Forever and Always...


Forever And Always

Chapter Twelve

Annie found herself sitting in a doctors office, Her parents, Joe and Denise all sitting around her, waiting for the doctor to tell her if she is pregnant or not, but Annie knew the answer, she was, there was six pregnancy tests to prove it.

“I told you” she sated as they were walking out to the car, the doctor had confirmed what Annie already knew, she was having a baby.

“I just can't believe it... we had no idea that you and...” Annie's mom trailed off, she had learned since Nick and Annie's break up, not to mention his name. “Didn't you have enough since to use protection?'

Annie just looked at her, of course they did... once in a while.... sometimes in the heat of the moment you forget.

“I am sure they did” Denise stated. “But that is beside the point now, she is already pregnant and there’s nothing we can do about it, whether or not they used protection is not the question at hand.... the question we need to be asking ourselves is how is she going to raise a baby?”

“Of course we will help her” her father butted in.

“As will we” Denise smiled at Annie sweetly.

“Does... does....he know?” her mother then asked

“No.... but'll tell him soon” Annie lied, she had no intention on telling anytime soon, she couldn't be getting fat for months.

“He needs to know” her mother stated.

“I know.....”

“Who's in the mood for Chinese?” Joe then sudden;y shouted.

“How can you think of food at a time like this?” Annie's father asked him, shacking his head.

“Hey, this is the perfect time... we should be celebrating.... not being all down and stuff, Annie will be a great mom...” he smiled over at her. “And I'll be an even better uncle to little Joseph or Josephine.”

“I'm not naming my kid Josephine.. I'm sorry....”

“BUT.... “

“Yeah, sorry bloke, no granddaughter of mine will be named that” her dad slapped him on the back with a lough.

“I do agree on the celebrating though” Denise then stated. “Chines sounds lovely.”

Once they arrived at the best Chines place in town it was packed, wall to wall people, a load of screaming girls outside.

“Its like they knew I was coming” Joe smirked.

“Oh yes, cause the world ravels around you” Annie muttered.

“Of course it dose” Joe smiled., he bumped out of the car and walked up to the bunch of fan girls. They didn't even look at him, he touched a girls arm and she kicked him in the shin, everyone was laughing as he slumped back over to them.

“Bieber's here...” he trailed off, walking tender on his kicked leg.

“Ew....” Annie trailed off.

“Come now, I'm sure he isn't that bad” her mother said.

“Yes he is.... he's always making passes at me.... just to annoy Nick.”

“Well, you and Nick aren’t together anymore, he should leave you alone” Denise stated.

“That's a good point... and I'm starving....please let's go in and eat” Joe begged.

They got a table and ordered their food, Annie was feeling slightly light headed and thought maybe her morning sickness was kicking in in the afternoon.

“I'll be right back” she jumped up and walked to the bathrooms. She stared at herself in the mirror for a good five minutes, she couldn't believe it, it didn't feel real... but it was, she was pregnant. She figured if she didn't go back to the table soon they would send Joe to look for her, so she gathered her bag and walked out of the door. She wasn't watching where she was going and suddenly ran into something.

“Oh, sorry I....Oh, its you.”

“Get out of my way Fetus” she noticed he had a hold of her arm. “And let go of me...”

“I was trying to make sure you didn’t' fall.... see how much nicer I am then your sucky boyfriend? I don't see him here... what, he can't handle this much stardom?” he laughed.

“No.... we broke up actually... I don't know where he is.”

“You and Honas broke up?” he smirked wildly.


“I knew you wanted me.”

“I don't want you... I wish the damn Canadians would take you back...maybe bury you alive.”

“Oh, I like them feisty” he smirked.


“ don't get all huffy... you know your a lot cuter then I ever thought... I only wanted you to annoy loser Jonas, but now I see, we can make some pretty music together.”

“EWW....EW.... you know little boy, I bet your mommy wouldn't like you talking to strangers... she might put you in a time-out.”

“My mom will shut it and do whatever I want...”

“Oh, how nice.... wow... I really want to date you now” She ripped his grip from her arm and continued down the hall. She rolled her eyes as she heard him yell after her.

“You'll want me some day.”

She would never ever... and could never like that smug fetus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, well here's chapter 12... kinda suck ish.... but its only a filler.. please comment!!!