Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


Scout looked away from Jordan and shook her head, "we can't just jump into this, it won't be the same," she said, "it won't ever be the same between us."

Jordan pushed a loose piece of hair behind Scouts ear, "it doesn't hurt to try," he said.

Scout moved her head letting Jordan's hand drop to his side, "it does Jordan, it hurts a lot actually, plus your gone all the time, how do I know this won't happen again?" she asked, pleading for a solid answer, an answer she could rely on.

"It won't happen again," he said. "I leave for California-" he began but was cut off.

"You can't be serious? Your leaving again? When?" she asked.

"Tomorrow," he said quietly.

Scouts eyes widened, "tomorrow? you leave tomorrow? If you leave tomorrow then why are you here telling me all this now!?" she asked.

"I want you to come with me, please. We will figure all this out. We can get an apartment and I can get you a job at the studio if you want to have one, please scout, we can start over in California," he begged.

Scout shook her head, "what about my cousin? What about Tiana?" she whispered.

Jordan threw his hands in the air, "she can come too, I'll leave tomorrow and you can pack and I'll come back and get you next week," he smiled.

Scout sighed, "I don't know," she said not looking up at Jordan.

Jordan grabbed her hand, "please," he begged.

Scout lifted her head, her eyes connecting with Jordan's crystal blue ones, she could see the pleading in his eyes. He wanted nothing more then to be with Scout, nothing else would make him happier and Scout could see that.

Scout nodded, "alright," she said, "I'll do it."

Jordan smiled and pulled her into a hug, "next week, I'll come and get you I promise," he said kissing her for head.

She shook her head, "no need, I'll drive so I have a car," she said quietly.

Jordan shook his head, "I don't like the idea of you driving alone to Cali-"

"I'll have Tiana drive with me, then she can fly back, you should go home, get some rest for your flight," she sighed.

Jordan hesitated but got up off the front porch step after kissing Scouts cheek, "I'll call you," he said.

Scout nodded not looking at him as he got in his car and drove away.

Scout walked inside and her cousin was bouncing on the balls of her feet, a smile on her face. "let's start packing!" she said happily.

Scout eyed her cousin, "how did you......." she began, "ah whatever, fuck it let's go," she said. Tiana jumped in excitement and ran up the stairs, skipping steps as she did.

They pulled out Scouts black and pink suite cases. Folding all of her clothes into them. They were able to pack everything in just two days leaving Tiana the only one with an empty suite case.

Jordan had called Scout everyday while he was away, and when he couldn't call he would text. Ending every conversation with I love you. It felt weird to Scout, saying those words, she hadn't heard him say them in forever. It's didn't feel foreign, just weird.

Scout didn't tell Jordan when she was leaving, she wanted to but figure it would be better if she surprised him. She was slowly opening herself back up to Jordan, she didn't feel like she shouldn't be with him anymore but she still felt guilty. She was smiling again, and laughing, she no longer had to see her therapist, felt she didn't need to anymore.

Scout sighed as she locked the house and walked down the pathway to her car. Tiana closed the trunk and looked at Scout. "you ready?" she asked.

Scout nodded, "are you?" she questioned.

Tiana smiled, "it's California why wouldn't I be ready?"

Scout laughed an they got into her car and began their journey to the West coast.
"How long do you think your gonna stay?" Scout asked Tiana before taking a sip of her milkshake.

Tiana shrugged looking out at the highway of California. "I thought about spending maybe a week there, help you unpack and stuff. I know you and Jordan need your alone time, but I've never been to Cali, so I'm soaking it up when I can," she said.

Scout rolled her eyes, "you can stay as long as you want to, Jordan even said so," scout pointed out.

Tiana shook her head, her black hair moving with her, "no, I'm leaving in a week and that's final, someone needs to look after the studio while your gone."

"Shit," Scout said. "I forgot about the damn studio."

Tiana laughed. "don't worry about it, it's fine, I got it all under control, just have fun here with Jordan, now do you remember where Jordan said he was living?"

Scout nodded, "the address is in the glove box, open it up," she said pointing to it, not taking her eyes off the busy road. 

Tiana reached into the box and pulled out a white folded piece of paper.

She gave scout the directions and they pulled into a parking lot and Scout parked the car. "ready?" Tiana asked.

Scout nodded, "yep," she said popping the p.

"You go see if he's home, the paper says he's number 7, I'll stay here," Tiana said.

Scout nodded once and took a deep breath before stepping out into the hot California summer weather. She walked slowly to Jordan's front door and rang the doorbell. Scout rocked on the balls of her feet and waited for Jordan to answer the door.

A few moments later the door flew open and Jordan stood in the doorway. His brown and blonde hair stuck out around his face, his skinny jeans hung off his waist and a red hoodie zipped up midway covered his black Michael Jackson shirt. "Scout," he smiled brightly. 

He pulled her into a tight hug and she laughed, "hey Jordan," she smiled, wrapping her arms around him.

He pulled away, still smiling, he put both his hands on her warm cheeks and brought his lips to hers, kissing her hard and long. He pulled apart and put his for head against hers. "I've missed you so much," he whispered.

Scout closed her eyes and bit down on her lip gently, "I've missed you too," she smiled. Kissing him again, he put his hands on her hips and pulled her into him. Scout laughed, "let's not get to frisky here, Tiana's with me," she said.

Jordan looked around Scout and waved at Tiana in one swift motion, "Hey Tiana," he said squinting his eyes.

Tiana looked at him from behind the car, "Hey! Witzigreuter!" she called.

Jordan looked down at Scout. "I was just about to head out to an interview with Pete, you can stay here, I'll only be gone for about two hours, give you time to unpack," he said, a sad look on his face.

Scout nodded, "alright, I'll see you later," she said, giving Jordan a swift kiss on the lips before watching as Jordan walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Howdy, happy Easter all my lovies.

So for all my readers your nickname is now Yakers.
That's what I'm calling you all now- yakers
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