
Please don't...

Please don't let me fall in love again.

Looking up from the box he was packing in his former apartment in London he caught blue eyes peering at him from underneath a veil of dark lashes and stubborn bangs falling into a pale face. He couldn't quite remember the last time he had looked at him like that, eyes a warm kind of blue, burning like a thousand suns. The older one tried a small smile that crossed bridges that had been burnt a while ago, leaving a history and shared tragedy behind. He found himself falling down, his hopes suddenly way up in the sky so close.

“You are coming back then.” It was more to the young man's statement, a daring flicker of hope hidden well underneath that soft voice. Oh, how much he'd grown. Maybe, it dawned on him. Maybe leaving her wasn't the end after all. Maybe he should never have gone there. To London, away from the bluest sky he'd ever seen. Away from Stockholm where he had claimed innocence and left it behind again. Now he couldn't hide from those eyes.

He faced what was left of his belongings, now in boxes and ready for shipping, and that longing for the fiery creature that had claimed a permanent spot in his life, and heart again. “I’m coming back then.” He earned a small smile in return.

Please, don’t let me fall. In love again.