Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


Scout sighed as she got out of her car and walked into her place only to be greeted by her cousin.

"How'd it go with Andy?" she asked.

Scout sighed in frustration, "he didn't help any. All he said was that he didn't know who she was and he had nothing to do with it!" she mimicked, "which is total horse shit!" she yelled throwing her hands up.

Tiana shook her head, "Jordan called me asking about the letter," she said, "how did know about it?"

Scout rubbed her face, "I ran into Andy, Jordan's Andy. Told him I got a note he must have told Jordan i don't know but I don't wanna talk about it. We need to do something. I can't keep being cooped up in this place. I'm not gonna get anywhere by doing so" she said.

Tiana smiled, "and she's back!" she laughed.

"Not fully. I need to find out what's going on. I can't keep doing this. Acting like there's nothing go on when there obviously is. Someone did something to ruin me and Jordan's relationship and I plan on finding out who it is!" Scout said pointing at Tiana.

Tiana made a face, "ugh there's that look. I hate that look."

Scout gave off this look when ever she was annoyed by something she couldn't figure out. Scout was always so determined and by making that look Tiana knew she would give up even if it means she's breaking her heart in the process.

"I am not giving off a look," scout said.

Tiana rolled her eyes before getting serious, "are you sure you want to do this? Even if it means finding out things you don't particularly like?" she asked.

Scout bit her lip and nodded trying to show as much courage as possible, "yes, I'm sure. I have to find closure, if I don't I won't ever get past it."

Tiana nodded understanding, "alright but don't kill anyone." Tiana joked.

Scout laughed for the first time in a while, "I can't promise anything."

Jordan paced in his apartment. Andy sat on the couch watching his friend freak out.

"I'm so lost, what does Scout's ex have to do with what I did?" Jordan asked shaking his head.

"You didn't do anything, that Josephine chick came onto you it wasn't the other way around and you know that. Being hard on yourself isn't gonna help us figure this out" Andy said. Jordan stopped in his tracks.

"I don't get it though. Why me and not someone else. How did she even find Scout's address? Better yet know who she was?! I don't ever remember telling her her name or where she lived!" Jordan yelled in frustration.

Andy chuckled, "maybe she is some stalker who's out to ruin the life's of everyone."

Jordan shot a glare at Andy, "not the time, Andy."

Andy threw his hands up, "sorry man but you need to stop over looking it. Why don't you try to get a hold of this Josephine chick before you go crazy?"

"I don't know anything about her except she's a report or something!" Jordan said before there was a knock on the door. Jordan grunted as he walked to the front door. He tossed it open and his jaw dropped at the sight in front of him.

"Josephine?" he asked.

"Before you slam the door in my face we need to talk about what happened, it not what it seems like." she said holding the door open.

"You ruined the best thing to her happen to me, why should I listen to what you have to say?" he asked crossing his arms.

Josephine sighed, "because if you don't things will never get better between you and Scout, not can I come in?" she asked.

Jordan nodded slowly stepping away from the door and allowing her to enter.

"Who was at the do-" Andy began, "what the fuck is she doing here?" he hissed.

"Just here me out alright. First of all, it wasn't my idea." she began.

Jordan sat and listened to her story his eyes wide the entire time. He couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.

"So your not really a reporter?" Jordan asked.

Josephine rocked back on her heels, "nope," she said popping the 'P'

"I have to find Scout, I have to tell her-" Jordan began as he grabbed his car keys.

"No!" Josephine said grabbing his arm, "if you tell her she won't believe you. I will tell her. Andy leaves for LA next week so I will go and talk to her. There's a higher chance she'll believe me over you."

Jordan nodded slowly, "Your probably right." he said.

"I had better go," Josephine said as she made her way to the door. She opened it and turned to look at Jordan, "and Jordan, I'm sorry" she said and closed the door behind her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ellooooo loveeeeee.
What's up?
Nothing much :)
so I'm on this PATD kick right now again. This is the second time this ha happened to me. Brendon Urie's Voice is such a turn on on dear.
I'm slowly loosing my Virginity just talking about him :P