‹ Prequel: I Hate

Just Maybe

Just Maybe

Just maybe..

“Bro, come on. It’s been almost a year. All you do is play shows and hide in your bunk.” Marc complained. “Come out to dinner with us.”

I sighed, and looked up at him. “Must I?” my voice cracked and sounded foreign to my ears.

“Yeah. Come on, this’ll be good for you.” he put his hand out to help me up. I let out another sigh before taking it and allowing him to pull me out of my bunk. “Get dressed in something a little warmer than that. It’s cold outside.” I nodded my head and watched him walk out of the bunk area before digging through my bags to find a good hoodie.

“Kyle, you ready?” Jonathan’s drawl called through the bus. I closed my eyes and grabbed a pair of pants to quickly put on.

“Almost.” I mumbled, buttoning my jeans and searching for a hat. After a moment I gave up and just pulled my hood over my head and slowly made my way to the guys. They all gave me a sympathetic smile. I rolled my eyes and walked past them. “We going or what?”

“Yeah, lets go man.” Caleb said, pushing his phone into his pocket as he stood up. I turned and sulked off the bus.

“Where are we going?” I questioned when Marc caught up with me.

“Just to Denny’s.” he answered. His arms swung a little as he walked and I took notice to the chilly air and pulled my hoodie tighter to my torso. “It’s only down the block, we’ll be there soon.” he said when he saw my gesture. I nodded and walked faster.

“Grab us a table, we’ll be right in.” Jonathan said when he saw the line up of fans outside. I felt my stomach drop a few notches as they called my name when I ran inside.

I want to be out with them, I really do. I just can’t make myself be happy for them.

I pushed a few tables together before plopping down into a chair and grabbing myself a menu.

“Should I be expecting a bunch of hungry guys?” a light voice asked from behind me. I jumped a little before turning around to see a beautiful brunette and my breath was taken away.

If her hair falls into her eyes.

“Caleb.” I laughed, smacking his hand away from my face. “Knock it off.”

“Whoa, whoa. Kyle laughed, mark it on the calendar!” he exclaimed, frantically pointing.

I rolled my eyes as our waitress made her way back over to the table and started collecting our plates. Her dark brown hair fell just into her brown eyes and my heart gave a little squeeze as I watched.

If her smile takes up half her face.

“Go on, I’ll be back to the bus in a second.” I told Marc as he waited for me by the door.

“If you’re sure.” he said with a shrug and left. I took a deep breath and made my way over to the counter where my waitress was talking with one of her friends.

“Oh, hey. Was everything okay?” she asked, fiddling with her key necklace.

“Yeah, everything was great.” I smiled, moving some of my blonde hair from my eyes. I gulped and shoved my hands into my pockets, trying to muster up some courage.

“Do you need anything? You guys paid already…” her voice trailed off as her hands fumbled with the silver.

“I was just wondering…” I scratched the back of my neck and looked down. “If maybe I could get your number…or something..”

“Oh, yeah. Yeah.” she grinned a wide grin that took up half her face. And caused my heart to do double time in my chest. I fumbled to pull my phone out of my pocket and hand it too her. It seemed like forever until she finally handed it back to me.

I looked at my new contact and smiled at her, “I’ll talk you later than Kristen.”

“Yeah.” she smiled and started to play with her necklace again.

If her hand fits perfectly into mine.

I rubbed my hands together to try and warm them up as I waited outside of Kristen’s door. Snow was gently falling from the cold Wisconsin sky, and it was light up all different colors from the Christmas lights that were decorating the town.

“Kyle!” she smiled as the front door flung open. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Nice to see you too babe.” I grinned and pulled her into my arms. Her arms tightly wrapped around my thin frame before she quickly pulled away and grabbed my hand. “Get in here! It’s freezing out there!”

I let out a low laugh before allowing her to pull me into the warm house. I took notice to how her hand instantly heated up my cold, calloused ones. I slowly moved my hand around so that I could lace my fingers with hers and my heart fluttered as her fingers slid perfectly in between mine.

If her laugh makes my heart skip a beat.

My arm was securely around her shoulder and her head was resting on my chest as Napoleon Dynamite flashed across the tv screen. I chuckled to myself a few times and my eyes kept glancing down at Kristen.

A wide smile grew on my face as she burst out laughing, and my heart froze in my chest for a second as I listened to the beautiful melody. When she stopped I allowed myself to restart and just sat back and clung to the moment when I first got to hear her wonderful laugh.

If she likes to dance in the rain.

I held my warm coffee cup in my hands while I waited for Kristen to wake up. Rain softly hit against the window making me more tired than need be. I dragged the coffee up to my lips and took a large drink before resting it back against the dark wood of her kitchen table.

“Hey.” she whispered, causing me to jump and turn to face her.

“Good morning.” I smiled, “Sorry, I uh, woke up a few hours ago and needed some coffee. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s fine.” her soft voice responded, she moved around the table to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup. She stayed by the counter and looked down at the drizzle with a smile on her face before suddenly turning to look at me.

