Forever and Always...


Forever And Always

Chapter Ten

It had been a month since her and Nick broke up, a whole month of crying herself to sleep and wishing she could see him, talk to him, kiss him, just be with him. But she knew that would never happen, she wasted four years on a guy who a week after they broke up got his with 'fake' girlfriend for real, Joe had told her the news and she felt instantly sick, but she had been feeling sick a lot lately.

“Joe, you have to go for me, I beg you.”

“I... I can't.... I can't do it.”

“You have to... I would but.... I feel like hell, and your a good walker... you like to run... do it quick... I'm sure you'll be fine.”

“I can't be seen... if someone sees me buying... oh god, the press would have a filed day on me and Ash.”

'I don't care.... I can't go.... you gotta do this for me... as a best friend... please...please, Joe” she was near to getting on her knees and begging him, her eyes pleaded with his, the best puppy dog eyes she could muster.

“UGH.... fine... but only because your my best friend... and if I get busted, I'm taking you with me” he told her, crossing his arms.

“Ok.. fine... but hurry, we gotta do this before my parents get home” Annie rushed him to the door.

“WE?' he gasped. “ just you, I'll buy it, but your putting it in the place.”

“Whatever.... just hurry... please, Joe.”

He left, she sat back down on the couch, her breathing heavy, for a minute she thought it was going to happen again, but she soon realized it was only her nerves. She walked around the house aimlessly, finding that her mind had to much time to work when she was sitting, she heard the front door open and she ran to the hall to see Joe walking in, a bag full of stuff.

“What the hell?” she questioned. “It's only a little box.....”

“I got six... I didn't know what kind to get, and this old lady kept muttering about young people being a bunch of ungrateful worms.... and then when I asked her for some help she threw a box of condoms at me.... I was like; IT WASN'T ME, IT WAS MY BROTHER.”

She laughed a little, if it were just a normal day she would find that a lot more funny, but she just didn't seem to care enough. She grabbed the bag from him and they both went up to the bathroom right by her bedroom, she pushed her hand into the plastic bag and pulled out a bag of potato chips, she looked up at him and raised her eyebrows and he smiled sheepishly.

“You know I get hungry when I'm nervous.....” he trailed off, she just rolled her eyes, taking the bag into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

“It's pink....” she yelled, from the locked door. She had used everyone of the tests Joe bought her, and all said the same thing.

“Is that good?” Joe yelled back, staring at the brown door.

“No.... well..... for the thing growing inside me it is..... but... I just can't be..... you know....”

“Pregnant?” Joe said it for her.

“Yeah that.... I just can't, we always used condoms.”

“Well, sometimes they don't work....” Joe trailed off, trying to think of something to say. “Or maybe you just forgot one time.”

“No we never forgot....wait.... there was that time on the couch.... he said he was proving his love to me... ha! He's really proved it now... ruined my life.”

“Don't think like that.... can you open the door so I can see you....” Joe heard her moving around then the door open, Joe walked in and looked at her, giving her a bright smile. “Don't think of it as ruining your life.... your having a baby, its something to be happy about.”

“Yeah, its so great, me and the father are broken up, I'm going to have to raise this thing on my own... my parents are going to find out I.... oh my god, their going to kill me, and your mom and dad... their going to be so upset... well, let them be mad at Nick, I don't give a damn, but I don't want them upset with me... I love your parents.”

“They won't be to upset, I mean they weren’t THAT mad when they found out I broke my promise....” Joe trailed off, trying to make her feel better.

“But I'm pregnant.... I'm bringing a life into this world with a guy I'm not even speaking to, who has a slut, whore for a girlfriend.”

“I'm telling you... they might be upset, but they are gonna wanna help you... and I'm sure as soon as Nick finds out he's gonna drop Sam like a wet towel, he's gonna wanna be with you.”

“I don't wanna be with him, I don't care what's inside me.... I'm not getting back with him.”

Just then her phone beeped, she pulled it out and looked at the number, she didn't know who it was, and they had sent her a text, she opened it anyway, wondering what it could be.

“This is for you.... Nick wanted me to send this to you ;)”

There was a video and it began to play, Annie soon wished it didn't, the look on her face made Joe look over her shoulder to see.

“Well, that is so not PG.... that... what the hell.....”

“I KNOW....” the tears burned fresh in her eyes.

“Oh, Nick.....oh, Nick.....oh, Nick” the phone moaned in Sam's slutty voice, Annie's eyes couldn’t pull away from the scene of witch the guy she was now having a baby with was on top of his new girlfriend.

“GIVE ME THAT” Joe ripped the phone from her hands and shut it off right away, she looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy once more, he pulled her into a close hug, wrapping his arms around her tight.

“Don't.... don't tell him I'm pregnant... please, Joe... don't.”

“I wont.... he doesn't deserve to have you or the amazing baby you'll have in his life.”

“Your just saying that...” she trailed off.

“Of course I am... but if ya name the kid Joe, I'll mean it” she looked up at him and he was smirking.

“What if its a girl?”

“Still Joe...”


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Did you see that coming?? I did!! :D please comment!!!