Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

Can I help You?

“I think we should celebrate.” Frankie said. We had just finished eating dinner at a little Italian place and were now waiting for the bill.

“Celebrate what?” Violet asked.

“Here! US! Do need a reason to get drunk?” Frankie replied.

“Here’s the hard part.” I started, “Who’s the sucker who has to stay sober and drive all the drunk people home?”

I noticed everyone was now touching their noses. “Dam it! I never win at the game.” They all laughed as I slouched in my seat.

* * *

I ran out side into the warm morning sun.

Where to hide?

I looked around and my eyes landed on the large house that was next to ours. There was two cars parked in the driveway, someone had to be home.

I never did go and say hi to them… maybe I should go do that now.

I crossed the lawn that connected the two houses and walked up to the door. I pressed the little button that was next to door frame and waited.

A minute or so later a tall guy with dark, some what spiky hair and the brownest eyes I have ever seen answered the door. To say I didn’t think he was hot, would be a total lie. This guy was gorgeous.

“Can I help you?” he asked me.

“I just moved in next door, thought I’d introduce myself.” He raised an eyebrow at me. I couldn’t do that, I really wish I could do that. “Okay, fine. You see, last night my friends got really drunk. Being the awesome friend that I am, I set their alarms to go off in about five minutes.”

He smiled at me, “Need a place to hide I’m guessing?”

“Yes please.” He opened the door wider and I stepped into his home. “Thank you, I think you just saved my life.”

“Hey Brian! Who was at the door?” A voice called in from somewhere inside the house.

I took the time to answer for him, “His psycho ex-girlfriend who just killed Brian.”

“Brian never had a girlfriend.” the voice called again. I rolled my eyes.

“It was a secret relationship.” I answered simply, “He denied his child, now I’m back for my revenge.”

“But if you just killed him, your child will never have a father now.”

“SERIOUSLY?!” I yelled. I looked over to Brian, “Is he always this complicated?”

“Yes.” Brian and more voices replied.

Brian led me into the house into the living room area. Right away I noticed that one of his windows faced one of ours. Then I noticed three new faces. Two of them sat on a couch and the other in a comfy looking arm chair.

The closest one to me who was sitting on the couch looked big and muscular. He had sunglasses sitting on top of his head and had a smile on his face.

The other guy that was on the couch had black and white hair spiked into a Mohawk. His smile was bigger than the first guys.

I finally looked over to the guy sitting in the chair and he had dark hair that covered his eyes slightly. He had snakebites, major brownie points for any girl.

“Brian’s not dead.” he said to me before a small smile cracked onto his face.

I just returned their smiles and shrugged.

Brian spoke up then, “Guys, this is…”


“Jenny. We’re helping her hide.”

“From what?” The big guy asked me.

I walked over to the window I had spotted earlier and opened it. From over here you could hear yelling from the other house. “JENNIFER SULLIVAN! WE WILL FIND YOU AND WHEN WE DO YOU WILL BE DEAD!”

“Four, angry, hung over friends who just got woken up by their alarms who someone must have set.” I explained to them.

“I love this girl already.”

“That’s Zacky by the way.” Brian told me as he pointed to the guy in the chair. “That’s Matt and Johnny.” He pointed to each of them as he spoke.

“Hello Zacky, Matt and John-” I stopped when I heard faint, but very familiar music playing.

They did not just pull that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whadda think of my new chapter? Good? Bad?
I think Its okay, but I'm excited for the more fun stuff to start :)