Dog Tale

Dog Tale

"Answer the phone, Zac." Brian mumbled under his breath.
"Hey!" said a cheerful voice on the other end of the phone.
"Hey, babe! I won't be home until late this ni-"
"You have reached Zacky's phone! I can't come to the phone cause I'm sure there is some fucking great party I'm at right now! So leave your name number and I just . . . might get back to you! With love, Zacky!"
"Hey Zac, babe. I was just calling to tell you I'll be home late tonight.
Oh! And don't forget to put away Pinkly, remember
how he pooped everywhere last time. 'K Love ya!"
Zacky said as the pot's water boiled over the edge, he reached over to turn down the stove. The noodles now looked like they were on the verge of burning, so he grabbed the drainer that had been used for the first few experiments. After inspecting the newly boiled noodles Zacky decided that they were overdone. Frustrated, Zacky went searching for another box of noodles to destroy.
Everything had to be perfect tonight. Zacky liked to celebrate everything, birthdays, starting of a nosebleed, stopping a nosebleed, clipping his toenails, clipping Brian's toenails, you name it he will celebrate it. So tonight tue two lovers were celebrating their one year anniversary of finding both of their's favorite sex move. Except Brian had no clue of this anniversary or that they were celebrating anything. It was a special surprise for Brian!
After ten minutes Zacky found the last sacred box of shell noodles in the cabinet. Zacky hopped down off of the counter and on to the tile that squeaked a little as his weight was pressed on to it. Once he turned and was in mid stride towards the black stove that stood on the other side of the room, he saw a white little, fluff ball in the middle of his path. The little white dog let out a deep growl, Zacky froze, for some reason Pinkly had always hated him, the evil dog kept up the growling. Zacky then dashed backwards to a tall light tan wooden cubbered, he threw the door open and grabbed the plastic broom stick. Zacky with all the courage he had, charged at the dog brusles pointed at Pinkly. The small dog whimpered and went dashing into the next room. Zacky shoveled the old darkened noodles into the silver dish that belonged to Pinkly, just to be somewhat nice he put some of the raw meat that he will soon be attempting to cook.

It was 15 minutes til 5 o'clock and finally the butter noodles and meatloaf were arranged perfectly on to plates. The mood was set to Zacky's liking after 17 different arrangments had been set he went back to the first one. It was set so that there were two white glistening with silver vines and roses tracing the trimming of the plates. Two clear wine glasses sat on the left hand side of each plate, as the center piece Zacky had a bucket of ice surrounding a expensive black unopened bottle of 1945 Chateau Mouton-Rothschild Jeroboam wine. He had the lighting set so that it had a seductive mood to it, they were set to be dimmed. Zacky then called a flourist to bring over ten dozen purple roses. Five of the ten dozen he plucked the pedals off of them and threw them on the floor leading into he and his lover's master bedroom that had been use for way more was then just sleeping in. Zacky then feeling as if the mood was set sat down in his seat awaiting his lover!
Seconds turned to minutes, which turned into an hour. Finally Zacky couldn't take it any longer, he went in search of his cell phone. He looked for ten minutes before he found it lodged in between the stems of the purple roses that were in a bundle on the black, silver, and white covers that were neatly pressed into the king sized mattress. He flipped it open only to find a pitch black screen staring back at him.
"Shit." Zacky mumbled under his breath.
Of course Brian didn't want a landline, Zacky thought to himself as he cursed Brian silently.
Zacky walked into the kitchen looking for the his LG charger that he had sometime earlier that day. He looked all over the counter then, at the end of the counter on the floor e black tick strand of something began moving. Zacky lunged at the strand only to find Pinkly chewing on the black plug-in. Zacky pulled on the cord, hard enough to yank it out of Pinkly's mouth.
"Urgh!" Zacky yelled out in frustration.
He walked over to the garbage can thrusting the charger into it, before returning to the dinning room where he found himself yerning to fill his mouth and stomach's aching for the food. Finally, sillently Zacky said a apology to Brian. He grabbed his fork and shovled the greasy starch shells into his mouth, in mid bite Zacky looked up to find the little white puff that was a spawn of the devil itself, a.k.a. Pinkly, stood on her hind legs with his front paws holding herself upright so she could reach the meat. With a deep sigh Zacky just looked back down and kept eating his noodles.

