not to get you tickets to the Draft. I also got you tickets to the Skills test and the game, so technically I am sticking to my word.” he explained. Olive’s jaw dropped and she was literally speechless. She couldn't breathe and She was sure that she didn't blink for over a minute. She was just frozen.

“Are you okay?” Ally asked.

“Hello?” Skinner asked, after she didn't answer for a while. “You still there?”

“Y-yeah. Just a little paralyzed. Why did you do that for me? I just met you today.”

“Yeah, but you're really cool. Not to mention, you did compliment me. Texts never lie.”

“I don't know if I could ever repay you.” she said, in a trance.

“I like home-cooked meals.”

“I don't think one home-cooked meal is equivalent to these tickets.”

“Then you can feed me for the whole weekend.”

“That means I'm either going to have to show up at your house with breakfast or you're going to have to come to mine.” Olive said. Allyson and Mike were wildly waving their arms, like something had caught on fire. She put up a finger, asking for them to give her a minute.

“Sounds good to me.”

“So, how am I gonna get these tickets?” she asked. “Should I meet you somewhere, or-”

“They are waiting for you at the bag check indoors. Tell them your name is Mary Poppins.”

“You never cease to amaze me, man.” she giggled.

“I am pretty awesome, aren't I?" he chuckled. "See you at the Draft, then."

“Alright. Bye.” she said, hanging up.

“What is this about showing up to someone's house?” Allyson asked.

“What tickets?” Mike asked.

“Who never ceases to amaze you?”

“Okay, guys.” Olive said. “Which one of you do I love more...?” she pondered, thinking about who she would bring to the events.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are appreciated. Don't be a silent reader.

2 / 21 / 2012 - EDIT: POV change