It's Better If You Do

Vinqt et Une.

Looking around the shop sleepily, she almost didn't notice the sight of Bellamy dragging Fred out of the store. A small laugh escaped her, and she felt an extreme surge of love towards her protective older sister. This wasn't the first time Bellamy had done it, and it was probably why Rose hadn't had much experience with the opposite gender. It had never bothered her, except once when Rose had liked the boy for a very long time. But, Bellamy had been right, and she now trusted her sister explicitly when it came to boys.

Rumpling her now even more fussed hair, she stood up slowly, and stretched. A noise almost like a purr of a cat escaped her, as her joints popped and creaked in protest at having been in one place for so long. Feeling slightly dizzy, she took a few staggering steps before regaining her normal walking ability.

"I see you had a fine nap," George noted, as she came down the stairs. Once again, he was reminded of Ginny, as Rose simply nodded and made her way to the backroom, stumbling every now and then. It was a bit... he searched for the word he was looking for, cute. Not in the attractive sort of way, but in the pat her on the head and do nice things for her kind of way. Blondes had never been his forte, anyways...

Rose closed the door to the top of the stairs, and immediately began pulling out her toiletries and her favorite pair of pajamas, matching all of them correctly. She had a slight problem with mismatched clothing; she had many a time rearranged Bellamy's entire wardrobe, even though she knew it infuritiated her sister.

Looking back at the door suspiciously, she grabbed her wand, pointed it at the door, and flicked her wrist and the door's lock immediately clicked. Rose, nodding with satisfaction, picked up her things and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She would not put it past the ginger headed boy to try and pull a prank on her while she was unaware.

A shower would wake her up, and, grimacing in the mirror once she saw the ratty state her hair was in, it would give her a chance to brush out her long hair. Not to mention her eye makeup was smeared all over the place. She sighed, and turned on the hot water, waiting for it to warm up.

Methodically stripping down, she laid out her clothes in a neat order, and noticed there weren't any towels. Frowning, she looked under the cabinet beneath the sink, and found a nice white stack of them, though a bit worn looking. She set one beside her clothing, and lightly stuck her hand under the faucet, and readjusted the temperature to her liking.

As she pulled up the stopper, and stepped in, she noticed that her hands were still pretty messed up, though she hadn't felt them in hours. Rose disregarded this fact, because she bruised and cut up so easily; it was a running joke between her and Bellamy to see how many times a week she'd have something wrong with her.

Downstairs, George was wondering what kind of talk Bellamy was having with his twin. He grimaced, remembering how angry she had been just because of going through her personal things. From the way the petite brunette acted, however, she would have burned the trunk in an instant if she thought her sister was in danger. Bellamy was probably skinning Fred alive for hurting her sister in any way.

Though Rose had denied liking Fred, it was obvious to him, and apparently to Bellamy, too, or she wouldn't have pulled him out of the shop the way she did.

George thought about Rose's character, trying to make as many conclusions as possible. She had a sense of humor. That was evident from the way she played games with him and Fred. She adored animals and children, though there was a bit of a seriousness to her tone when she talked to him about that little girl.

He began vanishing the vomit from the cauldrons on the Skiving Snackboxes, and sweeping the floor as he pondered the younger of the two very close sisters, trying to keep his mind off of how hungry he was, though he had eaten just hours before.

She had warmed up to both of them throughout the day, but she still was quite shy, and from how protective Bellamy was of her, it was probably inexperince that triggered her blushes more than anything.

George compared his very experienced savvy brother to Rose and frowned, before shaking his head. Let Fred worry about her; he had bigger fish to fry.

From behind him, he heard quiet footsteps padding across the hardwood floor, and he turned, and commented, with a smirk, "You look comfortable."

Smiling, she looked down at her clothing, "I am comfortable." Rose smiled wryly, and joked with George, "I decided to be rebellious and break the system of your tyrannious showering laws."

He chortled, and leaned against the broom. "I don't think my punishment can be any worse than what Fred's getting right now."

Grinning darkly, she nodded. "You're absolutely right. If he survives, it'll be just barely, and he'll have an even healthier respect for Bellamy than he did before. You would know."

George winced as a deluge of memories of the brunette's glares filled his mind, and shook his head grimly. "May he rest in peace."

Rose laughed, and sat down on a desk, brushing her long wet hair. "Indeed."

He watched as she softly pulled at the tangles, wincing at how large they were. Curious, he asked, "Why don't you just cut it? It'd be easier."

She thought about it, and answered, "Because if I didn't have my long hair, I'd feel like half of me was missing. It'd be like losing an arm or a leg. I'd be reaching up to play with it, and it wouldn't be there anymore. Phantom Limb Syndrom."

He smirked again. "I didn't know you were so vain."

Her hand froze in brushing her hair, and she shot him a look, her eyes narrowed. If there was anything not to call Rose, vain was one of them. The girls at Beauxbatons had tormented and teased her day and night whenever she would even glance in a mirror, though no one would say a thing to Fleur.

"I am not vain. I simply love my hair. Atleast I don't act like Fleur about it." she spat.

Surprised at her vehement reaction, he conceded with a nod, and her face relaxed, as she began again on the other side of her head. Merlin's Beard, he thought with a shake of his head, and I thought Mum was touchy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's Rose's pajamas.