10:00 pm
"Where are you Brian?" Zacky mumbled to himself as he looked out the front window.
He turned around and could see the dinning table from where he was standing and felt slightly guilty for allowing himself and Pinkly to eat some of the meal. God, its hot in here, Zacky thought to himself.
Zacky's eyes poped open and alert as he got a new way of setting the mood. He walked into thresh hold and rid himself of his shoes and socks and layed them on the floor in a seductive manner. Walking a little farther into the house at the couch in the front room he slid off his Jack Daniels t-shirt and put it on top of of the corner of the couch. Zacky moved on to the starirs and pushed his jeans downward, so that now all that was on was his silky purple boxers that shined when the light hit them in the right way. He placed his jeans in the middle of the stairs and once he reached the white door he quickly he wrenched his boxers off of himself and set them on the doorknob that lead into he and his lover's sanctuary.
Zacky walked into the bedroom and layed on the bed in a seductive way and put the covers over himself in a way to tease Brian's eyes as he walked in . . . any minute. Man I'm tired, Zacky thought to himself. His eyes drooped and as he fought to stay awake, he lost the battle.

12:00 am
"Stupid door." Brian scolded the door, that wouldn't open with his key. He kicked the door with large black combat boots, the door opened.
Brian walked into the thresh hold to find Zacky's socks and shoes tossed on the floor along with pedals that led out into the front room. But while he turned to shut the front door he noticed a low lighting set in the dinning room across the hall. Closing the door he walked over to the room taking a peek inside the room he saw how everything was set up perfectly.
That's my Zacky, Mr. Perfectionest. Brian thought to himself as he turnedto leave and hunt down Zacky, but not before he noticed one thing wrong with the picture before him. has the food been eaten and the wine been drunk?
Brian walked over to the meal setting where he usually sat only the meat had been chomped on and only the bits were left. On the other side were Zacky always sits only the noodles had been eaten.
Okay, that's normal, people eat off different plates all the time. Brian reassured himself.
Brian walked slowly over to the front room when he saw the Jack Daniels t-shirt that was Zacky's. That's when he heard the unforgettable moan of Zacky come from what sounded like his and Zacky's bedroom. Then he ran to the stairs following the purple rose pedals that led him to them. He then saw Zacky's jean's tossed on the stairs.
Fuck, he is up there with some other man. Brian thought this to himself.
He walked up the rest of the stairs allowing the facts sink in and heard another moan. To where he couldn't stand him love moan for another man, he raced up the last few steps and at the foot of the door he found Zacky's silky purple boxers.
Taking a deep breath Brian gripped the doorknob and shoved the door forward. His eyes widened at what he saw and he said in a voice more suprised and said,
"What the fuck?"

12:02 am
A plop on the bed awakened Zacky from his slumber.
"Brian, babe, why are you home so late?" Zacky asked looking at the alarm clock that lit up and showed it was 12:02.
A second went by before Zacky felt Brian's tounge lick up his hairy inner thigh, stopping just under Zacky's member that was now beginning to harden. Zacky pressed his lips together to hold in a moan. Then Brian's tounge was searching all over his member, tickling him in a way he didn't know possible. His mouth went open and a loud moan swept out of his lungs. But Brian now put Zacky's member, only the tip, in his mouth. Licking in circles around it, again a moan escaped passed his lips.
Light slid over Zackyand into his eyes. Then he heard the familiar deep voice he heard every morning say,
"What the fuck?"
The lights flipped on and Zacky saw Brian standing and staring at him with horror. Then he saw Brian was looking down . . .
"Oh my God!" Zacky screamed looking down at the now perverted white puff that lay with HIS member in Pinkly's mouth!
"Brian, this is NOT what it looks like."
Zacky said trying to get up, but Pinkly did not agree with this and Zacky felt a sharp solidness punture his member. His mouth open and let out a scream that rung and hung suspended in the air.


Brian raced over to Zacky and Pinkly and pried HIS baby girl off his other half's member. With her in his hands Brian sprinted downstairs, placed her on the floor and grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer and raced back upstairs. He walked in to find his love curled up on the ground, holding in both hands his member and tears sliding down his face from pain.
"Okay sit on the bed," Brian waited a second patiently then finished, "Zacky, NOW!"
Zacky hauled himself over to the bed and let go of his member as Brian placed the ice on the member that he sees on every special occasion. After a second of silence Zacky said ,
"Brian, it was not like that. I mean she's only a dog."
Brian laughed and said,
"How could I think such an idiot. An idiot enough to mix up a dog from his boyfriend, would cheat on me?" he smiled and pressed his forehead against Zacky's, closed his eyes, and said,
"I love you Zac."
"Umm, Bri? I love you, too. But, your hand is pressing really hard into there."
"What?", Brian said with confusion until his eyes opened and he saw his hand was squeezing lil' zac against the ice with so much force that his knuckles were turning white.
"Oh, sorry babe."
Just then Brian saw something move in the corner of his eye, turning he saw Pinkly sitting just inside the doorway. Brian got up pushed her out of the room and with a threatening look said to her,
"He's mine."
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This is just a oneshot Ihope everyone likes it!