Status: On-hold until I finish Tainted and Skipping Heartbeats.

So Contagious


It started with passing notes in math class. I had always been the top student, the one who never had to study. I just had to listen to the lectures and somehow I remembered all the information. I had almost fallen asleep from the teachers consistent babbling when I heard a piece of heavy paper land on my desk.

Sitting up with a start, I glanced around, catching Daniels broad smile. Groaning inwardly, I opened the note.

I figured we could start our friendship with a few notes during class? And I decided to make it really obvious. :)

I almost crushed the note with my hands. Turning around, I caught his smile again. He never said that I had to be nice to him. I guess I could help him by sending him notes.

Quickly writing a reply, I glanced at the teacher who was focused on the long division problem and threw it back. My note passing was extremely obvious. Along with his over exaggerated catch that resulted us both in the principal’s office for ‘disturbing the class’. If by disturbing, she meant from their slumbers.

We were both slouched in our chairs being scolded by our very muscle pumping principal. He just oozed steroids. After the quick smack on the wrist and detention that night, we were released to go to our next class.

I grabbed my bag and headed for the door as I heard paper crumpling.

“What do you mean by ‘annoying penisless boy toy’?” he screeched after pulling me outside away from crowds.

I laughed lightly, “I never said I was going to be nice. Besides, I think you are doing a pretty unintelligent thing by pretending to be with me.”

“Well, this isn’t for you Sweetheart,” he glared.

“Then we’re two peas in a pod,” I giggled before glaring back. “I won’t write nice things in your ‘notes’.”

“Fine,” he stomped off while spewing some stupid phrases about women PMSing.

Boy, this was going to be the best relationship I had ever faked. And probably the only one.


For days after our first note, he got me in trouble in every class we had together. And classes we didn’t have together. I received many threats from the principal about calling my mother. That’s when I’d had it.

“Daniel!” I hollered while he was running laps in his off campus period we had at the same time.

He turned his head to me and motioned for me to jog with him. Groaning, I walked up to the track and watched him. “I’m not going to jog with you, I’m angry.”
He stopped jogging and ran back to me, “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” I was beyond mad. “My mother is probably going to get a phone call about my “Behavior” and somehow I don’t think that will fly over too well! I can’t seem to keep the straight A’s I’d been known for and if I see one more note on my desk during math class I will personally make sure everyone knows your penisless!”

Stopping my rant, I realized we had a small crowd of our classmates had gathered. Daniel smiled a creepy smile before taking my hand in his, “I did those things because I want to take you on a date and you wouldn’t ever talk to me.”

What the fuck.
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I hate cursing.
Comment. :)