Forever and on


Running faster and faster, branches spilling my blood. Bare feet hitting cold soil. The silk of my dress torn. The sound of fast moving feet chasing me, the fear of is I am caught. I start to slow me weak body not able to keep moving. It is my time I might as well be breathing normally when I die. I turn around and wait for it. For what? I don't really know. Maybe Heaven or maybe it is just eternal darkness. I hope it is the first. I hope my body is not in bad shape when my family finds it.

I have heard of what happens to a person caught by a Cayne. Something terrible. Something I accept and loath at the same time. A most precious thing taken from you when the feed. The one thing a human cannot survive without. The very essence of our being. The only thing keeping us alive. Our very soul.

The next thing I know my back is flat against the wall and there is a young woman atop me. She leans down her lips grazing my ear. She whispers something. Most likely the ritual words of the vow of death said to the prey caught by a Cayne. I look into her eyes and see one thing. A terrible longing. Most likely for the soul I hold within myself.


I pull her to me then through her to the ground. Almost instantly I am astride her saying the words. The Ritual words.

Death befalls you
Your life for mine
Pain from you
Thus I keep
Forever and on

The promise that when I take her life I will forever feel her pain. I look into these young girls eyes and long for a time that I will never have to take another life. Never have to do this to survive. I lean down, my lips hovering over hers.
"I'm sorry," I say as her eyes widen. When I breathe in a luminescent fog follows the path of my breath. From her to I.

When all of the life fades from her I role onto my back and try to see the stars through the thick roof of trees. Even on a perfect night like tonight I still feel like I am in a hail storm. The most perfect of night was most likely the reason this girl was out so late. One last look at the girl whose body will never be found. She is lighter then I would have thought, but then again a soul can carry a heavy burden. A burden that is now mine to carry. So many lives lost. So many memories from those lives. This child lived a good life, but she was a mere age of fourteen.

Her name was Haley.