I'll Be Seeing You

In All the Old Familiar Places

Jenna's heels clicked against the pavement as she walked away from her car and automatically locked it over her shoulder. She smoothed the front of her red v-neck and tugged on her bra straps to adjust her already perfectly shaped cleavage. She adjusted her tight, gray pencil skirt so it showed just the right amount of leg as she continued her slow stride.

Her dyed blonde hair flowed behind her, and she ran her tongue over her perfectly straight, white teeth. With the help of a dermatologist her skin was now flawless, and she had shed pounds so her body was lean and sculpted.

Her mother's 3rd marriage had prompted a return to Maryland, and as soon as her heels hit the floor of the Baltimore airport, she'd rang her old best friend's number. She knew it was the same - Kim hated change.

"Everyone will be so excited to see you!" Kim had told her excitedly before inviting her to her cousin's party.

She wouldn't be surprised if they didn't recognize her. It even took her mother a few moments. She smirked as she approached the house that was all too familiar, but in the worst way possible.

3 1/2 years earlier
The chubby brunette stood in front of the door and waited nervously for it to open. Her best friend Kim had convinced Jenna that facing her fears was the least she could do senior year. So there she stood, at the door of the boy who she'd been infatuated with since freshman year.

The door swung open and a boy with shaggy hair stood on the other side.

Jenna's eyes went wide and she managed to sputter out, "Hi Zack!"

"Hi?" He looked at her with one eyebrow raised, "Can I help you?"

"I just came to ask you something," She smiled and showed the metal in her mouth.

"Yeah?" He shifted his weight impatiently.

"Well, Kim just told me you don't have a date to prom and I don't have a date, either," Jenna rambled and looked down at her sweaty hands.

He laughed and Jenna looked up at him, "You're asking me to the prom?"

Jenna nodded her head, biting her lip.

"That's too fucking funny," He shook his head, still laughing, and closed the door.

She stood there for a minute, dumbfounded. Tears started streaming down her face as he sprinted to her mother's waiting car.

But this time he wouldn't turn her down. This time, she knew he'd react just like all the other boys had the past couple of years.

She'd exercised, dieted, tanned, and gone through every beauty procedure known to woman-kind. She was different, and she was secretly hoping he was too. But she knew better. He was just like every boy she'd seduced since her transformation: only interested in what she looked like as she rolled around in his bed.

Jenna walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell just like she had all that time ago. But this time Zack didn't have the upper hand. This time, she'd have him groveling at her feet.

Kim stood in the doorway when the door opened, looking Jenna up and down quizzically, "Can I help you?"

"Hi, Kimmy," Jenna smirked, standing tall.

Kim hadn't changed much. She now apparently wore skirts, but her hair was still a dirty dishwater blonde and glasses still covered her eyes.

Jenna watched as her expression finally changed, "Holy shit, Jenna!"

Her old friend lunged forward and enveloped her into a hug, then pulled her by the hand into Zack's house. Jenna was relieved when Kim let go, and she regained her confident posture.

"You won't believe all the people who are here!" Kim told her, leading her into the living room where bass was pounding.

Jenna surveyed the room as heads turned towards her. She kept herself from laughing at the lust-filled eyes of the males in the room and the glares from the women. They were all still so unoriginal.

People whispered as she walked by, but she remained unfazed. The kitchen was a repeat of the living room, and she let a small smile form on her lips as she poured herself a rum and coke. She took a sip for luck and started a loop around the spacious home.

Her eyes were searching for only one person, and when she finally found him her jaw clenched. She hadn't expected him to have changed just as much as she had. For some reason she still expected him to be the same boy who'd made her cry senior year.

A black t-shirt showed off his muscles, and his hair was much shorter. He looked older, but even better than he ever had in high school. She could see a tattoo peaking out from one of his sleeves. He stood alone, scanning his bored eyes around the room.

"What's up?" A blonde boy asked from beside her.

