Status: R.I.P. Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan

Kiss It Goodbye.


The twins were gone after dinner. So was Jimmy and everyone. I saw Jimmy talking to the Walsh’s before he left, and they looked shocked, but happy. I was almost curious enough to ask what he said, but I didn’t.

I helped with the dishes, and when I was done I went back to my room. I don’t like nights. I just sit by the window and stare at the moon for hours. Thinking, trying to remember. I never can though and I usually don’t get enough sleep.

I changed into some comfy sweats and sat on the window sill in my room. It’s cloudy tonight, so I cant really see the moon. It makes it look creepier out in the backyard. I don’t know when, but I wound up falling asleep. I’m guessing sometime in the early morning.

A knock on my door woke me up. I sigh and walk over to open it. I stopped, confused as I pulled it halfway open. Jimmy?

“Um…hi?” I said confused. What was he doing here? Matt already adopted the twins.

“Hey, get dressed. I’m taking you out today.” he told me with a smile and walked back downstairs.

I closed my door, and stood there for a couple minutes. He’s taking me somewhere? Why?

I ignored the questions running through my mind and jumped in the shower. After quickly doing my hair and makeup, I got dressed and ran downstairs.

I don’t have anything really personal, no cell phone. No iPod. Just my clothes, and the books that I bought myself. Oh, and a locket that I’ve had since before the accident. The doctors had to take it off while I was in the hospital, but gave it back to me when I left. I never take it off.

“Ready to go?” Jimmy asked me as he saw me coming down the steps.

“Yeah…where are we going?” I asked him as I stood at the bottom.

“it’s a surprise,” he told me with a smile. I looked at him weirdly, why is he being nice to me?

“Go have fun dear, Jimmy will keep you safe,” Mrs. Walsh told me and pushed us both towards the door.

He led me to a car, a very nice car I might add. It was Mustang. I’m not sure exactly with one, but I know that I fell in love with it.

About an hour later we pulled into a diner’s parking lot.

“Why’d we go so far away?” I asked him.

“This place has the best breakfast you’ll ever have in your life. Plus it’s close to where I wanna take you,” he told me as we walked inside.

“Hey Jimmy! Table for two?” the hostess asked him.

He nodded, “Thanks June.”

“No problem Hun. Sammie will be with you in a few minutes.” she told us and walked away.

“You must come here a lot.” I said to him. Just trying to make conversation.
“All the time. Not so much lately, my girlfriend cooks most of time. I still come here when I can though,” he told me as he put his menu down.

“You have a girlfriend? What’s she like?” I asked him curiously.

He chuckled, “Her names Leana. She crazy, sarcastic, daring, and outspoken, but I love her. She’s visiting her parents right now.”

“Sounds like a cool girl.” I said just as the waitress, Sammie came over.

“Hey Jimmy. Your usual?” she asked him. He simply nodded his head yes with a smile. “And for you cutie?” she asked me.

“I’ll have…OJ and pancakes.” I told her with a small smile. No adult has ever called me cutie…at least, I think no adult has.

The rest of breakfast was good. Lots of questions, like my favorite color, favorite genre of music and movies, favorite animal, favorite everything. I can tell that Jimmy just wants to get to know me, I just don’t know why.

“Alright. Now the fun starts!” he shouted as we got into the car.

I just laughed as he drove. He pulled into a parking lot that already had a lot of cars. I looked over the left and saw a Ferris Wheel.

“You’re taking me to a carnival?” I asked him with slight joy in my voice.

“Yepp. I talked to the Walsh’s and they said that you’ve never been to one since you’ve been there. So I figure, why not?” he laughed as we walked toward it.

“Thanks. I haven’t been to one.” I told him.

Jimmy’s like a giant kid. We played every game that was there, and went on almost every ride. Except the Ferris Wheel, because he’s afraid of heights. Which made me laugh, cause he’s tall as hell.

By the time we left, I had a giant stuffed puppy, duck, unicorn and blow up hammer thingy.

Jimmy and I put the things into the back seat and drove back in content silence. It wasn’t awkward or weird to be with Jimmy. He was a funny guy, who loved to have fun, but knew when to be serious.

When we got back, I didn’t expect him to come inside with me. He did though.

“I’m gonna go put all this in my room.” I told him and trudged up the stairs. I put down the duck that I named, Stallion Duck. Well Jimmy named him, but I liked it.

I opened the door and placed the giant stuffed animals, on my bed. I walked back downstairs and went looking for Jimmy.

I couldn’t find him anywhere. Not the kitchen, the living room or the playroom.

“If you’re looking for the tall dude you were with, he’s with the Walsh’s in the office,” Bradley, one of the twelve year olds, told me.

I thanked him and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I looked through the cabinets until I found the chips. I took out one of the mini bags of Fritos and got a soda from the fridge.

It’s still light out, but all the little kids are in the playroom, so I went to the backyard and climbed the tree that’s back there.

I placed my soda can in this little knot on one of the branches, leaned back and ate my chips in quiet.

I looked at the sky, the sun was gonna set soon. I’d spent all day with Jimmy. I hope I can do it again.
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Amber's Outfit

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