Status: Updates will hopefully be on a weekly basis now. Sorry for the wait!

If Only...

The NEW Trio

It was around 10 am and I still wasn't getting used to the time change. You'd think after a month or so you would, but I guess it is gonna take longer than I thought.

I sat outside with tea in hand, enjoying the peaceful morning and the fresh air. As I sipped my tea my mind seemed to wonder. I thought about Jimmy and how excited he would be if he had met A7X. He always went on and on about them and claimed them to be his favorite band. I laughed a little when the thought of him fitting in with them perfectly. He had tattoos, a piercing, and the perfect attitude for a rock star. He was always outgoing and loved music.

My thoughts then wondered over to Brian. I bet him and Jimmy would have gotten along great. Brian, Brian, Brian... I seemed to always think of him. Either something he had said or done. Sometimes just him. Hummm, maybe...

“Hey Jenny.” Violet said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Hey.” Violet pulled up a chair next to mine and sat down. “What's on your mind?”

“Not much.” I knew her better than that and gave her a look. “Well, I've been thinking about Adam.” See. “I'm just wondering if he feels the same way as I do. I know it seems like it, but I really don't know.”

“You should ask him then.” I said. Violet looked at me wide eyed. “Think about it. Adam is not exactly the type of guy to ask you himself. The worst that could happen is he says no. I doubt that will happen though, seeing as it is clearly obvious that he likes you.”

Vi took what I said in and we sat in silence for about a minute. “Do you think he's up yet?” I smiled at her. “I think I'll try the kitchen first.” Vi got up and left me to go find Adam. God, I hope those two will get together soon. I bet they will.

What was I thinking about before?

“JENNY!” That's right, Brian. I waved over to him. He was standing outside on his balcony type thing. A moment later I saw Zacky come out.

“Jenny!!! Guys, Jenny's out!” I soon saw the rest of them and waved again.

“Come on over!” Johnny yelled at me. I held up my tea mug. “You can finish that later. Come on!” I just shook my head no.

“Don't make me come get you Jennifer.” Matt threatened.

“JENNY!” My god I'm popular today. Adam busted through the doors with Violet behind him. I was a little frightened so I jumped out of my chair and hid behind it.

“Come out Jenny. I'm not going to hurt you.” I peeked over the chair and saw violet with a huge grin on her face.

“What is it then?” I asked.

“I want to thank you.” I was confused. Why was he thanking me? “For helping us get over our fears and date already.”

I smiled. “Well don't I feel like Cupid.”

“Sure you'll talk to them but not us.” Brian shouted. I turned around to look at him and noticed he was gone. Had I done something wrong?

I turned back to Violet and Adam and they were holding hands.

Violet looked like she was trying to hold back laughter. Adam did as well.

“Have fun Jenny.” Adam said.

“What?” I then felt myself being picked up. Brian was holding me bridal style with a smirk on his face.

“You left me no choice.” he said. “I knew I would have to come get you.”

“Brian, put me down, I'm not even dressed yet.” I was still in my PJ's that consisted of shorts and a tank top.

“Sorry, I can't do that. I'll take you up to room though.” Sure enough Brian walked inside and took me up to my room. He put me down then and closed the door and stood in front of it.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some jeans. I put them on the bed and walked over to my closet. I randomly pulled out a red top and tossed it over with my jeans.

“Can I get changed now?”

“Sure.” Brian said.

“Can you not leave?”

“What if you try to escape?”

I sighed, “Turn around then. And don't turn back around until I say!” Brian did what I said and turned to face the door.

I slipped off my PJ's and put my jeans on. I slipped on the shirt and looked in the mirror. Oh God. I had grabbed a dark red t-shirt with a very low neckline. There is no way I can wear this.

“That's looks nice.” Brian said.

“Did I say you could turn around?” My back was to him so he didn't see the neck line. “One second, just need one more thing.” I pulled off the shirt and put on a black tank top first then put the shirt back on. It wasn't a huge difference, but I would be a bit more comfortable now. “Ready!”

“Good. Now come on, the guys are waiting.” Brian walked over to me and picked me up again.

“You know I can walk, right?”

“I know, but I like carrying you.” He smiled down at me. His big brown eyes shining as he did so.

He carried me all the way to his house where three excited guys were waiting.

“Hi guys.” I said as Brian put me down.

“Hey Jenny!” Everyone greeted me.

“Want you too meet someone Jenny.” Matt said to me. He walked into the kitchen and I followed. I saw a girl about average height and blonde hair. A smile was on her face.

“Jenny, this is my wife, Val.” I waved at her and gave her a friendly smile.

“Jennifer, I've heard absolutely nothing about you. Funny, isn't it.” Val said.

“Don't feel bad, I've never even heard your name mentioned before.”

“Well we can both agree then that Matt is terrible at telling people information then.”


“I think you too will get along just fine.” Matt said. “I'll leave you too then.” and Matt exited the kitchen.

Val and I talked about nothing in particular but had a fun time getting to know each other. I had told her about Violet and Val really wanted to met her. So I texted Vi to get her ass over here to meet Val.

When the door bell rang I ran for the door with Val behind me. “That's for us!”

“Make yourself at home Jenny.” Brian said with much sarcasm.

“Thanks Brian.” I replied. “I will.”

We dragged Vi with us to talk and Val and Vi got along well too. We eventually stopped when we heard music being played.

We wondered out to the living room. Zacky and Brian had guitars in there hands while Matt sang. I'm not too sure what song it is, but it is defiantly good.

After they finished Matt noticed we were there. “They girls.”

“What were you guys playing?” Vi asked.

“Just a new song we are working on.” Zacky replied.

“Jenny! You should sing for everyone.” Vi said.

“Yeah!” Val shouted excitedly.

“Sing? What? I'm just the drummer. I don't sing.” Vi looked at me with her 'you-know-you-want-to' look. I sighed. “Fine. But you have to play too.” Vi nodded and Zacky handed her his guitar.

“Brian, can I borrow yours?” He nodded his head and held it out to me. “Lowlifes?” Vi nodded her head as well.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Vi started with the opening guitar and I soon joined in.

You know I'll be the one who gets fallin' down drunk
At my neighbor kid's soccer game
I've got an '82 Fiero with a car seat in the middle
Broken down on the Interstate
I've got a beer-stained t-shirt looking like Joe Dirt
Something 'bout me just ain't right
I'm a cash-stealing, drug-dealing loser without any feeling
Gettin trailer trash tonight

'Cause I'm a low life, and I'm lovin it
I've got the whole damn world in the palm of my hand
I'm a low life, so fuckin deal with it
No you can't change something that you don't understand

I'm thrilled to be a hillbilly,
hate to have to deal with me
Probably just end in a fight
No sleeves, can't breathe, doesn't even phase me
Naked, sleeping like a baby tonight

. . .
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my second update.
Comments would be greatly appreciated :)

The song is by Theory Of A Deadman, Lowlife. Great song, you should really check it out. ;)