Status: Coming Soon :)

Drain Notes


"How long do you think Jordan's going to be?" Tiana asked Scout.

Scout shrugged and pushed herself into a sitting position. "I have no idea, he said he had to go to the studio and finish the new single," she said.

Tiana shook her head. "you have barely seen him all week, he has a in store show one day, then he has the studio, then he has a meet and greet, he has interview after interview. I leave tomorrow and I would like to see him at least once before I go," she said.

Scout pushed her sunglasses up to her head and sighed looking out at the ocean. "I know, he said that it wouldn't be this hectic after this week. How it was just a crazy week for him. Maybe when you visit it won't be this bad, we can all actually do something," Scout suggested.

Tiana shrugged. "let's all go out tonight, he should be done in 5 hours right?"she asked. "anyways, I think that would be nice."

Scout thought about it. "I guess we could, I'm getting to dark let's get out of here," she said standing up. She shook out the sandy towel and walked with Tiana back to the car and slid in before driving back to the apartment.

Scout sat on Tiana's bed watching Tiana refold all of her clothes again. "Where do you want to eat?" Scout asked swinging her feet.

Tiana shrugged zipping up her suite case. "I don't care, TGIFridays?" she asked.

Scout agreed before kicking herself off the bed at the sound of the front door closing. She smiled as she walked out of the bedroom and saw Jordan setting his keys down on the table. He smiled when he noticed Scout, that warm loving smile she was so used to and so in love with.

Jordan pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead gently. "what do you want to do tonight?" he asked her.

Scout played with the zipper off his sweatshirt, jiggling the metal pull flap, while Jordan laced his fingers together behind her back. "Tiana thought that since it was her last night here we should go out to dinner, how does that sound?" she asked.

Jordan nodded. "alright, then we should probably go," he said.

Scout, with her hand in Jordan's, walked next to Tiana as they made their way to the restaurant. They grabbed a seat with no hassle and sat down in the red leather booth.

Jordan smiled at Scout over his drink making scout blush a deep shade of red. Jordan chuckled at her shyness and kissed her forcefully.

"So!" Tiana said. "you guys must be excited I'm leaving."

"no-" Scout began.

"Yes!" Jordan said quickly.

Scout looked at him appalled. "Jordan!" she said.

Tiana laughed as Jordan shrugged in innocence. "what? I haven't had sex in over 5 months okay," he said.

Tiana shook her head. "not dinner conversation worthy, Witzigreuter," she said.

Jordan chuckled. "sorry, but no I'm not excited for you to leave. I really wish you could stay with us, I know you and Andy have a thing. I've seen it," he said taking a sip of his soda.

Scout saw as Tiana's face turned a dark red and she tried to hide it. Scout looked at Jordan and shook her head, "Tiana wouldn't date someone like Andy," she said.

Jordan shrugged. "I don't know but I did see them kiss yesterday. When Tiana was supposed to be getting popcorn ready she was making out with Andy in the kitchen," he said.

"Jordan!" Tiana said loudly, "you said you weren't gonna say anything!"

Scout let out a long gasp as she turned her attention from Jordan to Tiana. "Tiana Elise Lauziere, that's true. You made out with Andy?" Tiana didn't say anything she just continued to give the death glare towards Jordan. "no fucking way! That's awesome."

Tiana's expression changed. "really?" she asked surprised.

Scout looked confused. "yea why wouldn't it be?" she asked.

Tiana shrugged. "I don't know I figured you would be all 'he's Jordan's best friend and band mate you can't be seeing him if I'm seeing Jordan, nag nag nag'" Tiana mimicked.

Scout looked at Tiana, "first of all I do not sound like that, secondly, if you wanna see Andy go right ahead, I haven't seen you with another guy since you got yourself stabbed."

"Thank you, Scout. Thank you so much for bringing that up. Yes I know I was dabbed it's in the past and it's no longer relevant to anything. I know not to pick up guys from crosswalks," Tiana said.

Scout and Jordan laughed at Tiana. "you know," Jordan said. "Andy is moving out here next week and he's looking for a roommate so if you wanna live in Cali, you have a place."

Tiana's eyes sparkled at the news. "really? He would let me move in with him?" she asked.

Jordan shrugged. "I don't see why not and I'm sure Scout is going to want a friend out here at some point," he smiled looking at Scout who mouthed a 'thank you'

Jordan nodded as Tiana gushed about all the awesome things they could do in California. "Do you know how many celebrities we could meet!?" Tiana exclaimed.

"What about me?" Jordan asked. "I'm practically a celebrity."

Tiana looked at him for a split moment and rolled her eyes before looking back at Scout, "Do you know how many actual celebrities we could meet, people with actual fans like, Pete Wentz!" she said.

"I know Pete Wentz, I'm signed to Pete Wentz," Jordan chimed in.

"Like Brendon and Spencer from Panic!" Tiana said.

"Their signed to Pete too," Jordan said taking a sip of his soda again.

"William Beckett, Travie McCoy-"

"Also signed to Pete," Jordan mumbled.

"Dude," Tiana said catching Jordan's attention. "is everyone signed to Pete's label?" she asked.

"Madonna," he said. "she's not signed to Pete." he said.

Tiana rolled her eyes. "don't be a smart ass Witzigreuter, it's not attractive."

Jordan chuckled as Scout smiled at him, "he's adorable and you know it," she said.

"Eh," Tiana shrugged crossing her arms and leaning back in the booth. "Pete's better." she said.

"Pete's better at what?" they heard. Tiana looked up and her mouth dropped.

"Hey Pete," Jordan smirked at Tiana.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me," he smiled.

"No problem, sorry it was on such short notice but I wanted you to meet my friend Tiana," Jordan smiled.

Pete waved, "Hey, nice to meet you," he said shaking her hand.

Tiana didn't speak, she just looked at the smiling Pete then down at their locked hands. "Here, Pete you sit next to Tiana and I'll just move over to Jordan," scout said pushing herself over to Jordan.

"You must be Scout," Pete smiled.

Scout nodded once, "that would be me," she smiled at Jordan, lacing her fingers with his.

"Your Pete Wentz," Tiana finally said.

Pete laughed, "yea. I am," he said.

"So tell me, is Brendon Urie hot in person?" Tiana asked him.

"Tiana" scout shot Tiana a dirty look and Tiana only shrugged at her as if to ask what she had done wrong.

Pete laughed again, "I guess so, I'm meeting with him in an hour if you want to come along, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Pete suggested.

Tiana looked at Scout, "can we please?" she begged.

Scout sighed, "I guess." she said. Tiana jumped in excitement and Scout looked at Pete, "if you keep doing this, she won't ever go home."

Pete smiled and shrugged, "Jordan told me she was a fan, text me about 10 minutes ago and luckily I was just around the corner, so I decided I wanted to come down and meet her."

Scout looked at Jordan. "you did this to her?" she asked him.

Jordan smiled. "she wanted to stay, I was just giving her a reason to."

Scout smiled at him and shook her head, "your just perfect aren't you," she joked and planted a kiss on his soft pink lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't leave Panic out of a story that some what involved Pete Wentz.
now if you like Brendon Urie check out my Bden fanfic called 'We Dance In the Night'
and go watch their new music video that just premiered on facebook TODAY!
called 'Ready To Go'

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-Zeldacakessssss :)
PS. i don't know if any of you have realized this but i really love Zelda
just so you know