Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

Welcome To The Family

Flashback -

I didn’t mind working at the restaurant. It was a cute little place that was never too busy. The food here was actually good and the people who did show up were always pleasant. It was close to home and it helped pay my portion of the bills. A job was a job.

“Umm, Jenny?” I looked up from where I was sitting in the back room. It was Carla who was calling me.

“In here Carla!”

“Hey Jenny. There’s this guy out front that is asking for you.” she said.

“He’s not a cop is he?” I asked her. Yeah, me and the law sometimes don’t see eye to eye.

“I highly doubt it. He actually kinda looks like you. Anyway, will you go see him?”

“Sure, I’ll be out in a second.” I replied.

I got up and dusted myself off. I ruffled up my short dark hair as I walked out to the front of the restaurant. I guessed that he was likely not someone who came here often, seeing that Carla didn’t know who he was. I looked around to see someone I didn’t know.

One guy caught my eye. He was tall with short dark hair and tattoos almost everywhere that I could see. As I got closer to him I noticed that we did look a lot alike. We had the same blue eyes, and the same nose. He pretty much looked like a guy version of me.

“Hello?” It came out more of a question.

“Your Jennifer Sullivan?” he asked me. I just nodded my head. “Hi, I’m James or you can call me Jimmy.”

“Hi Jimmy. You can call me Jenny. Jennifer is too formal.”

“Okay, Jenny.” He looked me up and down before he continued to talk. “Were you by any chance born on February 9th?”

I just stared at him. “How the hell did you know that?” I questioned him. I had no idea who this guy was but he obviously knew me. That creeped me out. I was usually calm and had a ‘I-don’t-care’ attitude but this guy, for some unknown reason, made me nervous.

“I’m not some stalker, if that’s what your thinking.” Jimmy said. “I’m your brother. Twin to be exact.”

“I don’t have a brother.” I stated.

“Well, long story short, our parents had us but could only take care of one of us. They ended up giving you up for adoption. They had stayed in touch with your adopted parents, Mike and Carrol. After the accident they started to worry about you and that’s when they told me about you.”

“How do you know my life story?!” This was really starting to scare me.

“You know your not easy to find.” He said.

“VIOLET!” I screamed. She was my best friend and would help me make sense of all this.

Violet popped up next to me. “How can I help you my darling?”

“This guy Jimmy clams to be my long, lost twin brother. He knows my entire life story!”

“Just look at this.” Jimmy held out a piece of paper.

I took it from him and looked at was written on it. It said in the first column ‘James Owen Sullivan’, then some funny lines. The one below that it read ‘Jennifer Lynn Sullivan’, and more funny lines. Underneath all that, in bold it said MATCH. Shit.

“How’d you get her DNA?” Violet asked him.

“It was in the database from the car accident. I asked them to run it against mine.”

“I have a twin brother.” I barley said above a whisper. I knew I was adopted, but never did I think my biological family would come to find me. This was all happening way to fast. I looked up at Jimmy with a small smile on my face.

He smiled a huge grin. He opened up his arms and said, “Welcome to the family.” I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. Never did I think I would be part of a family again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is when Jenny first met Jimmy. Kinda odd, I know. But I'm thinking of putting maybe another one just so you know what their relationship was like. What do ya think?

Thx :P