It's Better If You Do


Silence had fallen soon after the two were alerted of Fred's departure. Rose was still staring off into space, her eyes distant and sorrowful, while George had an equally solemn expression that was out of place for the exuberent twin. His hand was still on her shoulder, and it was more than comforting to the forlorn girl. Far from her mind was her utterly crippling shyness, seeing as her sister's tradgedy was taking up all her attention.

George's entire outlook on Bellamy had changed, and even though Rose had told him not to, he truly felt sorry for her. The poor girl. To have been willing to spend the rest of her life with someone, and then to be told, 'Sorry; changed my mind. You weren't good enough'. He didn't blame Bellamy for her actions. Not to mention Rose. She hadn't exactly gotten a great part of it, either. Her sister meant the world to her, and now she was left with a shell of what her sister used to be, with no way to fix anything. A sudden savage urge to rip Julian to shreds violently shook him, and he sighed darkly, shaking his head.

Rose spoke quietly, her voice low, "I would give anything to go back and make her never have met him. I miss her so much. The saddest part is she's physically here, well, not now, obviously... but, she's just not here anymore."

As he watched her lip quiver, he pulled her closer and her head rested on his shoulder. She sniffled lightly, and he gave her an affectionate squeeze. George was suddenly reminded of Ginny- though his sister was much bolder- and he missed her terribly.

When he spoke, it was very gentle and full of kindness, though at the end he couldn't help but to joke. "I don't break promises, Rosie. If I say she'll come around, she'll come around. Even if that means Fred and I will have to be quiet, thoughtful, sincere, and agree with whatever your sister says."

She laughed quietly. "If you did that, then you'd have no customers."

"We've got some galleons to spare," he teased, though not as rambunctiously as he usually would. He lightly tapped her on the arm, and she straightened up. Getting to his feet, he helped her up as well. "Come along then. Is there anything of particular interest you feel like working on until they get back?"

She thought for a moment, then tilted her head, and asked, "If you don't have any more Pygmy Puffs left, then how do you breed them?"

"We buy regular sized Puffskeins at the Magical Menagerie. It only takes us a few weeks- sometimes a month- to breed them down, but we'll have Pygmy Puffs back in no time. Speaking of Pygmy Puffs, where's Ryussi?" George asked casually, noting the abscence of the purple fluffball on her shoulder.

Her blue eyes widened dramatically, her jaw dropping. And she sped from the room, calling behind her, and to herself, "I forgot him! Oh, the poor dear!"

George smiled slightly at the girl's devotion, he walked slowly from the room, pushing back the curtain, making his way to the front of the shop. He listened for her, wondering where exactly she had left him. It didn't take long for him to locate her on the second floor. He walked towards the door casually, still keeping in her line of sight.

"I'm so so sorry, Ryussi!" she said earnestly, as the Pygmy Puff squeaked in obvious delight at her reappearance. "I promise not to leave you for so long ever again."

"You treat him like a child." George called, laughing.

Glancing down at him sourly, with a twinkle in her eyes to show she wasn't serious, she retorted, "So what? He's just a baby."

He merely rolled his eyes, and gestured for the door. "Puffskeins are just waiting for your tender love and care. Let's not keep them waiting."

Rose stuck out her tongue at him, but nonetheless came down the stairs rather quickly. She tripped lightly to his side, the Pygmy Puff at his rightful place on her left shoulder. "Let's go then."

He swept into a low bow, opening the door for her, "After you, Mademoiselle."

Raising her eyebrow, an approving smile on her face; she nodded at him. "That was a very gentlemenly thing to do, Monsieur Weasley."

Snorting, he set off toward the Magical Menagerie with her following closely behind. Though it was the lunchtime lull, Diagon Alley was never completely not busy. Witches and Wizards bustled from shop to shop, often looking harried or delighted with their purchases. It was loud, but comforting, Rose thought.

It turned out that Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was not far at all from the Magical Menagerie, and again George opened the door for Rose, to which she quietly said her thanks, before turning her full on attention the the pet shop. It was extraordinarily crowded with cages, but this fazed neither George nor Rose as they went off in opposite directions.

Walking slowly around the shop, she didn't mind the odors of the many animals or the symphony of sounds made by the many inhabitants. Orange dangerous looking slugs oozed up the sides of their tanks, while red toads bellowed loudly to their heart's content. White mice turned round in round in the wheels of their cages, and small canaries chirped harmonies with one another. It was a good thing they hadn't inquired here, Rose thought darkly. Bellamy would have thrown a fit at all the noise.

Taking care to put Ryussi in her pocket, she approached the wide variety of cats with a beaming smile. Rose began petting as many as she could, and they all crowded for her attention, mewling and rubbing against her hands eagerly. There were full grown cats, but plenty of kittens, too. One caught Rose's eye, in particular. All orange, black and white with wide blue eyes, and fluffy as could be. It was smaller than the others, and it took her a longer time to move about, as all the others pushed her out of the way.

Rose immediately picked her up, and cuddled her close, scratching behind her ears. The kitten's purrs were louder than she would have thought, and she chuckled to herself quietly.

Animals were the light of the world to her, and she wished every one would have felt the same as she. How could someone not love such a sweet creature, with all affection and need? Shaking her head, she sadly put the kitten back, her eyes filled with incredible longing as the kitten gave her a pitifully sad meow.

George had been watching the entire time as he bought the Puffskeins, and he chatted casually with the witch whom he had a friendly basis with, due to the fact he was in here every other week. "Say, how long have you had that kitten she's holding?"

The woman craned her neck to see, pushing her heavy black spectacles on her nose properly. "Oh," she said, seeing Rose. "About two weeks. It was the runt of the litter. Unhealthy little thing, it is. I've nursed it, but it's not getting enough attention."

"Hmmm..." he mused, as he watched her set the kitten back down. He smiled at her as she handed him the box of Puffskeins. "Thanks again."

"Anytime!" she called, smiling back as he walked away.

Rose joined him without a word, brushing the cat fur off her shirt absentmindedly. George didn't comment on her behavior, and to which she was glad. The twins had been hospitable enough, and she didn't need to throw a kitten into the bargain. She pulled Ryussi out of her pocket, setting him back on her shoulder.

"Do you suppose you know where they are?" Rose asked, looking around for her sister and the other twin.

George pondered this for a moment. Where would Bellamy go? he thought, looking around. He knew Fred had already more than likely found her, but then where would they go? It suddenly hit him, and he began tugging Rose in the opposite direction.

"I know just the place," he said confidently.