Run Away With Me?

Anytime You Want

She told me she didn't want me to buy her anything for our anniversary, because she already had my love so she didn't need anything else. Technically, I didn't buy her anything. I spent weeks on this, trying to find the right way to put them together and I think I finally had it. 

My palms were sweating as I sat down on our couch and turned on the television, trying to look as normal as possible today. She was out with Lady B, shopping for clothes. Other times I'd be perfectly happy to go out with them but today I wanted to make sure everything was planned out perfectly, so I opted out of going to look for cute little clothes to put B in. 

I heard her car pull in the drive and my heart skipped a beat. 

'Pull it together, man.' I thought to myself. I'd give it all away if I looked like a  melting mess on the floor. 

She walked in the door holding our sleeping child in her arms. She smiled over at me and continued on to B's room, going to lie her down. When she walked back in, I couldn't help but to notice how beautiful she was. 

In that moment, so normal, but when you really look at it, it's so beautiful. The way she walks, the way she swings her arms, the way some of her hair escaped from her bun and fell in her face, everything. She slid off her shoes and put her hands on her hips, sighing, staring out the window. Then she peeked over at me and grinned, sprinting the short distance from the door to the couch and plopping down next to me. 

"Hey you," she smiled, pecking my lips. 

"Hey, babe. How was shopping?" 

"It was lovely. She's going to be a definite shopper when she's older. She loved trying on everything. We bought a few things but I left them in the car to get later, I just wanted to get her inside. How was... staying at home?" she laughed. 

"It was fun! I fought with a unicorn and we went to Candy Land and ate the peppermint man!"

"Have you taken something?!" she joked. 

"The only drug I condone is you."

"You're so cheesy, Gee."

"But I can be cheesy with you, because you think it's adorable."

"Adorable man," she smiled at me, tapping my nose with her finger- like something you would do to a little kid when they were being cute. 

"So I was thinking that tonight, we could get a sitter for Bandit and go out to eat for our anniversary. And that doesn't count as buying you something! I want to have dinner together," I added hurriedly before she could tell me that I wasn't buying her anything. Dinner dates weren't buying anything.

She looked at me for a moment before sighing, "Fine, I suppose that doesn't count. I'll call my sister," she said, starting to get up.

"Hey hey, I wasn't done with you sitting with me," I pulled her down on my lap. 

"Oh come on," she laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Well when you're done let me know so I can call."

"I promise I'll let you know," I grinned. "I just want to hold you, that's all. I don't get to do that a lot with Lady B. Wait till she learns how to walk."

I rested my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. 

"Oh god, don't remind me. She'll be everywhere."

Lindsey ran one of her hands through my hair, leaning her cheek on the top of my head and kissing it. It felt so wonderful just to sit with my wife like this. To be honest I just missed having her all to myself at times. 

I leaned up and kissed her, smiling at her. "Alright, NOW you can go call your sister. But I want you to report back here as soon as you're done."

"Yes, ma'am," she laughed, running away before I could get her for calling me ma'am. 

* * * 

"Okay, I guess we're all set. If she's any problem be sure to call us," Lindsey told her sister and she promised she would and to get out of here already.

I led Lindsey out to the car- and like a true gentlemann- opened the door for her and helped her into her seat before going around the car and starting it, pulling out and heading to our restaurant. 

"Where are we going?" she asked quietly.

"Just this small Italian restaurant I found a while ago. Nothing too fancy, I just want a quiet dinner with you."

She smiled and grabbed my hand, resting them on the console between us. I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles before I picked up her hand and kissed it, grinning at her. She smiled again and nodded for me to pay attention to the road.

Once we got to the restaurant, I helped her out of the car and looped our arms together, walking us into the restaurant. 

"Reservations under Way." I said to the seatsman and he pulled out two menus and led us down a small hall and to a table near the corner. 

"This is so pretty, Gee. Thank you," Lindsey said.

"You're welcome, babe," I smiled, taking her hand in mine across the table and lacing our fingers together. 

We ordered our dinner and ate over small conversations, but mostly enjoyed each others company. And before I knew it the time to give her my gift had crept up on me. I pulled my hand out of hers and pulled the paper out of my back pocket where I had kept it and set it on my lap.

I cleared my throat, "So, I'm glad you let me take you out to dinner and not count it towards anything, but I have one more thing."

"Gerard, you better not have bought anything." 

"I didn't I promise." 

I laid the paper on the table in front of her and urged her to pick it up. She unfolded it quietly, with a curious look in her eyes. I could see her eyes move back and forth as she read over it and then I saw sone tears prick at the corners and she covered her mouth with her hand.


"I didn't buy anything, I said I wouldn't. But I wanted to show you some how what I felt about you. This is the best way I know how. I - I got inspired from our messages to each other, when we were on tour. When you wrote 'will you run away with me'... I remembered and it all came to me. So this is it."

"Babe... I don't know what to say," she smiled.

"You don't have to."

She leaned over the table and pulled my face towards hers and kissed my lips. "Come on, let's go home."

I stood and laid our tip on the table and helped her put her jacket on, I was going all out with being a gentlemann tonight. But I wasn't moving fast enough for her apparently, because she grabbed my hand and all but dragged me to our car.

* * *

"Sister is gone, B is asleep, now show me- show me just how much you love me," she whispered against my lips. 

I wasn't going to deny her - or myself- of what she wanted, as I slipped off her pull over, revealing her beautiful tattooed arms and kissed her shoulder.

She ran her hands up underneath my shirt and I shuddered at her cold hands. She noticed and giggled, taking extra care to touch every part of my chest. As cliche as it sounds, my stomach was in knots. Only she had the ability to do this to 
me, to make me feel okay with myself.

She pulled my shirt up over my head and I lifted my arms up to make it easier to get off, and she tossed it on to the floor. I turned her around and kissed her neck softly, making her lean back into me. My hands glided up the back of her dress and pulled the zipper down and pushing the garment off of her down to her ankles, where she stepped out of it.

I looked down and admired her body clad in nothing but her underwear. I ran my hands over her tummy and her hips, resting them there. When I looked back up at her she was looking down and blushing and I knew...

"Babe, you're still as beautiful, more beautiful now. Especially after Bandit, and your body is a constant reminder of how much I loved making her with you. Don't be ashamed of the marks," I spoke quietly to her. 

She gave me a teary smile and put her hands on my cheeks, rubbing her thumbs along my temples. She pecked my lips before moving her hands down to my waist where she practically ripped my belt from the loops.

She giggled when she realised what she did but continued. Once she had my pants undone she pushed them down me, along with my boxers. I stepped out of them and pushed her towards our bed and onto it.

I stood and admired her again as she laid in the middle of the sheets with her hair all around her head, like a halo. She smiled up at me and beckoned for me to come to her. 

I straddled her waist and ran my hands up and down her sides, feeling her smooth skin under my fingertips. I placed a kiss in her collar bones, working my way down her chest to her hips. My fingers hooked on her underwear and I dragged them down her legs and off, kissing her ankles. I placed kisses on her calves, knees and thighs, running my hands over them. I grinned up at her before spreading her legs and revealing her to me. 

She smiled at me before running on of her hands through my hair, resting it on my neck as I covered her with my mouth, squeezing her thighs gently.

I looked up to see her with her head back, biting her lip as I pleased her. I could feel her getting close as her tummy quivered in front of me, and I rested my hand on it, keeping her in place. She moaned quietly as she came, clenching the sheets in her fist.

I kissed along her chest with moist lips until they found her own, kissing them passionately. 

"Gerard, please stop teasing and get to it already."

"Patience is a virtue," I laughed at her. 

She mock glared at me before pulling my face back to her own and kissing me again. I felt her wrap her legs around my waist and I grabbed her thighs again, positioning myself. 

She moaned as I pushed into her - along with my own moan escaping. She dug her nails into my shoulder as I sped up a bit, kissing under my chin and down my neck. 

"Ohh fuck, Gerard," she moaned.

I slowed my pace down, wanting to draw this out as long as possible, but face it, we were getting older and were incapable of holding on for very long at all at this point. 

We were barely moving against each other other than our lips and I felt that warmth in my stomach getting hotter and lower until I came, my orgasm bringing me near tears from the intensity. I felt Lindsey's walls clench around me and I nearly lost control. 

I gave a final thrust, moaning against her chest. 

"Fuckkk, Lindsey, fuck."

She cradled my head against her chest as we both panted and tried to regain our breath- and ourselves. I leaned up and pecked her lips before pulling out of her warmth and laid next to her, pulling the covers over us.

She snuggled into my side and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you, Gerard, for everything," she whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, babe. Run away with me?" I asked her.

"Anytime you want."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll fix any mistakes in Jere once I'm on a proper computer. iPods aren't thy great for posting.

But concrit would be lovely on this and just tell me what you think. And fir future refernce, this is a one shot and it will not be continued, before anyone asks.
