Sick Little Games


I was sitting in the back lounge of our bus, watching TV, with Alex and his girlfriend Lisa. Or better, I was watching TV, Alex and Lisa were just making out. I tried to ignore them and focus on the show, but that was easier said than done, with both of them making not so quite noises.

I glanced at them from the corner of my eyes. Lisa was sitting on Alex’s lap, who was kissing down her neck, his hands around her waist. I felt that familiar feeling bubble up deep inside me, the feeling I always got when I saw them together.

At first I thought it was irritation. Alex and Lisa were like the perfect couple, and it’s not fun to hang out with Mr. and Mrs. made-for-each-other, when you’ve been single for forever yourself.

I turned back to the TV when Lisa let out a rather loud moan. “Can you too get a room or something?” I snapped. “I’m trying to watch this.” Alex detached his lips from Lisa’s and frown. “Calm down dude. What’s up with you?”

“Nothing.”I murmured. Alex was about to say something but Lisa’s phone interrupted him. She looked at the callers ID. “It’s my mom.” She said. “I need to take this. I promised to call her, but I forgot.” And she disappeared to the bunk area.

As soon as the door closed Alex turned back to me. “Seriously Jack, what the fuck is your problem? You’ve been acting like a complete dick since Lisa got on tour with us two weeks ago.”

“I said it was nothing!” I said, a little harsher than I intended. “Just leave me alone.” I got up, but Alex stopped me by grabbing my arm, a confused look on his face. “Jack wait, it’s obvious there’s something. Talk to me, I’m your best friend remember.”

I suddenly realized how close we were and I gulped, I could feel my heartbeat pick up just a little. I stared in the worried brown eyes that belonged to the guy that has been my best friend since freshmen year.

Alex studied my face for a second before he draw a conclusion. “Are you…. Jealous?” He asked softly. Was I? Was that feeling I got every time I saw Alex with Lisa, or any other girl for that matter jealousy? No, that couldn’t be it right? I wasn’t jealous……. why should I be jealous?

I sighed and dropped my shoulders. “Yeah I guess I am.” Alex smiled a little. “I’m sorry Jack. I know you haven’t had a girlfriend in years and I know how much you want to have a serious relationship, and here I am, throwing mine and Lisa’s relationship in your face. I’m such a unconsidered ass. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Lisa about it and will try to turn down the PDA.”

He patted my shoulder and went to the bunk area to find Lisa, who was done with her phone call. I plopped down on the couch and saw Alex planting a soft kiss on her lips. I sighed and closed my eyes, not longer able to stand the sight of those two.

Alex had been right, I was jealous, only not of him having Lisa. I was jealous at Lisa for having him