Forever and Always...

I'm Yours.

Forever And Always

Chapter Seven

Three days went by...three days it had been since Nick and Annie talked..... no texting, no calling, she had seen plenty of Joe, but no Nick at all. She missed him a lot, if she would have known how badly he would take her dissing him in front of Justin Birber she couldn't have done it, but it was to late now, so there she sat in her bed feeling sad and lonely, even though Joe was sitting five inches away from her.

“Just call him.... he'll answer.”

“WHY SHOULD I?” Annie barked. “So he can tell me how great Sam is?”

“I know he misses you too” Joe stated, ignoring her. She just growled, even though she missed him she was still plenty angry at him, and was in no hurry to forgive him. She looked over at Joe and he was looking at is watch. “Well, I gotta go.....”

“WHY?” she barked again.

“I HAVE A DATE” he said, in the same tone she was using, but he wasn't mad, he wasn't upset, he was just weird.

“FINE.....” she trailed off.

“I'll call you latter, best friend.”

“I won't answer, ex best friend” she smirked, he looked back at her hurt and made a gasping noise.

“That's so mean” he faked a sniffle then left the room, a few seconds latter she herd the front door shut then his car start. She sat there for hours, all alone, her parents were in San Francisco on business again, her father was the CEO of Hollywood Records and her mother was his assistant. They were gone a lot and this left Annie alone a lot, normally she had Nick or Joe, but since Joe just left and Nick and her weren’t speaking she was feeling as lonely as they come. She at one point even considered calling Kevin, her and Kevin used to be a lot closer, now that he was married and had a life they hardly saw each other, but she has and all ways will think of him as a big brother.

She was had almost fallen asleep from boredom when a knock on the front door made her jump up, she was praying it was someone fun... anyone. She ran down the steps and to the front door, she pulled it open without looking and her smile fell, there in the dim light was Nick, looking guilty, the same look he'd been wearing a lot lately.

“What?” she asked, her voice as cold as ice.

“Are you gonna let me in?” he asked.

“No....” she trailed off, about to close the door.

“Annie...please” he stopped her from shutting him out by putting his foot between the door and the frame.

“I don't want to talk to you....”

“But I'm sorry, I don't know what I did.... but I'm sor.....”

“YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID?” she yelled, ripping open the door again.

“Ha! Got you to open the door” he smiled, she just scowled at him. She went to shut door once more, but he grabbed the door and forced it out of her hands, he walked in then shut the door behind him calmly. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her back to him.

“Go away” she muttered.

“No.... we can't keep doing this, we never used to fight.... and now... that's all we do....I don't understand why.”

“Because you like Sam Berks better then me.”

“That's not true” he grabbed her arms from behind and pulled her to him.

“It is true....ever since she's come into our life’s its been nothing but fighting and me wondering if you like her more then me now...”

“I will never like her as much as I do you... I told you...because I love you and not her.”

“We've been together so long, Nick, you can't still feel the same way about me..... aren’t you bored?”

“No..... I'm not bored.... and your right... I don't feel the same way about you.” She could feel tears fill in her eyes. “I feel so much more for you then when we started this.... I love you so much, and I'm not going to throw it away.”

She didn't say anything back, she just pressed herself closer to him, he slowly rocked them back and forth, but then something made him stop.

“Your not bored, are you?” he asked, his voice worried.

“Never..... I...I was only scared that yo...”

“Don't be scared, I'm not going anywhere... I'm yours forever and always.”

He spun her around and kissed her lips sweetly, she kissed back, the feeling of his lips on hers once again made her feel better then she had in days, her folded arms unfolded and wrapped around his neck tightly, his hands went to her hips. The kiss turned heated quickly. He pushed her up against a wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their tongues fought for dominance as he ground his hips into hers.

“Its been awhile....” he groaned in her ear, pushing himself against her. “I can prove to you how much I love you... right here.”

“Not right here.... people can see through the little windows on the door....”

“Where then, baby?” he whispered in her ear, making her want to moan without him doing more then speaking. “Where do you want me to prove it to you, baby?”

“The couch” she said, biting on her bottom lip as hard as she could. His lips met her once again, his tongue exploring her mouth as he guided them into the living room. She let out a moan for no reason as they landed on the couch. It all seemed to happen so fast, he seemed to be in need of love as badly as she was.

She was completely naked under him, he kissed up her torso sweetly, leaving lingering kisses. He made his way up till he was facing her again, he licked his lips, staring at her as her hands went down and pushed off his boxers, the only thing he was still wearing.

“Oh, Nick” she gasped, as he slide into her and started thrusting fast right away. “Ohhhhh.”

“Am I proving it to you, baby girl?”
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I'm so rude for leaving it there huh?? Lol, please comment!!