Status: Its coming as fast as my little hands can type it! heehee

A Vampire Hunter/Lover?

Heart Break

Despite how I feel about Jeremy I feel like Damon has stolen my heart which made the past few days awkward for me. Elena was kidnapped and Stefan, Damon and I (I insisted my hunter's training would be useful and they caved) went to go rescue her. On the ride there I had my headphones in but I could still hear their conversation and it was like a stab to the heart. Damon loves Elena, always will, and if him and I ever got together I'd have to constantly deal with sharing his heart. I tried not to let it bother me but then Rose (one of the vampires involved in the kidnapping) showed up and offered to help protect Elena since she knows who we're up against and why. I was fine with that till I walked in on her and Damon playing tonsil hockey. Another stab to the heart. On top of all that Jeremy and Bonnie are getting close, and he's been paying little to no attention to me. I don't know how many more times my heart can be stabbed before I shut down. So with all of that heart break I was happy we had a task, getting the moonstone from Katherine. Jeremy said he'd meet us at the tomb and left while the rest of us got ready to go. Elena and Rose were both not around but we were all a bit too distracted to notice. Damon stopped at the entrance of the tomb to answer his phone. Once we got inside we discovered that Jeremy had taken some of the ash we were planning on using to knock her out to get the stone but it back fired and she was draining him of blood over and over again since he kept coming back to life thanks to the ring John Gilbert had given him. He managed to toss us the moonstone but he couldn't get away from her.

"Katherine please give him back" I begged.

"Get me out of here and you can have him" She negotiated.

"That's not exactly possible Kat"

"Oh well. I'll just keep feeding then," and with that she viciously bit into his neck.

"How about a trade? Me for him." I offered desperately. It killed me to see him in so much pain.

"That's not exactly a fair trade Alia...I can't feed from you" I held up my hand and took off the ring she gave me to protect me.

"Stefan" I called over my shoulder and he was at my side in an instant. I put the ring in his hand and turned to him when he started protesting. I mouthed 'trust me' and he stiffly nodded. I turned back to Katherine. "Now trade." I demanded.

"I still can't feed form you! Don't you get it? I love you too much to hurt you!" She yelled.

"Well your hurting me right now! Every second you keep him I die a little more! Kat your killing me!" I yelled back, tears streaming down my face.

She sighed, "fine. Have him." She shoved him at me and he was so weak he just went limp in my arms. I lowered him to the ground and held him. "It looks like you got your answer" She winked at me. Then he woke up and pulled Bonnie to him, completely abandoning me. "Or not." Katherine said as she walked away. I simply walked out of the tomb with the rest of them following me. Bonnie took Jeremy home and I avoided looking at Stefan as I blinked back tears.

"What was that about?" Stefan asked as he put my ring back on my finger. I just shook my head and wiped away the few tears that slipped out. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. "Don't lie to me Li-Li. What's wrong? What was she talking about?" He demanded wiping away the tears that kept coming.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "The night I called you to come get me from the tomb I was there to get her advice. I've been torn between Damon and Jeremy since I got here and I didn't know what to do. She told me to listen to my heart and in time it would tell me what to do. Things were fine until the car ride to get Elena. I heard your conversation with Damon. It hurt to have it confirmed that Damon loves Elena, and then when we got back Jeremy and Bonnie were flirty and close, and then Rose and Damon. . . .I walked in on them in the middle of a steamy make out session and just now Katherine saw me put my life on the line to save Jeremy cause of love and then watched him chose Bonnie and ignore me. I went from being stuck between two guys to being heartbroken and alone and honestly I'd rather be dead than feel as alone as I feel right now." I rambled on through my tears and when I was done I collapsed into Stefan's arms sobbing and he held me and rocked me as I cried.

"It'll all be okay. And your not alone, you have me. Think of me as your big brother." He told me as we started walking again.

"The brother I wish I had. I hate my real brother" I commented making us both laugh. Once we got to my house he gave me a hug and left. I walked into the house to find it was empty, which was odd. I found a note on the counter in the kitchen.

We'll all be away for the next week or so, there's food to last you till we get back and money in the top drawer in my office desk if you run out.

As happy as I was to not have to deal with them, that feeling of being alone crept back into my mind and I let a few tears fall as I went upstairs to my room. I shut my phone off, knowing no one would need to contact me anyways, and sat on the edge of the tub in my bathroom staring at the razor in my hands. I ran it down my arm and smiled as I watched the blood pour out and drip into the tub that I'd previously filled with water. I did this a few more times before I grabbed my first aid kit and cleaned the cuts, wrapping my arm because, well, when your around vampires as much as I am, wounds that aren't wrapped can be smelled out and can ultimately lead to an untimely death...
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I know this chapter is depressing but seriously its kind of key to the story. Hopefully I'll be updating more often. Please comment! Feedback is awesome people!