Status: Canceled

Automatic Nightmare

New students at Winnacunnet

The sound of her combat boots hitting the ground in the “mall hall” of her high school made students either walk closer to the wall or just walk aster to avoid her. Her rich red hair with multiple layers swayed back and forth as she walked to the cafeteria. “You know, I’m beginning to think you enjoy scaring your fellow students” the girl’s best friend Beth said
“Yes, I enjoy it tremendously” the red-head said
“Ripley, you are just weird sometimes” Beth said
“Totally never knew that, thanks for bringing it to my attention” Ripley said sarcastically
“You are welcomed” Beth said with a smile

Ripley shook her head as she walked into the cafe. She got her lunch and smiled at how people were acting around her. Her favorites are the preps. She loves how upset they get when she doesn’t bow down and kiss their feet. “Excuse me, but I need you to move” some prissy girl said from behind. Ripley didn’t say or do anything; she didn’t know who she was talking to. “Hello. I’m talking to you freak” the girl said and this caused Ripley to turn around.
“Listen to me skank, the line is not moving. However when it does move then I’ll move. Until then wait” Ripley said and then turned back around. The line then moved and Ripley waited until the girl got her food then smiled.

Ripley walked and then stopped suddenly. The girl walked into her and her chocolate pudding got all over her pink shirt. “You bitch! Look what you did!” the girl screamed
“1) you walked into me. And 2) that shirt was ugly to begin with” Ripley said. Ripley then paid for her lunch and walked to her table. Normally there are only 3 or 4 people at the table; however today there was only 1 empty spot. Ripley sat down in her spot. “Who are you guys?” Ripley asked
“Matt” the muscular guy with a buzz cut said
“Jimmy” the tall skinny guy said
“Johnny” the short guy said
“Zacky” the slightly muscular/slightly chubby guy said

“Brian” the other muscular guy said
“Hi, and why are you sitting at my table?” Ripley asked
“Well you’re a bitch” Zacky said
“No, I’m thee bitch” Ripley corrected
“Well we are new here. We moved from California. And this table was empty so we sat down at it” Matt said
“Well you seem to be a nice person, like the type of girl you’d want on your side’ Jimmy said
“Can we be friends?” Brian said
“I guess, sure” Ripley said
“Miss Ripley, are you being nice to our new students?” the vise principal asked walking up to the table.

“Of course I am Mr. Oswald.” Ripley said sweetly
“Then you wouldn’t mind showing them around, would you?” Mr. Oswald asked
“Not at all; it will be a pleasure to be their guide” Ripley said with a smile.
“I’ll let your teachers know that you’ll be showing the new students around the school.” Mr. Oswald said
“Thank you” Ripley said sweetly
“You are such a sweet student” Mr. Oswald said before walking away. Ripley turned to finish her lunch and had a huge grin. “What are you smiling about?” Johnny said
“Yea, it looks evil” Jimmy said

“That right thee is why I get away with everything I do” Ripley said
“You don’t get in trouble?” Zacky asked
“Nope. They think I’m a perfect student. And they just think all the other students are jealous. It’s awesome really” Ripley said with a smile
“It is pretty badass” Brian said
“You’re now in good hands” Ripley said. They all finished the rest of their lunch before Ripley showed them around. It was nice to walk them around, the guys just followed and Ripley told them what each wing of the school was.

“So what are your classes? I can show you where they are” Ripley said
“Oh thank you” Johnny said. Ripley looked over all of them and shook her head. She has every class with them. I think they did that on purpose Ripley thought to herself while shaking her head. “Are you okay?” Brian asked
“Yea I’m fine. It’s weird how all of you guys have the same schedule as me. Either they planned on me being your guide or it worked out to be this way” Ripley said
“Oh look a football game this Friday” Jimmy said
“Don’t mind him, he’s random. You’ll get use to it” Matt said
“Okay” Ripley said

“Are you ready for a showdown? Come to the game Friday at 6pm! Who’s going to win? The Winnacunnet Warriors? Or their rivals Exeter’s Blue Hawks? Come see and find out!” Jimmy read the poster out loud and in a weird voice.
“Hey you guys should come” Ripley said
“Don’t tell me you’re into sports?” Zacky stated
“Nope but I’m sure there’ll be at least one fight. And that’s why I go. I don’t really have school spirit. But we can hang out there” Ripley said
“Sure, sounds great” Brian said
“We could meet up and get something to eat before we go” Johnny suggested.

“Yea. Meet me at Fast Eddies. It’s across from CVS” Ripley said
“Oh I think we drive by it on our way to school” Jimmy said
“Well meet me there at 4pm” Ripley said
“Sounds good” Matt said
“And you can tell us about your rival team” Zacky said
“And more about Hampton. Like all the cool spots to go and stuff like that” Brain said
“Sure sounds good to me” Ripley said
“So do you start most of the fights?” Jimmy asked Ripley randomly
“Yeup. All because of a bitch named Ravyn.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a shared fanfic. Let us know what you think of it. I hope you enjoyed it.