Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

You Can Call Me Flower If Ya Want

- Time elapse -

So we are still with Hopeless Records.

We were late that day, surprisingly there are people who sometimes don’t show up at all. They were impressed we were only ten minutes late. We’ve become quick friends with everyone there it seems.

Now here’s something that isn’t nearly as awesome. Those incredibly cute boys we met not to long ago? Yeah, well they disappeared off the face of the planet. They haven’t been here for weeks now.

It not like we are really close so they would tell us if they were leaving town, but still. I mean, don’t they need someone to water their plants or something? I would have done it, had they given me the option. You gotta admit though, Brian doesn’t exactly strike me as a plant person. Maybe feed the fish? I bet he’d have a scary fish too. Something like a piranha or a blowfish. Second thought, maybe I wouldn’t feed the fish…

Anyway, it’s Sunday now and it’s like 95 ºF. That’s 35 ºC to us Canadian folks, and that is not something we are used to yet. I rather freeze my ass off in a Canadian winter then melt here and now.

Our solution to this? POOL.

Lucky us, we have a pool in our backyard. Be jealous.

I had on a cute red bikini. The only reason I bought it was because of the skull on the left side and a little bow in the center of the bra part. You could see my tattoo too. It’s on my right side and stretches from just below my breast to my hip.

“Jenny?!” Violet yelled up the stairs. “Have you gotten the towels yet?”

“Yep! Pink ones for the boys and red ones for us.” I replied to her as I walked down the stairs.

Violet was waiting for me at the bottom. She had on a black bikini with red heart shaped polka-dots all over it.

“Cute.” I commented.

“Same to you.” Violet said with a wink.
We walked out together to the pool where Damien, Adam and Frankie were waiting.

“’Bout time you girls got out here.” Damien said.

“Sexy.” Frankie said to us with a wink.

Adam rubbed the back of his head before he said anything. “You look nice Violet.” He paused and gave her a smile. “Oh, and you too Jenny.”

“I feel loved.” I said. “What were you saying again Frankie?”

He cracked a smile and started walking towards me, “You look just god dammed sexy today. I wonder how you’d look wet?” As soon as he said that I turned and ran. Unfortunately for me Frankie caught me fairly fast and slung me over his shoulder.

“Put me down Frankie!” I kicked my legs in hope he’d let me go. Soon enough I hit water.

I went all the way to the bottom and swam back up. “You jackass.” Frankie just laughed. “At least help me out.” He put his hand out to help me out of the pool. I took his hand in mine, then Violet appeared behind him and pushed him while I pulled his hand. Frankie floated to the surface and gave Violet and I dirty looks.

“Come on man, like you didn’t see it coming.” Damien said. Then he ran and jumped into the pool.

We had splash wars and a few rounds of marco polo. We’re cool people.

Damien was the first out so he could cook us some hamburgers on the BBQ for dinner. We all soon followed and got out as well. I stayed by the pool’s edge so I could put my feet in and splash around a bit still.

“You look kinda lonely sitting all by your lonesome Jenny.” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head to the direction I heard it from and saw Brian on his balcony.

“Well, look who came back from the dead.” I responded. Even from a far distance, I could see him smiling. “Would you like to join me so I wouldn’t be so lonely?”

“I’ll be right there my Flower.” Flower?

I called over to the others and told them Brian was heading over. Damien put on another hamburger for him, just in case.

In less that two minutes Brian was sitting next to me with his feet in the water, splashing along with me. I couldn’t help but notice he was sitting close. Not that it was a bad thing.

“So, what’s with the nickname?” I asked.

“Flower? Oh, I dunno. Seems to fit you.”

“I thought it was because of my tattoo.” Brian raised an eyebrow at me. Still wish I could do that. I turned a little more to face his side so he could see my rose tattoo. There is petals around it, made to look like they were falling, with initials on them.

“What’s it mean?” Brian asked.

“It’s for anyone who made a huge impact on my life and unfortunately went before it was their time to go.” I turned back to face the water. “What about you? You seem to have a few. Any interesting stories?” I hope my attempt to change the subject wasn’t too obvious.

“I’ll tell you another time.” he said.

“But I want to know one now.”

“I promise to tell you sometime. All of them and what they mean. Honestly.”

“When is ‘sometime’?” I asked him.

“Not now,” Brian answered. “but hopefully soon.”

Just then Damien called to us saying dinner was done.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I didn't update yesterday like I promised. And for that I deserve to be hit continuously hit with a spoon until I reach unconscious. My excuse sucks too. We had this huge thunder storm lastnight and I wasn't allowed on the computer.
But I did update today :)

Just wanna say Thanks to my Subscribers (THANK YOU! Love ya <3)

And don't be shy with comments.
I want to know if you like it or not and if I need improvement.
I won't bite. Promise. :P