Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

Moving In

As we drove to our new home in sunny California, I admired the scenery. Everything looked very bright here, making it come off as a good place to be. I was actually very excited to go and see our new home. I am about the only one who still hasn’t seen it, so I’m more excited than everyone else.

I looked over to my band mate, Adam, who was driving.

“Aren't you excited Adam?” I asked him. He glanced over at me briefly before turning his attention back to the road.

“Jenny, you’ve asked me that about every five minutes for the past 2 hours. How many times do I have to tell you that, yes, everyone is very excited?” Adam didn’t sound annoyed, more tired than anything. I would be too if I had to drive all day.

“Maybe three more times before I finally shut up.” I smiled at him. He just laughed at me and turned the radio on.

I looked behind me to talk to Vi, but she was sleeping. I looked to Damien, and he was listening to his IPod and bouncing his head to the beat. That left Frankie, probably the closest person to me in our entire band. Not that I wasn’t close to everyone else, it’s just that I’ve known Frankie the longest.

“Frankie.” I drag out his name to add to it.

“Jenny.” He did the same thing to my name as he looked up at me.

“Everyone else is busy and your my last resort for any human contact.”

“Sorry Angel, I got some paper work we need to give those guys at the record company when we go in tomorrow. For some odd reason, I got stuck with doing it all.”

“That’s because you're the most responsible and if anyone else was given it to do it, it would have never gotten done.” I smiled at Frankie and he returned back to the papers in his lap.

I decided to continue looking out the window, admiring the scenery that we passed by. It wasn’t long before Adam pulled into a drive way and stopped the van.

He looked over at me and smiled. “We’re here!” he sung loudly. Violet groaned in the back seat, mumbling some curse words because Adam had just woken her up.

I jumped out of the car and looked up at the huge house that was now our home. The house was huge, and very expensive looking. Although it looked expensive, it still looked simple. I loved it.

“Careful with that! Jenny will kill you if anything happened to it!” Damien said. I looked behind me to see that he was talking to Adam. Adam held an all to familiar case. That’s when I got worried.

“Bleaker! What did the big, mean Adam do to you?” I ran over to him and took the case from him. I set it on the ground and opened the case. It looked fine, but you can never be to sure.

“I did nothing.” Adam protested.

I picked up Bleaker carefully and put the strap over my head. To test him out, I played my favourite solo piece form one of our own songs. It sounded okay to me, just needed to be tuned. I sighed in relief, then looked up at Adam.

“Your off the hook... for now.” I told him. He nodded his head and headed towards the house.

I locked the case back up and brought it back inside. All of our stuff that wasn’t here already was going to be shipped out. I put Bleaker in our new music room and went to the kitchen. I was starved from that long drive.

“Adam? Do we have any food?” I yelled to Adam in the next room.

“Didn’t you just eat?” He yelled back.

I walked out of the kitchen to find Adam sitting on the couch flicking through channels on the TV.

“That was almost three hours ago. It’s almost five! That means dinner time.” Adam looked up at me, “How about we go out?” He didn’t look so sure. “I’ll pay?” I shrugged.

He sprung up off the couch and yelled to the house. “Jenny’s buying dinner! LET’S GO PEOPLE!”

I fist pumped the air and ran outside. I took out the drumsticks that were sticking out of my back pocket and held one in each hand. While holding them I did a cartwheel on the front lawn and when I stood up I knelled down on one knee and crossed the sticks to make and X. I heard clapping and I looked to my right. Frankie was standing there looking at me.

“Thank you Frankie.” I said.

“No problem Ash.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” he said.

“Why am I the only one with a dozen nicknames?”

He just shrugged and we all piled into the van.
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First charpter! Crapy I know, but give it a shot?