Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


Scout and Tianasat down at the movie theater, popcorn in their laps and drinks by their sides.

"What is this movie supposed to be about anyways?" Scout asked.

Tiana rolled her eyes, "we have been through this like thirty thousand times already. I don't know, but it looks funny." her cousin said as if it was something obvious.
Scout sat back in her chair and sighed.

Scout heard loud laughing from behind her, she stiffened as she heard the familiar laugh. She squealed and hid her head in her lap, hoping they wouldn't see her.
"oh god, oh god, oh god." she said.

Tiana laughed, "Scout what are you doing? You look like an idiot." she said throwing popcorn into her mouth.

Scout turned her head to look at her cousin, "Jordan, Travis, Keegan and Andy are right there!" she yelled in a whisper.
Tiana turned her head and gasped catching Jordan's eye. She turned her head quickly and cursed herself.

"He saw me!" she said, and peeked around, "oh no, Scout there coming over here" she said biting her lip.

Scout hid her head still as she heard the boys walk over.

"Hey Tiana," Travis said.

"Hey Travis, Andy, Keegan, Jordan. How's it going?" Tiana said nervously.

"Good, who ya here with?"Travis asked.

Tiana bit her lip and looked from The boys to Scout, "oh her," she said waving her hand, "that's a friend of mine from uhh, California. yea, California right?" she asked Scout. Scout nodded.

"What's her name?" Travis asked, looking over at her.

", yep that's it, Stella" Tiana said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Stella," Jordan said holding out a hand.

Scout held out a hand and shook his. Her palms were sweaty, it was the first time she had had any physical contact with him.

Scout quickly pulled away, "I'm sorry about her," Tiana said, "she's just not feeling all that great."

Keegan nodded, "do you mind if we sit with-"

"No!" Tiana said loudly, "I mean I don't want you to catch what she has in case it's contagious. But you can go and enjoy the movie from the opposite end of the theater." she smiled sweetly.

Andy look at her questionable, "okay, well we'll just leave then, come on Jordan" Tiana watched as they walked away, Jordan looking back.

"is it safe?" scout muffled.

"mmmmm.......Yea" she said.

Scout lifted her head slowly looking around to make sure Tiana was telling the truth.
She sighed in relief when the lights dimmed and she was able to watch the movie in peace.

As the credits rolled Scout threw on her hoodie and put the hood up and scurried out of the movie theater. Tiana close on her heels. They got into Tiana's car and Scout let out a loud long scream.

"What the fuck was that!?" she screamed.

Tiana laughed, "oh god honey, you need to talk to him, I don't know how much longer I can lie like that," Tiana said shaking her head.

"Oh god, just drive!" she yelled.

Tiana smiled as they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
♠ ♠ ♠
Good evening.
Omg that makes me wanna go watch Silence of the Lambs.
So I'm like super tired. And I think you all should check out my new storie Ft. Brendon Urie from Panic at the disco,Click Here to read :D then we can all spam his Twitter with the link and have him read it :p just kidding only do that if you want :)
and i as you can tell i hid the link to the nhew story all over this chapter and in all my other stories as well :) i'm mean but it's my favorite story so far and i REAALLLYYY want you all to check it out. i don't like the whole vampire thing but i really like this one. its based off of the music video for fall out boys, i little less sixteen candles a little moer"touch me"
pleaseee check it out, if you love me you will :)