Jenna ignored him, leaving him with an open mouth as she walked away. These people didn't matter to her anymore, and entertaining them wasn't what she was here for. She zeroed in on her target and strode confidently toward him.

She stood in front of him, blocking his view of the rest of the room. His expression stayed blank, but she could see his eyes dancing over her petite curves.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

Jesus, he hadn't changed at all. She let out a laugh and looked into his eyes, she knew the smirk on her pouty lips was driving him crazy. Just like she wanted it to. But she wasn't here to rehash the past with Zack in his parents' bustling living room.

No, she knew exactly what she wanted, and exactly how to get it. She reached out for his hand and he willingly followed her up the stairs. Her hips swayed just so, and she held his hand in hers just softly enough.

She opened the door to what she knew was his bedroom and led him inside, "You're Zack, right?"

"That's what they call me," He shrugged, sitting on the unmade bed.

The room hadn't been inhabited very often, that much Jenna could tell. She sat her plastic cup on the dusty dresser and walked over to Zack. She threw her hair over her shoulder and straddled his lap.

"What's your name?" He asked, placing his hands on her hips.

"I didn't come here to chat, Zack," She pressed her soft lips firmly against his and he didn't resist her touch as she ran her hands through his hair.

He pulled away and looked up at her, "I feel like I know you from somewhere."

She let out a soft laugh and pushed him back onto the bed, kicking off her heels before climbing on top of him, "Seriously, shut up."

Jenna ran her hands up his washboard stomach as she continued to kiss him. Zack complied and stopped asking questions, which was exactly what she wanted. She skillfully pulled his shirt over his head as he pushed his hands further and further up her thighs.

Zack flipped her over and pulled her skirt down, revealing the lacy thong she was wearing underneath. Jenna threw the skirt onto the ground and pulled her shirt over her head. Enough with this wasting time bullshit.

She unhooked his belt and undid the button on his jeans, which he wiggled out of without taking his lips from hers. The rest of the night sped by quickly, and before she knew it, Jenna was laying beside Zack sweaty and out of breath.

She lay there for a moment, listening to him pant and trying to calm her own heartbeat. This had all been almost too easy. She stood up from beside him, pulling on her bra and panties quickly. Jenna had managed to get all of her clothes into one neat pile. This wasn't her first time at the rodeo.

"Why're you leaving?" Zack asked, propped up on one elbow, watching her.

She smirked and pulled her shirt over her head. Smoothing out her hair, then pulling on her skirt.

"I thought you might finally tell me your name," He continued.

She chuckled and fixed her outfit, checking her makeup and hair in the mirror before turning back around to the muscular boy still laying in his bed. In high school, she'd always dreamed about spending time with him in this very room.

Jenna felt surprised that this little romp with the boy she had once admired didn't change anything. She still felt empty and cold. She realized while she stared down at him that she'd made herself into a completely different person for someone else. A person who had never cared about her a day in his life.

But she kept her composure, "You remember when you said you thought you recognized me?"

He nodded his head and sat up. She slipped her feet into her black pumps and walked toward the door.

"You remember a girl named Jenna Carlyle?" Her hand was on the door knob.

"Yeah, vaguely. She wasn't anything special as far as I know," He shrugged.

She smirked, "Well you just had sex with her."

He furrowed his brow, "What? You're the Jenna who was best friends with Kim?"

"That would be me, sweetheart. You really should've taken me to prom instead of being a shallow asshole. Maybe you could've had all of this," She shot him one last smirk and walked out of the room.

She walked gracefully down the stairs and out the front door. Jenna left Zack behind just like she did with all the other boys. But this was a moment she'd been waiting on for years.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I wrote a bunch of this, then Firefox crashed because it apparently agreed it was shitty. Darn! Well, I hope whoever's reading this enjoys it.
I haven't written a one-shot in years, so I'm a bit rusty. But if you like this, then let me know if you'd like me to write more. I'll take suggestions/character names if you'd like another!

Song/chapter title: I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday