Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


Scout stood next to Jordan, their hands  sewn together. They walked behind Tiana as she dragged her luggage through the busy airport. It would be hard saying goodbye to her cousin for the first time since they were 16. Scout knew Tiana wouldn't be gone for long but it was still the thought of being away that made her sad. 

Tiana turned around and looked at Jordan and Scout. With a sigh she shrugged, "I guess I'll be seeing you guys in a few months," she said.

Scout wrapped her arms around Tiana, squeezing her tightly. "Dont do anything stupid, please." she said.

Tiana laughed as she pulled away, "I won't I promise," she smiled and looked at Jordan opening her arms wide. "Now remember, do anything to my cousin and I'll have you murdered. Mkay?" she said into his ear.

"You have nothing to worry about," Jordan reassured. "She's in good hands."

"Flight 218 to Fort Wayne now boarding," the lady on the intercom announced. 

"That's me," Tiana said with a sigh. "I'll see you guys in a few weeks," she turned around slowly and began to walk off before turning back to look at Jordan. "Oh and Jordan; no reporters on the tour bus!"

Jordan cocked a small smile as he pulled scout into his side, they waved at Tiana before she was swallowed by the large crowd. "Where to now, Captain?" Scout asked.

"Boardwalk?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Scout thought about it before nodding. Jordan smiled back at her before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the airport.

The sun felt nice on Scouts bare back. Her and Jordan walked hand in hand down the wooden boardwalk. The sound of her flip flops hitting the wood was mixed in with the the slurping of Jordan's drink.  "Want the rest?" Jordan asked handing Scout the cup.

"What is it?" Scout asked.

"Coke, if you don't want it I'm just gonna throw it away," he said as they neared a trash can. Scout shook her head and Jordan tossed the cup into the black plastic bag. "I'm starving! Let's go eat something."

"Jordan you're always hungry," Scout laughed. "What are you looking for?"

Jordan put a finger to his chin, tapping it slightly. "I want........a chocolate shake and some French fries! There's a malt shop a street over, let's go."  

Jordan tugged hard on Scouts hand, dragging her behind him as he ran. "Jordan!" she screamed with a giggle. "the shop isn't going anywhere."

"You don't know that!" Jordan yelled, not looking back at her. He continued to run, pulling Scout behind him. They finally made it to the doors of the shop, out of breath and hot. 

Jordan pulled open the door allowing Scout to enter first, the cold air hitting her hard. She heard the door close and Jordan walked up next to her. A young blonde came up in a retro waitress outfit, her hair in a curly ponytail underneath her hat. "Hi, just the two of you?" she asked.

"Yes," Jordan said with a nod.

"Alright, would you like to sit at the counter or a booth in the back?" she asked.

Jordan looked at Scout for an opinion, before Jordan could say anything Scout said, "Booth, please." the girl picked up two menu's and motioned the couple to follow. She led them to a corner booth in the back, letting them sit before handing their menu's.

"Your waitress today is Mindy and she will be with you in just a second." the girl smiled before walking off.

Scout looked around the building as Jordan looked at the menu. "I like this place," Scout said. "It's so vintage and adorable. How'd you know it was here?"

Jordan looked up, "I found it, when I was recording the new record." 

"Hi," they heard. They both looked up to see an older woman, about 36, in a vintage dress, her brown hair pinned up at the sides. "I'm Mindy, I'll be your waitress. Now can I start y'all off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a chocolate shake and a burger." Jordan said handing Mindy the menu.

"alright," Mindy said writing down the order. "And for you Miss?"

Scout looked down at her hands, humming as she thought. "I'll have a chocolate shake and some fries. Oh and a coke please."

"Sure thing," She took the menus, sticking them under her arm before walking away. 

When scout looked at Jordan his mouth was proped open, gaping at her in shock. "I just offered you a coke!" He said. "And you go and order one?"

Scout shrugged. "I didn't want your germs." she smiled.

Jordan leaned in to her, his upperbody being held up by his lower arms. "You didn't want my germs? Honestly?" he asked.

Scout leaned into him. "Nope, I don't drink from the cups of boys with germs."

Jordan smiled before he leaned in more and kissed her gently. "Well now you have my germs, and there will be more where that came from."

Scout raised an eyebrow at him as he settled back in her booth seat. "Oh really, how so?"

"We have the condo to ourselves now. I think you know what that means." he smiled.

Scout giggled. "Well then it sucks for you because I'm on my period." Scout shrugged before leaning back.

Jordan's face dropped for the second time that day, his eyes wide. "dammit," he whined. "I was really looking forward to that. Since you came here I've been so just........ Turned on by you and you're on your fucking period and just great." he bitched.

Scout laughed as she watched Jordan complain like a child. "I'm kidding!" she said. "I'm not really on my period.  I just wanted to see your face." 

"You're gonna pay for that," he said. His eyes narrowing.

"Oh really?" she asked. "How so?"

"I wish I could tell you but that would ruin the surprise." he cocked a smile.

"Jordan," she warned.


Her eyes narrowed, staring at him intensely for a few moments. "Fine," she sighed. "Guess I'll just have to wait."

Mindy came over before Jordan could speak and placed their meals in front of them, saying a quick, "shout if you need me."

Scout slowly ate her fries, sipping at her shake and taking a few mouthfuls of coke to wash it all down. Jordan was already done with his meal by the time Scout was half way through with her fries. "Ready to go?" he asked.

"But I'm not done!" Scout complained, Jordan shrugged before slapping a $20 on the table and snatching scouts hand. He dragged her through the restaurant and back out into the dry air. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo I'm sorry this sucks giraffe nipples but i knew I needed to put SOMETHING up.
I recently lost my wifi at home because whoevers wifi I was stealing decided to be a major dickhole and lock their internet like every other twatface in my neighborhood so idk when my next update with be. Right now I'm at my sisters stealing her Internet. I figure with me not having wifi I might actually get some writing done and not waste my time on tumblr and YouTube. So i guess I'll be writing more.
The only way I can email, check comments, stuff like that is at school but since I type all my chapters on my iPod without wifi I can't emailthem to myself to update my 44 subscribers on what is going on in the lives of Jordan and Scout I don't know when I'll get Internet back I'm hoping soon, very soon because I can't live without my daily dose of destery and AmazingPhil. I'll go crazy- LITERALLY CRAZY. Then i'll turn Into some cat lady, you spends her nights watching antiques roadshow with a Hungry Man and mr. Whiskers while waiting(hoping) that aliens come to abduct me. *Breaths*.

Until then I leave you all with this shitty excuse for an update and a <3
comment//subscribe//tell me if you live in England!