Adopted By My Chemical Romance

Smashed Windows And Non-Existent Hearts

That day I had a bad feeling like something was going to happen. It turns out I was right. My friends didn’t believe me. After nothing happening the whole day I was thinking that I was just being paranoid. But after my parents didn’t show up for almost an hour and a half after school ended, I was getting worried. No phone calls, no other people to pick me up. I had called both cells and the home phone. No answer. It didn’t even ring but went straight to voice mail. I was the last person there. I decided to just walk home. It was quite a way even without all of my books. It took me well over an hour to walk, but I finally made it. I opened up the garage door and turned off the alarm. The car wasn’t inside the garage so they were out some where. The dog started barking in the background. Dakota was a huge bull mastiff. I also had four ferrets. I went to go look upstairs to see if anybody was home. Nobody was. There was no sign of where they went. Dakota was barking and looking out the front window. I went to the door and opened it. There were two police men coming to the door.

“Are you Nicole Likner?” one woman asked

“Yeah is there something I can help you with?” I said with a hint of nervousness in my voice

“We are sorry to tell you but both of your parents died in a car crash.” The other man said

“Impossible” it was the only word that came into mind.

Other than that I was speechless. I walked back inside. They followed me.

“You need to pack your stuff up and get your animals ready to be boarded, until we can find a place for you.”

I heard someone calling my name. I guess it was time to wake up but I still was tired. I had had that dream almost every night since then and that was almost two months ago. I had seen plenty of stuck up preps get out of here but nobody wanted me, and I wanted nobody.

“Get up out of bed and get dressed now!” yelled my “caretaker” Sylvia

“Why in the hell would I be getting up at 8 in the fucking morning?” I yelled

“Because I think I can finally get ride of your sorry little ass!”

I was stunned. I turned back to my room because I had ventured out into the hall. I put on my normal black baggy jeans, a black shirt with an intricate design and my black converse. I threw on my Aiden hoodie. I walked down to the kitchen. I saw food on the table so I grabbed a plate and put pancakes on it. I was eating them as Sylvia walked in.

“And why are you eating? You’re supposed to be in the office.” She said sternly

“It’s because I’m hungry. Remember I didn’t get dinner last night.”

“Don’t be snotty to me. Just go.”

“I know you just love me.”



“Emo hag.”


We continued this down the hall until we reached the office. She opened the door and plastered a fake smile onto her face.

“This is Nicole Likner and Nicole these are the people who want to adopt you.” She said

I knew that the five guys sitting in the chairs looked familiar but I couldn’t put a name on them. It was when they stood up and started introducing themselves I realized who they were.

“Hi I’m Gerard this is Mikey my little brother then there’s Bob…”

“Frank and ray I know.”

“Cool so then I guess you listen to our music?” frank asked

“Ya so you guys want to adopt me? There are plenty of other kids who you could adopt.”

“We want to adopt you not some other kid.” Gerard said

“Nicole why don’t you get your stuff together and then go to the main lobby.” She said snottily

“Whatever bitch” I said under my breath.

She didn’t hear me thankfully. I walked out of the door. I had to run before they could adopt me. I hated “families” all they did was ruin your life and make you miserable. I would rather be out on the streets than with them. I really didn’t care if they were famous and I liked their music. I grabbed the stuff I had and put it in my backpack. My room was on the second floor but I had jumped out of the window before and made it safely to the ground. I went over to the window and tried to open it. It was nailed to the frame. I grabbed a chair and threw it at the window. The window broke and the chair fell out. I went back over to the window and slung my backpack out of it. I jumped. A piece of glass cut into my foot when I landed but I didn’t care. I grabbed my backpack and ran. I could hear kids shouting and then I heard Sylvia’s voice racing after me. I kept running and didn’t turn back. If I would have looked behind me I would have seen Frank right behind me. I started to slow down when I heard his foot steps pounding behind me. I sprinted for the woods. I knew where there were great hiding places in there. If I could make it to my cave then I would be safe. I couldn’t run that fast for very long. I felt someone tackle me. I was pushed to the ground and got a mouthful of dirt.