Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


The weather was oddly cold in the state of California. The morning fog that everyone was used to in the fall months of Indiana was not that well known here. Scout had woken up for the 5the time that week with Jordan. His arms wrapped around her waist, holding her into him, never wanting to let go. 
He had her and she had him. That's how they wanted it.  They wanted to stay like this, drama free, stress free and together.
Scout's eyes fluttered open. Her green eyes connecting with the brown and blond haired boy next to her. Jordan smiled at her. His hair a mess, his eyes still sleepy. "Morning," he said softly.

Scout buried herself into his chest with a groan, "I don't wanna wake up," she muffled into the cloth of his gray v-neck.

A small chuckle vibrated through Jordan chest. "Come on, Tiana leaves today. Don't be lazy," he smiled as he kissed her forehead.

Scout moved her head back to look at Jordan. "I am not lazy!" she said. "I just don't wanna get up. I'm to comfortable here with you." Scout looked down at her hands which were resting on Jordan's chest. A small smile tug at her lips.

Jordan's fingers gently touched her chin, forcing her to look at him. "We can stay here for as long as you want, but not today," he smiled before kissing Scouts soft pink lips.

Scout playfully pushed him away and tossed the comforter off of her body. She stood up, running her hands through her long brown hair. "I'm taking a shower," she said over her shoulder. Jordan perched himself up on one arm, staring at Scout as she began walking towards the bathroom. Jordan noticed her shorts were off and on the floor. So was her tank top. He looked up from the floor and to the bathroom door where Scout was. She turned her head to look back at Jordan and smiled before entering the bathroom. She kicked the door half way shut and Jordan listened for the shower to turn on. When he did he tossed the blanket off of him and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face. He quickly fixed his hair with his fingers and sighed. The door to the bathroom creaked open and Jordan looked over his shoulder. Steam poured out of the doorway in long waves, making it hot in the bedroom. Jordan tore off his shirt and tossed it into a pile on the floor. 

There was a loud bang that made Jordan jump to his feet from his spot on the bed. "Scout?" he called. No answer. He walked into the bathroom and said her name again. Still no answer. Jordan walked to the shower, he could see Scout through the glass but why wasn't she answering. Jordan pulled the door open slowly. "Scout?" he asked as he popped his head into the shower area. There was scout, washing her body, perfectly okay. 

"Hey Jordan," she smiled when she noticed him standing in the frame. 

"What was that noise?" he asked her. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her, no matter how hard he tried.

Scout shrugged, "I dropped the shampoo. Wanna join?" she asked. Jordan raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, we have to take showers so to save time and water you might as well."

Jordan smiled as he took off his pants, then his boxers before jumping into the shower with Scout. Jordan closed the door behind him, it coming together like a suction cup. Scout smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Kissed him under the running water.

Jordan was straightening his hair as Scout did her makeup next to him. They could both get used to this. Doing their morning routines next to each other. Occasionally sharing a kiss under the florescent light bulbs. As Scout finished she put her things away and kissed Jordan on the cheek before skipping out of the bathroom. 

Tiana was sitting in the kitchen, eating a bowl of ramen noodles. Big surprise there. Since they got to California Tiana has only eaten ramen noodles. Even when they went out to eat he would ask if they had a bag of em' knowing that they never would. Tiana looked up from her noodles and smiled at Scout. "Mornin'" she said.

Scout smiled back at her black haired, pale faced cousin. Her finger nails sporting a fresh coat of black. Her eyeliner was thinner than usual, and her hair was pulled into a loose side ponytail that hung off her bony shoulder. "Morning," Scout said. "You ready to go back to Indiana?" 

Tiana rolled her eyes as she slurped up the last of her noodles. She hopped down from her spot on the stool, her bowl in hand. "I really don't wanna go home," she whined putting her bowl in the dishwasher.

Scout laughed, "You won't be gone forever. Andy offered you a place, you know that."

Tiana sighed, "I know, I just don't want to leave the studio behind, we worked so hard to get that place. We saved up every paycheck we had since we were 12!" she said. "I don't think we should just leave it."

"I know but look at who we met here. Look at everyone Jordan knows. He isn't going to let us go job free. I'm sure you can talk to Pete, he owns a studio. Probably more than one. We can sell the studio, find studio jobs here." Scout reassured.

Tiana nodded, "I suppose your right."

"Always am," Scout smiled. Tiana rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag, hauling it out to Scout's car. Scout debated on going back to the bathroom to see how Jordan was but figured she should leave him alone with his hair. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet, setting it down on the island. She rummaged through the fridge, looking for the water filter. She smiled when she found it in the back of the fridge. She filled up her glass and leaned against the counter, looking over the condo. She could hear humming as Jordan walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. 

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and smiled at her. "Your beautiful, ya know that?" he asked.

Scouts face grew hot. She looked down at their connected hips biting the corner of her lip. Jordan pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, making her look up at him. He pushed his lips to hers. It wasn't like the kisses they shared since she been here. This one was passionate, more passionate than it had ever been. When she finally pulled away She wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his chest. She took in his sent, that familiar sent she loved. 

Jordan rested his head on hers, closing his eyes. "I'm glad you came," he said quietly.

Scout smiled before she too closed her eyes. "Me too."

♠ ♠ ♠
Awww shit yea.
What up.
READ THIS TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE STORY, ALL OF YOU  this is about both of these jwitz fanfics and a possible third. So read it. Please. It involves all of you.

Expect more updates!
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-Zelda Cakes