Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


Tiana and Scout walked into their house, Tiana laughing at what had just happened back at the movies.

"Tiana, it isn't funny!" Scout said.

Tiana shook her head, "I know, I know, I'm sorry it's just how often do you think that happens honestly?" she asked taking a seat on the couch.

Scout sighed, sitting next to Tiana, "I can't believe I touched him," she said shaking her head, "I actually touched him I don't think I ever would have thought I would touch him again." Scout sighed.

Tiana looked over at her cousin, "and did you still feel what you used to? That 'spark' that you two used to feel when ever you made eye contact or brushed against each other?" she asked.

"I'll always feel something I just can't quite place what it is," she said.

There was a knock on the door after scout had finished talking, "I'm gonna go get the door then when I come back, we shall watch cheesy horror movies," she smiled at her plan before standing up and heading to the door.

"Scout? You might want to come out here!" Tiana called.

Scout cringed hoping it wasn't Jordan, she stood up and walked into the kitchen. A girl stood in the doorway a sad look on her face.

"What?" Scout asked Tiana.

"This here is Josephine," she said with a fake smiled.

Scout crossed her arms, "what do you want?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you, about what happened, there is something you need to know," Josephine said.

"Did he get you pregnant too?" Scout asked, a bit annoyed.

Josephine shook her head, "can I please just come in, I can explain everything to you."

Scout thought for a moment before nodding towards Tiana who sighed and moved away from the door allowing Josephine to enter.

All three girls took a seat at the kitchen table and Josephine began her story, "did you get my letter?" she asked. Scout nodded, "I take it Andy didn't tell you anything so I might as well. Andy is my boyfriend, he and I started dating about 5 months ago. One day he told me that he had a girlfriend named Scout who cheated on him and it broke his heart and how he wanted to get back at you for it. Well he found out you were dating Jordan and so he did some research and found out he was having a show here in Fort Wayne, so he asked me to help him out. I pretended I was a reporter for a local news paper and I went to the show asking Jordan if he could do an interview, when he agreed he said to just meet him and the guys at the bus. I did, Andy told me to sleep with him so that him cheating would be on his mind and he would eventually tell you and you would come running back to Andy. I got to kissing him and he kept pushing me off and turning his head saying he had a girlfriend and he couldn't do that to you. I didn't expect you to walk in, nobody did. Well I found out about three months after that you didn't cheat on Andy, Andy cheated on you and he was just using me to get back with you. As soon as I found out I broke up with Andy and wrote you that note hoping maybe he would confess. After he didn't I found Jordan's address in the phone book and went to his place and told him exactly what I just told you," she said.

"If you went and saw him then why didn't he come over here to tell her what really happened?" Tiana asked.

"I told him not to, I told him that you probably wouldn't believe him so I would do it," Josephine said before standing up, "I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen, I really hope you and Jordan figure this thing out." she said and left the house.

Scout was silent, she didn't know what to say or how to react  to what she had just heard. The words played over and over again in her head. She wasn't sure if she should be excited that he didn't do it on purpose or completely pissed that Andy would do something like that so instead, she cried. She put her head in her hands and cried uncontrollably. Tiana pulled her cousin into a hug and tried to calm her down.

"Why are you crying?" Tiana laughed.

Scout pulled away from her cousin and tried to wipe away the tears "I don't know I just am, I can't control it!" she took a breath.

Tiana continued to laugh at her cousin, "you should be excited to here about this, well not the Andy part but Jordan didn't do it! What did I tell you, I told you he never cheated on you, he couldn't cheat on you, Scout," she grunted, "I think I'm more excited about this then you are. Tomorrow your going to see him, I'm calling Jason now and making sure he keeps Jordan in his place all day!" she said.

Before scout could open her mouth Tiana was out of the room and on the phone.

Scout sighed not sure if she was ready to face Jordan knowing that what she did, by terminating the pregnancy, was worse then anything Jordan could ever have done.
♠ ♠ ♠
so now you know what really went down!
Like awww shitt.