Her normally straight hair had waves now and it looked more messy than I thought possible. But it looked great on her. Her dark red sweat pants clung loosely to her hips and her old t shirt was tied up at the side. The black frames of her glasses perched on her nose and she pushed them up.

A large grin took up most of her face before she announced, “Let’s go dance in the rain.”

I chuckled “Are you sure?” she nodded vigorously and I stood up. “Okay then, let’s go.” I offered her my hand and she grabbed it before pulling me out of the house and into the cold rain.

It beat down steadily on my head and I slowly let go of Kristen’s hand so that she could twirl around in a circle. Her old gray shirt stuck to her body as her arms spread out and her face tilted up to the Heaven’s.

I froze for a second so that I could take in the beautiful scene before me. I took in her face, how short she is, how her arms spread out, how her hair was sticking to her forehead, the water spots on her glasses, the deep red wet cloth that stuck to her legs, and of course, that huge smile that spread across her lips.

If she wears my clothes.

I put my feet up on the coffee table of our home and turned the tv on. “Kristen! Hurry up! I wanna start the movie!” my voice bounced off the walls in the old house.

“Just a second!” she called back “I’m almost done!”

I smiled to myself and grabbed my drink off the table and took a drink. I checked to make sure the blanket was on the back of the couch for when Kristen started to get cold, and then grabbed the remote so I was ready when she came in.

Soon enough, I could hear her footsteps coming down the hallway. “Took you long enough.” I smiled, and turned to look at her. My old blue hoodie was smothering her small frame and I couldn’t stop the grin from forming on my face. “Well, hello beautiful.”

She blushed deep red and cuddle into my side. “Oh stop it Kyle.”

If her parents like me.

Forks and knives clashed onto the china plates that sat in front of us all. It was the only noise that could be heard. Kristen sat to my right and her hand was steadily on my knee for support, even though her father stopped asking me questions ten minutes ago.

“Mom, want me to help you carry out the dishes?” Kristen asked as we all finished our meals.

“Oh, no let me help.” I insisted, quickly standing up and gathering plates.

“Kyle, you don’t have to.” her mom said, as she too stood to her feet.

“It’s my pleasure really.” I smiled, taking her plate from her. Kristen quickly rose also and started to help me gather the plates. We brought them into the kitchen and placed them on the counter before I leaned against it and let out a deep sigh. “Am I doing okay?” I whispered, letting my blue eyes drop down to her brown ones.

“They love you Kyle, really. I can tell.” she smiled and leaned up on her tip toes to give me a quick kiss.

If my friend’s like her.

Music played softly in the background of Caleb’s small apartment. His girlfriend was running to person to person, making sure we all had enough to drink while he was messing with the radio. Kristen rested her head on my shoulder and I placed my arm around her waist.

“Are you two good on drinks?” Carla asked. I slowly brought my gaze up to her and nodded.

“Sit down Fool.” I laughed, pointing to the empty spot next Kristen. “Everyone is fine.”

She laughed and plopped down next to us. “So, how long have you two been together now?” she asked.

The room seemed to go silent and every eye was on Kristen and I. Kristen blushed and hid her face in my shoulder when she noticed and I chuckled. I gently ran my fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Four months now.”

Carla smiled and titled her head to the side. “That’s cute. I like her.”

My eyes scanned the room and I could see everyone else nodding their heads in agreement. I could feel Kristen blush deeper before taking her face from my shoulder. “Thanks.” I said, pulling Kristen close to my chest. “I like her too. Please don’t scare her away.”

If she really loves me.

I brushed some of Kristen’s hair from her eyes as I lay down in bed. She smiled a little before resting her head on my chest and tightening an arm around my waist. “Good night babe.” I whispered, kissing the top of her head. I felt my eyes drooping closed.

“Night Kyle. I love you.” she mumbled, tracing circles on my stomach. My eyes popped open and my heart sped up a little.

“Really Kristen? Do you really love me?” I whispered, my throat felt like it was closing as memories for Morgan came back into my memory.

“Of course Kyle, I would never say it unless I meant it. I love you Kyle.” she turned and looked up at me. “Oh baby, what’s wrong?” she asked, resting her hand on my cheek.

I shook my head. “It’s nothing.”

“You’re crying. It’s obviously something. You can tell me anything honey.” she wiped a tear off my cheek and I broke down and told her everything.

Then this can all work out.

“Kyle, you don’t ever have to worry about me not loving you.” Kristen boldly told me when I had finished. “I could never hurt you in such a way.”

I smiled and brought my lips down to meet hers. “You are too good for me.”

She just smiled and kissed me again. “I am not.” she pushed some hair away from my face.

I just looked down into her beautiful brown eyes and let myself smile.

And I’ll be able to love again.

“I love you too Kristen.” I whispered after a long moment of silence. “I really, truly do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I did not have it in my heart to leave Kyle Burns heart broken. So, I made this final one.
:D I hope you all liked it! Comment please!!