Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

I'm In A Band

“It got quiet here.” Violet said.

We all just finished eating and were now just chilling on the patio. Damien was quietly talking to Frankie about who knows what. Violet and Adam were getting cozy together while I sat beside Brian across from them.

“What me to go get my CD’s?” I asked her. Violet nodded. “Okay, but I’ll need help finding them.”

“I’ll help you.” Brian spoke up and followed me inside.

We weaved through the few boxes that were still sitting on the floor up to my room. I started looking through the first box I saw. Brian started on his own box.

“Ha!” I said. “These will do, I think Vi likes these guys. In my opinion they are the best fucking band ever.”

“What band is it? Maybe I’ve heard of them.” Brian tried to take the CD’s from my hand but I moved them. He tried again but I ran away with them. “Jenny! I just want to see them. Come on!”

“You’ll have to catch me first!” I yelled behind me.

I ran through the house, into the backyard with Brian close behind me. I was about to slip through the gate but Brian caught me just then. He lifted me off the ground and carried me over his shoulder back to where we were sitting. He is way stronger than I originally thought.

Brian set me down on my feet but kept an arm around my waist. He sat down and brought me with him so I was now sitting on his lap.

“I caught you. Can I see now?” Brian looked at me with pleading eyes.

I handed him the six CD’s that I held in my hand. I watched his facial expression change form happy to confused.

Violet walked over and took one to put in the player. Brian still looked confused as hell.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Jenny, do you know who I am?” he asked me, completely serious.
“Well, your Brian from next door… I don’t think I know too much else about you besides what you’ve already told me.”

“Do you not know who the members in the band are?” Brian held up one of my Avenged Sevenfold CD’s.

“No… I never bothered to Google them or anything. I don’t think looks really matter, I care more about the talent.” I explained.

“Wait a second…” Frankie said. “I knew you looked familiar! Your Brian Haner.”

“Is that someone important?” Violet asked.

“I play guitar…” Brian said. “in Avenged.” My mouth made an ‘O’ shape. That’s why he was confused…

I shifted in his lap so I was facing him more. Brian looked down at me with a scared look in his eyes. I think he thought I was going to go all fan girl crazy on him.

“That’s really awesome. I knew you were in a band, never thought to ask the name though. My brother is the one who really got me into you guys.”

I could feel Brian relax from under me and a smile form on his lips.

Brian wrapped his huge arms around me and hugged me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not one I'm proud of, but this had to get out of the way so some other stuff can happen ;) Update again soon. (and by soon I mean tonight!)

So Jenny knows who Brian is now... will this make things complicated now??? Hummmmmm