Colder Than Ourselves.

This Is The Best Day Ever.

Going home was always something that I dreaded, even when I knew that I wasn't going to be in trouble. Quinn and Jeph never had anything to worry about, mainly because their parents were always too busy to care about what was really going on around them. Today just seemed ten times worse because it had all been going so well and I slowly dragged my feet inside the house.

Melanie and Rachel, my two younger sisters were screaming about something as Katie, my oldest and closest sister, yelled at them to stop. My Mom was at the kitchen table talking something over on the phone, looking quite irritated as she spoke. Katie got up quickly once she saw me and grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"Bert!" She whispered as she dragged me away from Mom's possible lines of vision. "Where were you today?! Mom is on the phone with the school right now, they're pretty pissed that you didn't show again."

I shrugged at her and laughed, "Katie, its not big deal, I just went and hung out with Jeph and Quinn for awhile instead of going to class."

Right as I finished speaking, I heard my Mom yell, "Robby! Where are you?"

Sighing, I stepped towards the kitchen and became faced with a very upset Mother.

"Robby," She began, placing her head in her hands. "please sit down. We need to talk."

I obliged quickly and sat down in front of her. Once I was seated, she grabbed my hands and just looked at me.

"Is everything okay, ma?" I asked, pretending to be clueless.

"No, Robby, it isn't. Do you know that the school called and told me that you didn't show up for any of your classes today? Please tell me that there was a mix up."

I couldn't lie to her and I knew that if I did, she'd be even more upset. "No, Mom, it wasn't a mix up. Quinn and I went and hung out today instead of going to class. But I promise that I'll go tomorrow."

"Oh, Robby, I know that you're a good boy, you just can't let bad ideas that Quinn has pressure you in to stuff. I know Quinn's a good boy too, he just needs better attention from his parents."

I sighed and just looked at her, she wanted me to behave so badly and I just could never do it. I knew that I was going to let her down no matter what I did and that's what stung the most. Ripping me from my thoughts, she patted me on the hand and got up walking towards the stove. I stood up as well and began to walk towards my room.

"Robby, one more thing?" She asked, turning to me. I nodded and waited for her to go on. "How about we don't tell your Father about this, as long as you promise me that it won't happen again."

A smile appeared across my face and I went over and hugged her, knowing that she meant it. She hugged back tightly and urged me to go work on my homework, reminding me that supper would be ready in an hour.

The whole night flew by and before I knew it, I was back at school. It was the last period of the day and the only class that I had with Jeph and Quinn, which clearly made it my favorite. It was art and even though I was really bad at it, I just loved being able to do whatever.

"What're you doing today after school?" Quinn finally asked me right before the bell rang.

"I dunno, why?"

He looked at Jeph and then smiled, "We were gonna go somewhere and smoke, but I didn't know if you were in trouble or anything."

I huffed at him and laughed, "Nah, my Mom was totally cool about it, didn't tell my Dad or anything."

Jeph's eyes lit up and gave me a quick high-five, "Damn!"

I nodded and laughed along with them, but I know that I couldn't go out with them today, not because of what happened yesterday. Instead I wanted to go back to that shop and see it by myself, most because of Bandit. "I think I'm just gonna home straight home today, make her think that I'm really serious about being good."

Quinn rolled his eyes and agreed, "Do you need a ride home?"

"I think I'm just gonna walk, it won't kill me."

The bell rang and we each walked out separate ways. I bolted to my locker and threw in my stuff, grabbing only my jacket and a folder. Throughout the day, I had figured out that the walk to the store would only take about ten minutes from the school, I just had to remember where exactly it was.

About fifteen minutes later, I walked up to a familiar building and looked in the window. My eyes instantly found Bandit running around the store, doing whatever it was that she was doing, and soon found Gerard sitting at the counter laughing at her. I quickly grew nervous and began to debate whether or not I should go in, I mean, he could have just been being polite yesterday and had not really wanted me to come back.

Sheesh, why do I always mentally kick my own ass? It’s getting overly ridiculous. All of a sudden, I was scared by something hitting the window and I looked down, meeting an extremely excited Bandit.

“Hi Bert!” She squealed through the glass, running for the door. I met her there and walked inside, being met with open arms for a hug. I bent down and hugged her, while she giggled the whole time. She let go and reached up for my hand, leading me towards the register.

Gerard’s eyes lit up and a dashing smile came across his face, “Hey! You came back!”

I nodded and leaned up against the counter, “Yeah, I had too much fun here yesterday and just wanted to come back, mainly to hang out with you and Bandit, if that’s cool.”

Great, I’m rambling now. Son of a bitch!

“It’s totally fine! I only get about ten customers a day and sometimes it gets lonely with just Bandit and me here.” He said quickly, motioning for me to come behind the counter and take a seat with him.

I sat down and just looked around, not sure what to say next. I thought that I had it all planned out today, but I never thought about what to say. Why was I acting like some overzealous teenage girl?

“So, um,” Gerard began, looking at me. “did you go to school today?”

“Yeah, my mom made me.” I laughed, rolling my eyes in amusement.

"Ya know, not to sound obnoxious, but you should really go." He said nonchalantly, tapping his fingers on the counter.

I just looked at him, trying to figure out what he was exactly he was trying to get at. Was he trying to give me advice, trying to be a mentor? If he was, this felt weird. Not because I barely knew him, but because it didn't annoy me, like when my parents tried to talk to me.

"I know, it's just so boring and feels like a waster of my time." I mumbled finally, looking down. "Did you like High School?"

Bandit squealed and Gerard's eyes shot up, looking for her. When he finally found her, a slight smile came across his face before he turned back to look at me. "I fucking loved it. I never thought that my life could change, that the good things could go sour and that the mistakes could become happiness."

By the time he had finished, with his eyes back to focusing on Bandit, a toothy grin had spread all over his face but I could still see a hint of sadness in his eyes. I looked away from him and followed his line of vision to Bandit, wondering which category she fit in to. She had to have been the good, but what had become the bad? He seemed to try so hard to make Bandit happy, what was making the goal even harder to accomplish for him?

"Hey Bert?" He quietly asked and I looked back at him, realizing that he had been staring at me for awhile.


"How about I make a deal with you." A puzzled look came across my face and he just chuckled. "Its not a bad deal or anything creepy. But how about I give you an after school job if you don't skip school anymore? You could help me around the shop and help me watch Bandit, sound fair?"

Excitement flooded my body and I jumped out of the chair, hugging him. At first, he stiffened but then softened and hugged back.

"I would love it! Thank you so much, Gerard!" I practically squealed, not letting go.

It had just become official, this was the best day ever.
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