Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

Ex-Cons Gonna Get You

They did not just pull that.

The familiar tune drifted through my ears. It took me back to the day that I thought recording myself was a good idea.

“I dunno Jimmy, I’m not really the singing type.” I said to my brother.

For some odd reason Jimmy had gotten the idea that if I recorded the song I had just finished writing, it would turn out good. I didn’t agree.

“Oh, come on. I’ve heard you before, it’ll be fine.”

“Jimmy I just write the songs, I don’t ever sing them.” I tried changing his mind.

“I’m not going to change my mind if that’s what you think.” Jimmy crossed his arms and looked at me. He gave me one of his famous sad faces. I couldn’t say no to that!

“Fine. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to like it.” Jimmy just smiled at the fact he had won.

I had actually written the song for him. I also thought I had destroyed all copies of it, I guess not.

“What is that?” Brian asked. I had completely forgot that I was still standing in his house.

“My mates way of getting back at me.” I replied bitterly.

As calmly as I could I walked back to the front door and left. I looked around and saw Frankie standing outside in the front yard.

A huge smirk was plastered onto his face. I glared at him and his smirk fell. His eyes got wide and he ran around to the backyard.

Violet is the only one smart enough to keep a copy. Adam is the only one with a portable stereo. Damien is the only one clever enough to think of such a plan. Frankie is the only one brave enough to face me when I come out.
They all played a part in this.

I chased Frankie to the backyard. He stood there, looking confused, trying to find a place to hide. He looked over at me again and his eyes got even wider.

“Jeez Jenny, what’d you do? Call reinforcements?”

I looked behind me and Brian, Johnny, Zacky and Matt stood there. An idea instantly formed in my head.

“Yeah, and if you guys don’t turn that off right now… well, lets just say they aren’t afraid to go back to jail.”

Frankie backed up and knocked on the pool house door. “Um, guys? I really think we should turn it off now. Jenny brought ex-cons!” I laughed to myself.

The music turned off and three faces peaked out the door. They all looked freaked. I looked over to the guys standing behind me and motioned for them to come closer.

“You can come out.” I said. “They aren’t really ex-cons, although they could be…” I looked at them questionably. Adam, Violet and Damien walked out just as Brian took a place next to me.

“Guys, these are my new best friends, be nice. New best friends, meet my band.”

Frankie rolled his eyes at my introduction. “I’m Frankie, that’s Adam, Violet and Damien.”

Adam spoke up first. “I’m Adam, Damien’s the ugly one.”

“HEY!” Damien yelled. “I wouldn’t be talking Fletcher. At least I can get some.”

“AS*HOLE!” Adam yelled angrily.

“SHUP UP, BOTH OF YOU!” Violet has never had patience when it comes to those two.

“Well I’m Matt, This is Brian, Zacky and Johnny.” Matt spoke, trying to ease some of the tension. I don’t think it was working too well.

I shifted my weight on each foot, getting restless. The growing silence was starting to get to me.

“Sooooo, Jenny. What was that song they were playing?”

My face fell. Should I tell them that I had written it for my brother, or just lie and say that it was a song I deeply hated? I really don’t know if I can stand to talk about Jimmy. I know it’s been a year but it eats me alive to know of all the time I missed.

Violet must have noticed my wondering thoughts, thank god she saved me form that decision. “Wanna come inside? It’s getting really hot out here.”

“It was for my brother.” I spoke very quietly. At first I didn’t think anyone heard me but they must have because now eight curious eyes were set on me. “My twin, to be exact. He passed about a year ago now. He always wanted me to see California.”

“Know how you must feel.” Brian said. “We just lost a close friend.”

“But you probably knew him longer than two years.” I said sadly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took sooo long to update. Lots of stuff going on right now.
Hopefuly I will update A LOT sooner this time.

Not the best chapter, but okay :)