Status: Updates quite rare, around one or two a month, but i'll try and speed it up a bit :)

Seize the Day

Now Please Just Stay For A While

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's really you!" I cried, squeezing his arms. I didn't need to worry about squeezing them too tight, because, well, he was squeezing mine tighter.

"How do you think we feel!? You left us without an address, a phone number, anything! Anything could've happened! You could have died and we wouldn't have known!" I flinched at the memory. That statement could've been true. But like I said, Dee saved my life.

Yeah, she physically saved my life.

"And who is this?" He asked, pointing towards Dee. She grinned widely and introduced herself. I found my mind wandering. My best friend...she had picked me up off my feet, after what had happened with the guys. Now by some random twist of fate, thanks to her, they're all in my life again. I'm seeing them with my own eyes. I'm talking to them. My boys. Jimmy, Zacky, Mattie...

Woah. Wait a minute. Not Mattie.

I opened my mouth to ask of his whereabouts, but quickly stopped. Could I honestly risk seeing him again? Ok, i'm guessing now the chance that he won't remember me is eliminated, but what about Val? He won't want me in his life anymore, he's got her. I'm too late. Too late...

"Em?" I snapped out of my daze to see Zachary and Synyster Gates looking at me expectantly. Ok, i've got to find out this guy's real name, I will never remember such a long name. Maybe...Gates? "Hello!?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, guys, in my own little dreamworld," I expected Zachary to roll his eyes, but instead, a smile stretched across his lips.

"You never do change," I smiled at his statement, and was soon met with a very familiar face.

"Ok, so i've been told we need a proper introduction..." I chuckled at Gates' nervousness.

"I'm Emilie Davidson, and-"

"Yeah, I know," he announced, and motioned towards Zacky, who was standing behind him. "He just told me everything," My mouth formed and 'o' and I nodded in understanding.

"I see..." He chuckled, and then shook my hand.

"I'm Brian Haner, Jr. You can call me Synyster Gates," I could tell he was trying very hard not to smirk. Typical Zachary, I bet he gave him a warning about getting to close to me. Who could blame him, he obviously didn't want to see my heart broken again.

"Actually, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to call you Synyster Gates. I'll never remember that, I'll just call you Brian?" He gave me an amused look before nodding.

"Fair enough, Emilie. So-" He turned around, addressing the whole group, "-what do we do now?"

"Duh! We go get Matt and tell him-"

"NO!" I exclaimed, reacting too quickly to her words. What can I say? I'm not seeing him. Or am I? Should I? URGH, this is so confusing!

"Em, I know your last time seeing him wasn't exactly-"

"She's not talking about that, Jimmy," Zachary cut in, and pointed to his empty ring-finger. Dee of course was excited at the fact that there was no ring on his finger, and this made me giggle, until we remembered what he was saying.

"Shit," Jimmy breathed, putting his hands on his head. "Oh shit monkeys,"

"He's engaged. To Val," Brian finished. I nodded slowly, looking up to see Zachary look in my eyes.

"Have you spoken to her?" I looked over to where our ever wonderful conversation had took place, and then back to Zachary.

"She's not changed a bit, Zachary. Not a bit. She's still, a...a,"

"A whore?" Each of the boys finished. Wow, I didn't know it was that bad.

"She's been getting worse. To be honest i'm not surprised if she's fucking cheating on him," Brian groaned, and checked his phone. "Speak of the devil," We all looked at him expectantly, and he tucked it back in his pocket. "Matt wants us," He looked up at Zachary and Slim Jim, who sighed.

"Don't say a word," I mumbled. Zachary looked at me sympathetically, before pulling me into a tight hug. We stayed like that for a while, and I prayed he could just stay here with me. "Don't let go," I hiccuped, and he held on tighter.

"We're going to Albany tomorrow night, so we need to go now..." He breathed, pulling away. I didn't even get a second to breathe before Jimmy had pulled me up into a massive hug.

"This isn't the last time I hug you, ok shorty?" He looked at me with one eyebrow raised and I nodded, wiping a tear from my eye. He wiped the other eye and hugged me again. "You were gone for too long.."

"I know, but i'm here now, and i'm here to stay. We'll see each other again soon, ok?" I aimed the latter at everyone, and they smiled widely. Jimmy kissed me on the cheek, and I swatted him away, but laughed.

"Will we get your number?" Zachary offered, taking his phone out of his pocket. I whipped my Blackberry out, as did Dee. We punched in his number, and we gave him ours.

"Yeah, ok, we're coming!" Brian grumbled into his phone before hanging up. "Matt," he repeated to us, and we nodded.

"I'll see you all soon, okay?" I said to them, Dee ginned.

"Me too! I'm part of this group too now, right?" You could tell that she was more than happy to be here. Zacky nodded.

"Of course, we'll see you tomorrow?" Her eyes lit up. I knew what was going through her head.


"OF COURSE!" She looked at me, and I smiled weakly.

"I'll let you get back to Matt," I felt my face fall as I said his name. "Bye guys!" They waved once more, and we finally turned and began walking opposite ways.

We barely spoke a word until we had fell into the cushy seats of Dee's car. We hadn't even realised how exhausted we were.

"What a day," She breathed. I shook my head.

"You have no idea,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, so I was meant to play COD with M Shadows today.
His friends list was full.
Xbox live sucks balls.

in fact, not really a lighter note...
Has everyone seen the AMAZING new video for So Far Away? Brought a tear to my eye....
